JBWCP Insurance Brokerage and Consulting Services

RFP Number: HR-201101-RB

The AOC seeks to identify and retain one qualified proposer with expertise in insurance brokerage, risk management consultation services, and specifically California workers’ compensation consultative services for the purpose of further developing and maintaining the existing Judicial Branch Worker’s Compensation Program (JBWCP). This includes the need for expertise in a self insured workers’ compensation environment, and knowledge and ability to forecast the expected ultimate value of outstanding workers’ compensation liability.

The selected proposer is expected to have demonstrated public sector experience, program implementation, and program development skills. The proposer will not only have previous expertise in providing insurance brokerage and consulting services, but will also have the organizational capabilities to produce a cost-effective solution which integrates the highest standards of quality and service levels to the entire judicial branch.

Questions should be directed to solicitations@jud.ca.gov by 1:00 pm Pacific Time, July 20, 2011.

Proposals must be received by 3:00 pm Pacific Time, August 3, 2011.

Hard copy proposals must be delivered to:
Judicial Council of California
Administrative Office of the Courts
Attn: Nadine McFadden, RFP No. HR-201101-RB
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 7th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102-3688

Further information regarding this solicitation is set forth in Request for Proposal (RFP) No. HR 201101 RB.

Request for Proposals, RFP-JBWCP-HR-021101-RB

Attachment A, Administrative Rules Governing Requests for Proposals

Attachment B, Contract Terms and Conditions

Attachment C, Proposer’s Acceptance of the RFP’s Contract Terms and Conditions

Attachment D, Reference Form

Attachment E, Cost/Fee Proposal Form

Attachment F, Payee Date Record Form

Appendix I, Judicial Branch Workers’ Compensation Program Court Enrollment Dates

Appendix II, Guidelines for Transfer of Administration of Claims

Appendix III, Runoff Claim Data Validation and Collection Template

Questions and Answers

Notice of Cancellation