Oral Arguments in Prop. 8 Cases on September 6
Contact: Lynn Holton, Public Information Officer, 415-865-7740/7726
Sept 2, 2011
State Supreme Court to Hear Oral Arguments in Prop. 8 Cases on September 6
San Francisco—The California Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Perry v. Brown, S189476, from 10 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, September 6, 2011, in the Supreme Court Courtroom, Earl Warren Building, 350 McAllister Street, San Francisco.
The Perry case involves whether the official proponents of Proposition 8 have legal standing to defend the measure in a case now pending before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, based in San Francisco. In January 2011, the federal court asked the California Supreme Court to review the standing issue. After considering the matter, the Supreme Court agreed to do so.
Because of widespread public interest in the Perry case, the Supreme Court has approved a live statewide television broadcast of oral arguments on the California Channel, a public affairs cable network. For information on satellite coordinates, call 916-444-9792.
The court also has approved pooling arrangements for TV and radio stations, which will be located in front of the Earl Warren Building. In addition, an overflow viewing area will be available for the press and public in the Milton Marks Conference Center Auditorium, located on the lower level of the Hiram W. Johnson State Office Building, 455 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco (map).
The court has posted legal briefs in Perry v. Brown on the California Courts Web site.
The court’s calendar for September 6 and 7, 2011, is posted online. The court will hold a special session at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, on September 7.
There are no more press seats available in the courtroom.