ID/IQ Special Inspection & Materials Testing Services, RFP-FS-2021-05-MB

Update: December 15, 2021
Notice of Intent to Award

Update: November 15, 2021
Notice of Shortlist for Interviews

Update: October 19, 2021
Questions and Answers

The Judicial Council seeks proposals from special inspection and materials testing firms with highly qualified, properly certified consultants and labs with expertise and technical qualifications related to special inspections and materials testing services required in various phases of the repair or construction of court buildings.

Multiple firms will be selected to enter into a Master Agreement ("Agreement") with the Judicial Council for Special Inspection & Materials Testing Services. The scope and number of projects and tasks are unknown at the time of contract execution, and firms may be assigned or awarded various projects and tasks often in competition with other firms, as may arise, based on the location and nature of the services required and the qualifications and resources of the Consultants.

An optional pre-proposal conference will be held on Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 3:00 PM Pacific Time.

Questions regarding the RFP should be submitted in writing to the Judicial Council via no later than 5:00 PM Pacific Time on Tuesday, October 12, 2021.

Proposals must be received by no later than 5:00 PM Pacific Time on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.

Please refer to Section 8.1 of the Request for Proposal for the full details of the projected timeline.
Only electronic proposals will be accepted. For electronic submission of proposals, email your proposal to the following email addresses by the proposal due date and time:

For Non-Cost Proposal email to:  
For Cost Proposal email to:

Note: Indicate the RFP number and name of Proposer’s organization in the subject line of the email.
Further details regarding the project services, work requirements, and submission requirements of the proposals and attachments are set forth in the Request for Proposal and the related documents listed below.  All Attachments are posted to this RFP website as separate documents:

Request for Proposal RFP-FS-2021-05-MB

Attachment A.       Administrative Rules Governing Requests for Proposals
Attachment B.       Qualification Questionnaire Form (Revised 10/19/21)
Attachment C.      Acceptance of Terms & Conditions Form
Attachment D.      Duties and Performance Special Inspection & Materials Testing (Revised 10/19/21)
Attachment E.       Regional Map
Attachment F.       Geographical Service Area Form
Attachment G.      Fee Schedule
Attachment G-1.   Fee Schedule Worksheets
Attachment H.      Sample Master Agreement
Attachment I.        Form for Submission of Questions
Attachment J.       Payee Data Record Form
Attachment K.       Payee Data Record Supplement
Attachment L.       Bidder Declaration
Attachment M.      DVBE Declaration
Attachment N.      General Certifications Form
Attachment O.      Unruh Civil Rights Act Certification
Attachment P.       Darfur Contracting Act Certification
Attachment Q.      Iran Contracting Act Certification