Manual On Procedural Fairness And Applicable Best Practices For The California Courts

RFP Number: EOP-0108-RB

EOP seeks the services of a consultant with expertise in California trial and appellate court procedure, strategies and techniques regarding achievement of procedural fairness, and formulation of recommendations for the California courts, in order to develop and produce a comprehensive manual regarding procedural fairness and applicable best practices for the California Courts. The manual will contain effective techniques, tools for judges and court staff, best practices and model court programs - i.e., contents that are readily adaptable to court, education, and interactive Web environments. Ultimately, the manual will contain a variety of strategies and programs in order to help support the branch policy to achieve procedural fairness in all types of cases, articulated in Justice in Focus, the Strategic Plan for California's Judicial Branch, 2006-2012 (e.g., "Work to achieve procedural fairness in all types of cases," p. 28). Upon its completion, the manual will be distributed to every court in the state, and will further serve as a resource to develop educational courses and to identify best practices for the trial and appellate courts.

Written proposals must be received no later than Monday, 1:00 p.m., March 4, 2008.

Hard copy proposals must be delivered to:
Judicial Council of California
Administrative Office of the Courts
Attn: Nadine McFadden - EOP-0108-RB
455 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102

Further information regarding this solicitation is set forth in Request for Proposal (RFP) No. EOP-0108-RB.

Request for Proposal

List of Attachments

    Attachment A - Administrative Rules Governing RFPs
    DOC Format (72 KB) | PDF Format (30 KB)
    Posted: February 5, 2008

    Attachment B - Terms and Conditions
    DOC Format (188 KB) | PDF Format (83 KB)
    Posted: February 5, 2008

    Attachment C - Technical Proposal
    DOC Format (38 KB)
    Posted: February 5, 2008

    Attachment D - Fee Proposal
    DOC Format (120 KB)
    Posted: February 5, 2008

    Attachment E - Contract Exceptions Form
    DOC Format (31 KB) | PDF Format (8 KB)
    Posted: February 5, 2008

    Attachment F - Payee Data Record Form
    PDF Format (162 KB)
    Posted: February 5, 2008

Questions and Answers


Notice of Intent to Award