Minor Representation in Juvenile Court Proceedings, Superior Court of California, County of Santa Barbara
The Superior Court of California, County of Santa Barbara (Court) and the AOC seek to identify and retain qualified service providers to provide high quality, cost-effective representation for minors in juvenile dependency proceedings in the Court. This Request For Proposals (RFP) is the means for prospective service providers to submit their qualifications to the AOC and request selection as a service provider.
The Court and the AOC seek proposals for separate and distinct offices to serve the North County (Santa Maria/Lompoc/Solvang) and South County (Santa Barbara) Courts, as defined in Santa Barbara Superior Court Rules, Chapter 2, part 201. (https://www.sbcourts.org/ff/local-rules.shtm). The AOC intends to award a contract through the end of the current fiscal year (June 30th), with an option to renew on an annual basis for two one-year extensions.
Bidders may submit proposals detailing services for the North County Court only, for the South County Court only, or for the entire county.
A mandatory pre-proposal conference call will be held on September 3, 2004 at 1 p.m.
Consultants are asked to submit proposals by 1 p.m. on September 13, 2004.
For further information regarding this RFP, please contact Leah Wilson, Project Manager, Administrative Office of the Courts, Center for Families, Children & the Courts, 455 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, California, 94102. Telephone: 415-865-7977, E-mail: Leah.Wilson@jud.ca.gov.
- Entire RFP in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, (330 KB)
- Addendum 1 in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, (126 KB)