Court Clerk Training Institute, RFP# CRS SP 439

Update: August 6, 2024
Intent to Award


The Judicial Council of California seeks proposals from hotels for sleeping rooms for March 16-21, 2025, and April 6-11, 2025, and May 11-16, 2025, in Sacramento, California. 

Proposals must be received by END OF DAY Pacific Time, July 8, 2024. 

E-mail proposals to:  Subject line: RFP No. CRS SP 439 Court Clerk Training Institute.

Further information regarding this solicitation is set forth in Request for Proposals (RFP) No. CRS SP 439.

The Judicial Council of California, Conference and Registration Services, does not retain the services of third party or outsourced representation.  All quoted rates are to be net, non-commissionable.