Equal Access

Materials for Providers of Legal Self-Help Service

How Can Judges Communicate Effectively With Self-Represented Litigants?

How Can Judges Communicate Effectively With Self-Represented Litigants?

    "For Judges to Consider," from User-Friendly Justice: Making Courts More Accessible, Easier to Understand and Simpler to Use, by the American Judicature Society

    Nonverbal Communication Categories

    Pro Se Expectations

    Small Group Discussion Problems

    "Are Courts Encouraging Pro Se Litigants?," by Diana Digges, from Lawyer's Weekly.com (February 5, 2001)

    "A Court That Works, and Anticipating Y2K," by Diana Richmond, Esq., from California Family Law Monthly (October 1999)

    "Judicial Assistance" from Meeting the Challenge of Pro Se Litigation: A Report and Guidebook for Judges and Court Managers, published by the American Judicature Society

    "And Justice for All - Including the Underrepresented Poor: Revisiting the Roles of the Judges, Mediators, and Clerks," by Russell Engler, from the Fordham Law Review, vol. 67 (1999)