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JCC Web Standards & Usability Guidelines

Content Development

Content Principles

Preparing content for the web is different than writing for print. Simply trying to apply content from a Word document on to a web page is not adequate. Because of the way users read on the web, and the way we are able to link one area to the next, content needs to be optimized for the web before it can be published.

  1. Place important information first: website visitors will initially scan the page to locate key information. Place important information or a call to action in the first or second paragraph. Use an “inverted pyramid” to cascade information down the remainder of the page.
  2. Chunk it: due to inherent challenge of reading on screen, your customers will appreciate short, bulleted information, rather than long-winded prose, no matter how refined your writing skills are.
  3. Use plain English: wherever possible, use plain English over legal jargon or buzzwords. For example: “Ticket” over “Citation.” While it’s sometimes impossible to avoid a legal term for clarity or accuracy, strive to speak in a conversational tone in your web content.
  4. Be concise. Be Active: avoid sentences of more than 25 words. To help write, crisp sentences, use the active voice and avoid the passive voice. For example:
    No: The form must be signed and submitted to the approving official
    Yes: Sign the form and submit it to the approving official.

  5. Be consistent: Consistently apply style guidelines, capitalization, terminology, and spelling. Internal consistency looks professional and is more likely to instill user confidence. A consistent approach also prevents potential confusion that could arise from multiple usages of names, titles, and other nomenclature.

Content Upkeep and Maintenance

JCC staff are responsible for ensuring that their web content is timely, accurate, and up-to-date. Web Services has developed a one-page Content Checklist to help staff focus on common site content maintenance tasks.

Content Requests

For adding new web content or edits to existing content, please include legible mark-up document and the URL of the page you are editing (or section to which you wish to add) and send to: webcontent@jud.ca.gov.

Note: Most routine content requests are handled within 24-48 hours. If you have an urgent request, please mark your email as Important (!). Requests involving a page redesign, graphics, or new pages will be reviewed by a Web Communications analyst before processing.