The Bishop Paiute Tribe is a federally recognized tribe with approximately 875 acres of land located in Inyo County California. The tribe has approximately 2,000 members.
Date Court Established: 2003
Background: The court was established by Bishop Paiute Tribal Ordinance No. 2003-03. In 2009, the tribe hired a tribal court judge and a tribal court clerk. The Bishop Paiute Indian Tribal Court heard its first case in April 21, 2009.
Court Cases: Civil
- Adult guardianship
- Employee records
- Environmental protection
- Child support orders
- Illegal fireworks
- Name change and verification
- Nuisance
- Public safety (restraining orders)
- Rental minimal housing standards
- Tribal small claims
- Tribal mortgage lending and unlawful detainer
- Truancy
- Vicious dog
Chief Judge: Hon. Gary E. LaRance