Judicial Council Technology Committee 2020 Meetings


December 14, 2020 Meeting

December 2 Meeting (Closed)

October 20 Meeting

October 14, 2020 Action by Email


Proposed action by email between meetings under rule 10.75(o) to consider approving the recommended allocations for funding the $25 million in court modernization funding and to clarify the program language to provide additional flexibility to the courts.


October 9, 2020 Meeting

September 14, 2020 Meeting

August 25, 2020 Meeting

July 13, 2020 Meeting

June 8, 2020 Meeting

May 11, 2020 Meeting

April 1, 2020 Action by Email

March 24, 2020 Meeting - CANCELED

March 9, 2020 Meeting

Febuary 10, 2020 Meeting

January 16, 2020 Meeting