Past Proposals

The proposals on this page have circulated for comment. Most of them were subsequently submitted to the Judicial Council for action. To see how the Judicial Council acted on a proposal, please visit the council’s meeting page, where meeting materials and minutes are available.


In general, if a proposal has a suggested January 1 effective date, it would most likely be on the council’s September meeting agenda; if it has a September1 effective date, it would most likely be on the May meeting agenda.

For more information, please see How a Proposal Becomes a Rule (PDF).

Archive of Past Proposals for Public Comment

Draft California Environmental Quality Act Objectives, Criteria, and Procedures (PDF, 1131 KB)
Item Number: SP22-17

The Court Facilities and Trial Court Facility Modification Advisory Committees welcome comments on the draft California Environmental Quality Act Objectives, Criteria, and Procedures, which the committees approved for public comment at a joint meeting on November 8, 2022. This document shall serve as implementing procedures for the Judicial Council pursuant to Public Resources Code § 21082 and California Code of Regulations Title 14, § 15022, which directs California public agencies to adopt objectives, criteria, and procedures for the evaluation of projects and preparation of environmental documents.

Deadline to submit comments: Submit comments by email to by December 9, 2022

Draft Building Official Policy (PDF, 927 KB)
Item Number: SP22-16

The Court Facilities and Trial Court Facility Modification Advisory Committees welcome comments on the draft Building Official Policy, which the committees approved for public comment at a joint meeting on November 8, 2022. This policy sets forth the role, responsibilities, and qualifications of the Judicial Council’s Building Official and establishes the process for appeal of the Building Official’s determinations.

Deadline to submit comments: Submit comments by email to by December 9, 2022

Judicial Council: Change to Advisory Committee Membership Requirements (PDF, 144 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-01

The Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee proposes amending the rule that governs that committee to broaden its membership definition of “presiding judge.” Under the existing rule, only a current or immediate past presiding judge is eligible for membership. The proposal would redefine a “presiding judge” to mean a current presiding judge or one who has served within six years of the year of the appointment as a committee member. In addition, it would extend eligibility for reappointment to an existing presiding or past presiding judge member. Finally, it would limit the Judicial Council’s nonvoting members to the chief administrative officer and the director of Budget Services, thus removing the chief of staff and chief operating officer.

Jury Service: Permanent Medical Excuse (PDF, 327 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-40

The Advisory Committee on Providing Access and Fairness proposes new rule 2.1009 to establish a process for a person with a disability to request a permanent medical excuse from jury service in cases where the individual, with or without accommodations, including the provision of auxiliary aides or services, is incapable of performing jury service. Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) considered authoring a bill in this area last year but deferred introducing the legislation in order to give the Judicial Council the opportunity to address the issue through the adoption of a uniform rule of court.

Court Records: Retention of Original Wills and Codicils and of Court Records in Gun Violence Cases (PDF, 61 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-02

Judicial Branch Education: Minimum Requirements for Judicial Council Staff (PDF, 98 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-15

Trial Courts: Financial Policies and Procedures (PDF, 91 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-01

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Ethics Standards for Neutral Arbitrators in Contractual Arbitration (PDF, 225 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-01

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Judicial Arbitration (PDF, 254 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-01

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Judicial Arbitration (PDF, 95 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-01

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Ethics Standards for Neutral Arbitrators in Contractual Arbitration (PDF, 182 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-02

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Mediator's Statement of Agreement or Nonagreement and Statistical Reports to Judicial Council (PDF, 154 KB)
Item Number: W11-01

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Judicial Arbitration Statutes (PDF, 30 KB)
Item Number: LEG10-06

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Order Appointing Referee (PDF, 135 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-03

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Mediator's Statement of Agreement or Nonagreement and Statistical Reports to Judicial Council (PDF, 138 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-02

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Case Management Statement (PDF, 317 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-01

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Qualifications of Mediators in Court-Connected Mediation for General Civil Cases (PDF, 199 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-01

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Access to Hearings and Records in Proceedings Before Temporary Judges and Referees (PDF, 210 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-02

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Procedures for Addressing Complaints About Court-Program Mediators for Civil Cases (PDF, 478 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-10

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Procedures for Addressing Complaints About Court-Program Mediators for Civil Cases (PDF, 369 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-11

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Mandatory Settlement Conferences (PDF, 294 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-12

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Access to Hearings and Records in Proceedings Before Temporary Judges and Referees (PDF, 526 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-13

Appellate Procedure: Civil Case Information Statement, Calendar Preference, and Extension of Time (PDF, 1578 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-02

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes revising Civil Case Information Statement (form APP-004) to allow the appellant to provide a nonstatutory reason why the appeal is eligible for calendar preference and amending rule 8.100 to require the civil case information statement to be filed within 15 days after the Court of Appeal lodges the notice of appeal and assigns the appeal a case number. The Appellate Advisory Committee also proposes adopting a new mandatory form for requesting extensions of time to file a brief in misdemeanor appeals, revising all existing forms for requesting an extension of time to file briefs to make the forms mandatory, and revising the rules to reflect this new mandatory status. This proposal originated with a suggestion from the former Chief Justice’s Appellate Caseflow Workgroup and a committee member.

Appellate Procedure: Expanded Clerk’s Transcript in Felony Appeals (PDF, 348 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-03

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending California Rules of Court, rule 8.320 to authorize the Courts of Appeal to require, by local rule, that the clerk’s transcript in felony appeals include either (1) all contents of the superior court file or (2) additional items from the superior court file beyond those currently required in rule 8.320(b). This proposal is designed to help minimize delays in felony appeals occasioned by the need to cure omissions from, or make augmentations to, the clerk’s transcript. This proposal originated from a recommendation of the former Chief Justice’s Appellate Caseflow Workgroup.

Appellate Procedure: Deadline for Amicus Curiae Briefs (PDF, 272 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-04

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending California Rules of Court, rule 8.200 to provide a deadline for filing an application to file an amicus brief when no respondent’s brief has been filed. The current rule requires that applications to file an amicus brief be filed within 14 days after the reply brief “is filed or could have been filed.” The rule, however, does not provide a deadline in cases where the respondent does not file a brief and, therefore, there is no reply brief. The proposed amendment would close this gap in the rules. This proposal originated with a suggestion from the Family Violence Appellate Project.

Appellate Procedure: Form Briefs for Use in Limited Civil Appeals (PDF, 1286 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-05

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes the approval of three optional forms that parties in limited civil appeals can use to draft their appellate briefs and an information sheet that explains the use of these form briefs. Additionally, the committee proposes amending one rule of court and revising one form to address these new form briefs. The new form briefs are intended to assist self-represented litigants and attorneys unfamiliar with appellate practice in drafting effective briefs in limited civil appeals before the appellate division. The proposal originated with a suggestion from the California Lawyers Association.

Criminal Procedure: Racial Justice Act (PDF, 1549 KB)
Item Number: W24-01

The Appellate Advisory Committee and the Criminal Law Advisory Committee propose amending rules 4.551, 8.385, and 8.386 of the California Rules of Court and revising Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (form HC-001), Motion to Vacate Conviction or Sentence (form CR-187), and Order on Motion to Vacate Conviction or Sentence (form CR-188) to implement the Racial Justice Act, which prohibits the state from seeking or obtaining a conviction or sentence based on race, ethnicity, or national origin.

Judicial Branch Administration: Procedures for Submitting Contentions Regarding Administration of the Courts of Appeal (PDF, 262 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-01

The Administrative Presiding Justices Advisory Committee is proposing a new rule to establish procedures for submitting to administrative presiding justices contentions that an administrative presiding justice or presiding justice has not properly addressed or managed an important matter related to the administration of a Court of Appeal or a division of a Court of Appeal. This proposal is based on a recommendation from the Appellate Caseflow Workgroup and would advance the efficient, effective, and just administration of the Courts of Appeal.

Appellate Procedure: Time for Electing and Filing an Appendix (PDF, 1467 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-03

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending the rules regarding appendixes to allow appellants to file an appendix before filing the opening brief and to allow respondents to elect an appendix when their other record designations are due. The changes are intended to assist courts and litigants by permitting earlier filing of an appendix, which could assist with briefing and courts’ consideration of petitions for writ of supersedeas, and to provide respondents the opportunity to elect an appendix after receiving notice that the appellant has designated a clerk’s transcript. The committee proposes revising several forms to reflect the rule changes and revoking two forms that would no longer be necessary. The proposal originated with suggestions from an appellate attorney in Berkeley and a bar association in San Diego.   

Appellate Procedure: Remote Appearances at Oral Argument in the Appellate Division (PDF, 303 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-04

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes updating the rules regarding oral argument in the appellate division to reflect modern videoconferencing technology and facilitate remote appearances. The current rules narrowly provide for videoconferencing at different courts to accommodate appellate division judges who would have to travel to attend oral argument in the same location. Parties are required to appear in person at the court that issued the order or judgment being appealed unless a local rule or appellate division order permits otherwise. This proposal would replace the videoconferencing provisions with broader authorization for remote appearances. The proposal originated with a suggestion from a committee member.

Appellate Procedure: Attachment of Trial Court’s Order to Petition for Review of Summary Denial of Writ Petition (PDF, 271 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-05

To facilitate review on the merits and streamline procedures, the Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending the rule governing petitions for review in the Supreme Court to provide for attachment of the entire trial court order when petitioner seeks review of a Court of Appeal summary denial of a writ petition. Under the current rule, attachments to petitions for review may not exceed 10 pages. The proposal originated with a suggestion from an advisory committee member.   

Appellate Procedure: Forms for Extension of Time (PDF, 583 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-06

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes revising the forms used to request an extension of time to file a brief in the Court of Appeal and the appellate division of the superior court. The revisions would add space for the applicant to indicate the work done to date on the appeal and would correct the item on one form regarding who must be served with the application. On the civil forms, an item indicating that the case has calendar preference would be added. Finally, the item on the forms for the applicant to explain why an extension of time should be granted would be revised to require the applicant to address the relevant factors a court will use to determine whether good cause exists. The proposal originated with suggestions from the Chief Justice’s Appellate Caseflow Workgroup, an appellate project, a county bar association, and a member of the Judicial Council.   

Appellate Procedure: Notice of Appeal Forms (PDF, 1038 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-07

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes revising Notice of Appeal/Cross-Appeal (Unlimited Civil Case) (form APP-002) and Notice of Appeal/Cross-Appeal (Limited Civil Case) (form APP-102) to (1) include an item by which an attorney can join the appeal to challenge an order directing payment of sanctions by the attorney, (2) add an optional item by which the appellant can attach a copy of the judgment or order being appealed, and (3) on form APP-002 highlight the item requesting the date the order or judgment being appealed was entered so that it is not overlooked. This proposal originated in response to a recent California Supreme Court decision and suggestions by the Family Violence Appellate Project and committee members.   

Appellate Procedure: Reporter’s Transcripts (PDF, 392 KB)
Item Number: W23-02

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending several rules relating to the format of reporter’s transcripts and borrowing the record on appeal. Code of Civil Procedure section 271 requires that as of January 1, 2023, a reporter’s transcript must be delivered in electronic form unless a party or person entitled to the transcript requests it in paper format. In recognition that most reporter’s transcripts will be in electronic form, this proposal would allow the transcripts to be in a single volume in most cases and would allow a party lending the record to another party to ask the court reporter to provide a read-only electronic copy of the reporter’s transcript to the borrowing party rather than sending its copy of the reporter’s transcript to the borrowing party. In addition, the proposal would clarify that, when it is submitted by a party in lieu of depositing the estimated cost of the transcript with the court, a certified transcript must comply with specified format requirements. This proposal originated with suggestions from the California Court Reporters Association.

Appellate Procedure: Costs on Appeal (PDF, 912 KB)
Item Number: W23-01

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending the rules governing costs on appeal in civil actions to clarify that the general rule for awarding costs to the prevailing party is subject to exception for statutes requiring a different or additional finding, determination, or analysis. The proposal is responsive to a recent Supreme Court decision and the constitutional principle that rules of court may not be inconsistent with statute.

Court Records: Retention of Reporters’ Transcripts in Felony Appeals (PDF, 977 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-03

To better align the length of time reporters’ transcripts must be kept with the length of time they may be needed and to conform to a recent statutory change, the Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending the rule regarding retention of Court of Appeal records. This proposal would extend the time the Court of Appeal must keep the original or an electronic copy of the reporter’s transcript in cases affirming a felony conviction from 20 years to 75 years. It would also amend the rule to reflect the statutory presumption that an original reporter’s transcript is in electronic form, not paper form. This proposal originated with suggestions from a clerk/executive officer of a Court of Appeal and an attorney at the Supreme Court.

Appellate Procedure and Juvenile Law: Transfer of Jurisdiction to Criminal Court and Appeal from Transfer Orders (PDF, 1588 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-14

In 2018 the Legislature passed Senate Bill 1391 (Lara; Stats. 2018, ch. 1012), which amended Welfare and Institutions Code section 707 to provide that a minor must be at least 16 years of age to be considered for transfer of jurisdiction to criminal court unless the individual for whom transfer is sought was 14 or 15 at the time of the offense, the offense is listed in section 707(b), and the individual was not apprehended until after the end of juvenile court jurisdiction. The Judicial Council took action to implement these age-related changes in the jurisdiction of the juvenile court in 2019, but revoked that action when a split of authority within the California Courts of Appeal arose as to whether these changes were enacted in a constitutional manner. That split was resolved by the California Supreme Court in 2021 in favor of the constitutionality of the legislation. Additionally, legislation was enacted in 2021 to provide an expedited review on the merits from an order granting a motion to transfer. The Appellate Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee propose adopting a new rule of court, amending several other rules, and revising two forms pertaining to the transfer-of-jurisdiction process and juvenile appeals to reflect both legislative changes to the transfer statutes.

CEQA Actions: New Projects and Fees for Expedited Review (PDF, 419 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-01

As mandated by the Legislature, the Judicial Council previously adopted rules and established procedures that implemented a statutory scheme for the expedited resolution of actions and proceedings brought under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) challenging certain projects that qualified for such streamlined procedures. This proposal will implement additional legislation requiring that the Judicial Council amend these rules to include additional projects for streamlined review. The proposal will also implement new and reenacted statutory provisions requiring that, in cases under two of the statutes, the council, by rule of court, establish fees to be paid by those project applicants to the trial court and Court of Appeal for the costs of streamlined CEQA review.

Rules and Forms: Update Language Referring to Persons with Disabilities (PDF, 1298 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-02

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes updating language in several rules and a form to reflect guidelines for referring to persons with disabilities and terminology changes in California statutes. The proposal is based on a suggestion from a county bar association.

CEQA Actions: New Projects and Fees for Expedited Review (PDF, 387 KB)
Item Number: SP21-11

As mandated by the Legislature, the Judicial Council previously adopted rules and established procedures that implemented a statutory scheme for the expedited resolution of actions and proceedings brought under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) challenging certain projects that qualified for such streamlined procedures. This proposal will implement recent legislation requiring that the Judicial Council amend these rules to include additional projects for streamlined review. The proposal will also implement new statutory provisions requiring that, in cases under two of the statutes, the council, by rule of court, establish fees to be paid by those project applicants to the courts for the additional costs of streamlined CEQA review

Appellate Procedure: Electronic Signatures (PDF, 308 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-01

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending two rules of court governing electronic filing in the appellate courts to permit the use of electronic signatures and make other updates. The trial court electronic filing rules have been amended several times recently, including to allow electronic signatures. Several similar amendments for the parallel appellate rules are now being proposed to foster modern e-business practices, promote consistency in the rules and efficiency among stipulating parties, and reduce unnecessary transmission of paper documents. The proposed amendments to rule 8.70 would add a definition for electronic signature and update several other definitions. The amendments to rule 8.75 would authorize the use of electronic signatures on electronic documents filed with the court and reorganize parts of the rule to improve clarity and eliminate redundancies. This proposal originated from the suggestion of an attorney in private practice.

Appellate Procedure: Appeal After Plea of Guilty or Nolo Contendere or Admission of Probation Violation (PDF, 310 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-02

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending the rule that governs initiating an appeal in a felony case after a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or after an admission of a probation violation. In these cases, a certificate of probable cause is required if the defendant seeks to appeal an issue that challenges the validity of the plea or admission. Currently, the rule requires the trial court clerk to mark a notice of appeal “Inoperative” if the defendant did not file the statement requesting a certificate of probable cause or the trial court denied a certificate. However, because an appeal can be based on grounds that do not require a certificate, the clerk must review the notice of appeal and decide whether it should be filed notwithstanding the lack of a certificate. The amendments would reorganize the rule, simplify procedures, and eliminate the onus on the clerk to make a legal decision. The proposal is based on a suggestion from a member of another advisory committee.

Court Records: Retention of Reporters’ Transcripts in Criminal Appeals (PDF, 293 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-01

To conform to a recent statutory change and to better align the length of time reporters’ transcripts must be kept with the length of time they may be needed, the Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending the rule regarding preservation and destruction of Court of Appeal records. Code of Civil Procedure section 271, subdivision (a), no longer requires that an original reporter’s transcript be in paper format. Thus, a provision in rule 10.1028 permitting the court to keep an electronic copy in lieu of an original paper reporter’s transcript should be revised. This proposal would also extend the time the court must keep the original or an electronic copy of the reporter’s transcript in felony appeals to 100 years. The rule’s current requirement to keep the reporter’s transcript for 20 years in any case affirming a criminal conviction does not account for longer sentences or changes in felony sentencing laws. This proposal originated with suggestions from a clerk/executive officer of a Court of Appeal and an attorney at the Supreme Court.

Appellate Procedure: Use of an Appendix in Limited Civil Cases (PDF, 1360 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-02

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes adopting a new rule and amending four current rules to allow litigants in limited civil appeals to use an appendix in lieu of a clerk’s transcript as the record of documents filed in the trial court. The California Rules of Court contain a rule for use of an appendix in the Court of Appeal but do not include such a rule for civil appeals in the appellate division. The proposed rule is based on the existing rule and closely follows its structure and content. To assist litigants in using an appendix, the committee also proposes approving a new form and revising an information sheet and a form for designating the record in limited civil cases. This proposal originated with a suggestion from a judge of the superior court who serves on the appellate division and is a current committee member.

Appellate Procedure: Consent to Electronic Service (PDF, 1048 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-03

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending rules and revising a form to clarify the appellate procedures for electronic service. The proposal would amend rules 8.25, 8.72, and 8.78 of the California Rules of Court and revise form APP-009-INFO. The purpose of the proposed amendments and revisions is to clarify the procedures for electronic service in the Supreme Court and the Courts of Appeal. The proposal originated from the committee’s awareness of a change in the law regarding consent to electronic service.

Appellate Procedure: Date and Time of Filing for Electronically Submitted Documents (PDF, 974 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-04

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending the rule regarding confirmation of receipt and filing of electronically submitted documents to clarify the date and time of filing. Among other things, rule 8.77 of the California Rules of Court currently addresses the receipt date of submissions received after the close of business but is silent as to when a received document is deemed filed. The committee proposes amending rule 8.77 to state that an electronic document that complies with filing requirements is deemed filed on the date and time it was received by the court. This proposal is based on a suggestion from the California Lawyers Association, Committee on Appellate Courts, Litigation Section.

Appellate Procedure: Method of Notice to Court Reporter (PDF, 926 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-05

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending three appellate rules of court for juvenile appeals and writs to update the language regarding the notice the clerk must give to the court reporter to prepare the reporter’s transcript. The requirement that the notice must be “by telephone and in writing” is not found in other appellate rules governing notice to court reporters and the change would provide clerks with more flexibility in how they provide notice. This proposal is based on a suggestion received from the director of juvenile operations at a superior court.

Appellate Procedure: Emergency Orders to Toll and Extend Time (PDF, 233 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-32

To assist the appellate courts in continuing to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Judicial Council recently amended rule 8.66 of the California Rules of Court, the appellate rule governing extensions of time because of a public emergency, to provide for tolling in addition to extending time. The amendments also allow the Chair of the Judicial Council to order tolling or extensions of time for up to 30 days rather than 14 days, and clarify and simplify various provisions of the rule. The rule was amended prior to circulation because of the courts’ urgent need for these changes to take effect immediately. The chairs of the Judicial Council’s six internal committees are now circulating the rule and seeking comments following amendment of the rule. The internal committee chairs will recommend further amendments, based on the comments, if appropriate.

Appellate Procedure, Juvenile Law: Access to Juvenile Case Files in Appellate Court Proceedings (PDF, 1389 KB)
Item Number: W20-02

Summary: To implement recent Judicial Council–sponsored legislation amending the statute that governs access to records in a juvenile case, the Appellate Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee propose amending the rules regarding confidentiality in juvenile court and appellate court proceedings. The statutory amendment provides that individuals who petitioned for, and by order of the juvenile court were granted access to, the juvenile case file are entitled to access those same records for purposes of appellate court proceedings in which they are parties. This proposal would revise a number of forms to add a new notice about access to records on review and make other clarifying changes. The committees also propose a new information sheet to assist those litigants who must file a petition to request access to records.
Deadline to Submit comments: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at 5:00 pm.

Appellate Procedure: Appointment of Counsel in Misdemeanor Appeals (PDF, 1218 KB)
Item Number: W20-01

Summary: To implement the California Supreme Court's decision in Gardner v. Appellate Division of Superior Court (2019) 6 Cal.5th 998, the Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending the rule regarding appointment of counsel in misdemeanor appeals to expand the circumstances under which the appellate division must appoint counsel for an indigent defendant. The proposal would also revise two forms to be consistent with the rule amendments.
Deadline to Submit comments: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at 5:00 pm.

Appellate Procedure: Notice of appeal and the record in civil commitment cases, SPR19-01 (PDF, 964 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-01

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes a new rule of court describing the required contents of the normal record on appeal for civil commitment cases and a new notice of appeal form for civil commitment cases. This proposal is in response to a suggestion from a member of this committee and is intended to provide needed guidance to litigants and the courts and ensure that appellate records in civil commitment cases are complete.

Appellate Procedure: Form of Filed Documents in the Appellate Division, SPR19-02 (PDF, 615 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-02

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes the adoption of a new rule of court governing the form of filed documents in the appellate division. The rule is intended to provide clarity to litigants, court staff, and judges as to the proper formatting of applications, motions, and other documents to be filed in the appellate division. This proposal is in response to a suggestion from a member of this committee.

Appellate Procedure: Advisement of Appellate Rights in Juvenile Cases, SPR19-03 (PDF, 1031 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-03

To promote greater awareness of parents’ and legal guardians’ appellate rights in juvenile court proceedings, the Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending the rule regarding advisement of appellate rights to remove the limitation that the court need only provide this information to parents and guardians who are present at the hearing that resulted in the judgment or order. The committee also proposes the adoption of a new optional form notice for clerks to send with court orders following a hearing to provide the advisement. This proposal originated with a suggestion from an attorney in San Diego.

Appellate Procedure: Oral Argument in Appellate Division Appeals, SPR19-04 (PDF, 1387 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-04

To increase efficiency and provide guidance for litigants, the Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amending the rule regarding oral argument in limited civil and misdemeanor appeals to provide that oral argument will not be set in cases presenting no arguable issues and to set forth a procedure for waiving oral argument. The committee also proposes the adoption of two optional forms, one for limited civil cases and one for misdemeanor cases, to assist litigants in waiving
oral argument if they choose to do so. This proposal originated with suggestions from a presiding judge of an appellate division and a member of the committee.

Appellate Procedure: Word Limits for Petitions for Rehearing in Unlimited Civil Cases, SPR19-05 (PDF, 152 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-05

To establish limits on briefing that reflect the limited scope of petitions for rehearing, the Appellate Advisory Committee proposes reducing the maximum length of petitions and answers by amending the rule that governs the content and form of briefs in the Court of Appeal. Currently, the rule provides maximum limits of 14,000 words for briefs produced on a computer and 50 pages for briefs produced on a typewriter. These limits apply to all types of briefs, including petitions for rehearing and answers to those petitions. This proposal would provide lower limits of 7,000 words and 25 pages for petitions for rehearing and answers. This proposal arises out of suggestions from appellate practitioners, including a current committee member, that the committee consider reducing word limits for civil briefs in the Court of Appeal.

Appellate Procedure, Juvenile Law: Access to Juvenile Case Files in Appellate Court Proceedings, SPR19-06 (PDF, 1180 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-06

The Appellate Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee propose amended rules and new and revised forms to implement recent Judicial Council–sponsored legislation amending the statute that specifies who may access and copy records in a juvenile case file in an appeal or writ proceeding challenging a juvenile court order. The statutory amendment clarified that people who are entitled to seek review of certain orders in juvenile proceedings or who are respondents or real parties in interest in such appellate proceedings may, for purposes of those appellate proceedings, access and copy those records to which they were previously given access by the juvenile court. This proposal would implement the legislation by updating the rules relating to juvenile appeals to include provisions relating to persons with limited access to the juvenile case file and the limited record that must be prepared and provided to these persons. The committees also propose a new information sheet and a notice on certain forms regarding the requirement to seek authorization from the juvenile court to access records in the case file before commencing an appeal.

Appellate Procedure: Uniform Formatting Rules for Electronic Documents, SPR19-07 (PDF, 378 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-07

To provide consistency and clarity, the Appellate Advisory Committee and the Information Technology Advisory Committee propose revising California Rules of Court, rules 8.40, 8.44, 8.71, 8.72, 8.74, 8.204, and 8.252 to create uniform formatting rules for electronic documents filed in the appellate courts. The rules currently provide some formatting requirements for electronic documents, but they do not include various local rule requirements such as bookmarking. Moreover, local rules around the state differ in their requirements and scope. By establishing uniform, comprehensive rules for all appellate courts, this proposal will ease the burden on filers caused by differing format rules. This project initially focused on rules for exhibits and bookmarking, but was expanded in scope to include other formatting requirements. It originated from a suggestion by a member of the Joint Appellate Technology Subcommittee of the Appellate Advisory Committee and the Information Technology Advisory Committee.

Appellate Procedure: Service Copy of a Petition for Review, SPR19-08 (PDF, 250 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-08

To update court procedures and provide clarity, the Appellate Advisory Committee and the Information Technology Advisory Committee propose amending the rule regarding petitions for review in the California Supreme Court to remove the requirement to send to the Court of Appeal a separate service copy of an electronically filed petition for review. Under current practice, when a petition for review is accepted for electronic filing by the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal automatically receives a filed/endorsed copy of the petition through the electronic filing service provider (EFSP). Thus, in actual practice, the electronic filing of a petition satisfies the requirement to serve the Court of Appeal, and there is no need for a petitioner to serve the Court of Appeal with another copy as required by the rules. This proposal does not change the requirement to serve the Court of Appeal with a separate copy if a petition for review is filed in paper form. This proposal originated from a suggestion submitted by an appellate court administrator.

Appellate Procedure: Appeals from Superior Court Decisions in Death Penalty–Related Habeas Corpus Proceedings (PDF, 417 KB)
Item Number: SP18-21

The Proposition 66 Rules Working Group is proposing amendments to an existing rule relating to appeals from decisions in habeas corpus proceedings and the adoption of several new rules and a form specifically addressing appeals from superior court decisions on death penalty–related habeas corpus petitions. These proposed rules and the form are intended to partially fulfill the Judicial Council’s rule-making obligations under Proposition 66 by establishing procedures for this new type of appeal.

Criminal Procedure: Superior Court Procedures for Death Penalty–Related Habeas Corpus Proceedings (PDF, 843 KB)
Item Number: sp18-22

The Proposition 66 Rules Working Group is proposing the adoption of six new rules of court relating to superior court procedures for death penalty–related habeas corpus proceedings. These proposed rules are intended to partially fulfill the Judicial Council’s rule-making obligations under Proposition 66 by establishing procedures for the superior courts’ new responsibility for this type of proceeding.  

Rules and Forms: Qualification of Counsel for Appointment in Death Penalty Appeals and Habeas Corpus Proceedings (PDF, 602 KB)
Item Number: SP18-12

The Proposition 66 Rules Working Group is proposing amendments to the rule relating to the qualifications of counsel in death penalty appeals and habeas corpus proceedings, including moving to a new rule the provisions regarding the qualifications of counsel in death penalty– related habeas corpus proceedings. These proposed rule changes are intended to fulfill the Judicial Council’s obligation under Proposition 66 to reevaluate the competency standards for the appointment of counsel in death penalty direct appeals and habeas corpus proceedings

Criminal and Appellate Procedure: Superior Court Appointment of Counsel in Death Penalty–Related Habeas Corpus Proceedings (PDF, 894 KB)
Item Number: SP18-13

The Proposition 66 Rules Working Group is proposing the adoption of two new rules and two new forms relating to the superior court appointment of counsel in death penalty–related habeas corpus proceedings. These proposed rules and forms are intended to partially fulfill the Judicial Council’s rule-making obligations under Proposition 66 by providing procedures for superior courts to determine if an attorney meets the minimum qualifications for counsel in death penalty–related habeas corpus proceedings and to appoint such counsel for indigent persons subject to a judgment of death.

Criminal and Appellate Procedure: Record Preparation in Death Penalty Cases (PDF, 1095 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-11

The Proposition 66 Rules Working Group is proposing the adoption of several new rules and amendments to several existing rules relating to preparation of the record on appeal in death penalty cases. The working group is also proposing the adoption of two new mandatory forms and the approval of four new optional forms designed to assist in the record preparation process. These proposed rules and forms are intended to partially fulfill the Judicial Council’s rulemaking obligations under Proposition 66 by making the record preparation process in death penalty cases more efficient.

Appellate Procedure: Finality of Appellate Division Decisions (PDF, 742 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-03

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes amendments to several rules of court relating to the finality of appellate division decisions. The amendments are intended to ensure that parties have sufficient time after receiving notice of appellate division decisions to prepare and file applications for certification for transfer and petitions for rehearing before the time the appellate division loses jurisdiction. This proposal is in response to suggestions from the presiding judge of an appellate division and a member of this committee.

Appellate Procedure and Family Law: Settled Statements in Unlimited Civil Cases (PDF, 1155 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-04

To facilitate use of the settled statement procedure in unlimited civil cases, the Appellate Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee propose new forms and revisions to existing forms for litigants and courts to use in preparing and certifying settled statements. This proposal is based on comments received last year in response to the Appellate Advisory Committee’s invitation to comment on proposed changes to the settled statement rule and forms.

Appellate Procedure: Notice of Appeal and Record on Appeal in Appellate Division Cases (PDF, 1001 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-05

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes revising several of the Judicial Council forms for filing notices of appeal and notices designating the record on appeal in appellate division matters. The revisions are intended to provide more complete and accurate information, make corrections, and clarify various items. This proposal is based on suggestions from the Superior Court of Los Angeles County.

Appellate Procedure: Electronic Sealed and Confidential Records and Lodged Records in the Court of Appeal (PDF, 133 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-06

As part of the Rules Modernization Project,1 the Appellate Advisory Committee recommends amending the rules to establish procedures for handling sealed and confidential materials submitted electronically in the Court of Appeal. The proposed amendments encompass the court’s return of lodged electronic records submitted in connection with a motion to seal.

Appellate Procedure: Settled Statements in Unlimited Civil Cases (PDF, 740 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-01

Appellate Procedure: Format for Reporter’s Transcripts Delivered in Electronic Form (PDF, 335 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-02

Appellate Procedure: Verification of Writ Petitions (PDF, 301 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-03


Appellate Procedure: Designation of the Record in Limited Civil Cases (updated 3/21/17) (PDF, 609 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-04

Appellate Procedure: Service of Briefs in Misdemeanor Cases (PDF, 277 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-05

Appellate Procedure: Payment for Partially Prepared Reporter’s Transcripts (PDF, 279 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-06

Appellate Procedure: Expedited Review of Certain Orders Denying Motions to Compel Arbitration (PDF, 221 KB)
Item Number: SP16-13

Appellate and Trial Court Procedure: Privacy in Documents (PDF, 122 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-02

Appellate Procedure: Juvenile Proceedings (PDF, 70 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-03

Appellate Procedure: Transcripts of Marsden Hearings (PDF, 50 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-04

Appellate Procedure: Amicus Curiae Briefs in Writ Proceedings (PDF, 44 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-05

Appellate Procedure: Ensure Consistency Between E-filing Rules and Court Practices (PDF, 154 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-06

Technology: Modernization of the Appellate Rules of Court (Phase II of the Rules Modernization Project) (PDF, 2058 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-26

Appellate Procedure: Record on Appeal–Civil Cases (PDF, 281 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-01

Electronic Service: Authorization of Electronic Service on Trial and Appellate Courts (PDF, 184 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-02

Appellate Procedure: Access to Electronic Appellate Court Records (PDF, 185 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-03

Appellate Procedure: Prehearing Conferences (PDF, 143 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-04

Appellate Procedure: Contents of Normal Record in Felony Appeals (PDF, 151 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-05

Appellate: Appendixes (PDF, 136 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-06

Appellate Procedure: Costs on Appeal (PDF, 169 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-07

Small Claims Writs: New Procedures to Implement Code of Civil Procedure section 116.798 (PDF, 441 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-08

Civil Practice and Procedure: Evidentiary Objections in Summary Judgment Proceedings (PDF, 691 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-09

Appellate Procedure: Confidential Records (PDF, 163 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-01

Appellate Procedure: Extensions of Time to File Briefs (PDF, 205 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-02

Appellate Procedure: Judicial Notice Requests (PDF, 126 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-03

Appellate Procedure: Record in Juvenile Appeals (PDF, 86 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-04

Fee Waivers: Payments Over Time and Fees Included in Initial Fee Waiver (PDF, 487 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-05

CEQA Actions: Rules to Implement SB 743 (PDF, 197 KB)
Item Number: W14-02

Appellate Procedure: Appellate Division Rules and Forms (PDF, 1201 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-02

Appellate Court Procedure: Defaults in Procuring Record and Completion of the Record in Civil Appeals (PDF, 104 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-04

Appellate Procedure: Civil Case Information Statement (PDF, 69 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-03

Appellate Procedure: Number of Copies of Filed Documents (PDF, 86 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-05

Appellate Procedure: Preparation of Transcripts in Felony and Juvenile Appeals (PDF, 80 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-06

Appellate Procedure: Reporter’s Transcripts in Civil Appeals (PDF, 194 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-07

Appellate Procedure: Sealed Records (PDF, 262 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-08

Appellate Procedure: Signatures on Filed Documents (PDF, 77 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-09

Appellate Procedure: Writ Proceedings (PDF, 107 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-10

Appellate Procedure: Appointment of Appellate Counsel in Juvenile Delinquency Appeals (PDF, 134 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-02

Appellate Procedure: Contents of normal record in criminal appeals (PDF, 86 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-03

Appellate Procedure: Review of California Environmental Quality Act Cases Under Public Resources Code Sections 21178–21189.3 (PDF, 158 KB)
Item Number: W12-01

Appellate Procedure: Premature or Late Notice of Intent to File Writ Petition in Juvenile Dependency Proceeding (PDF, 95 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-04

Appellate Procedure: Transmission of Administrative Records on Appeal (PDF, 127 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-05

Appellate Procedure: Costs on Appeal (PDF, 58 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-06

Appellate Court Administration: Court of Appeal Records (PDF, 134 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-07

Appellate Procedure: Copies of Briefs in Civil Appeals in the Court of Appeal Served on the Supreme Court (PDF, 66 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-08

Trial and Appellate Court Procedure: Addresses and Telephone Numbers of Parties and Attorneys (PDF, 442 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-09

Appellate Procedure: Filing Fees (PDF, 137 KB)
Item Number: W12-02

Appellate Procedure: Time for filing applications to file amicus curiae briefs (PDF, 117 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-03

Trial and Appellate Court Procedure: Addresses and Telephone Numbers of Parties and Attorneys (PDF, 150 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-04

Appellate Procedure: Time to Appeal (PDF, 145 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-05

Appellate Procedure: Clerk’s Transcript and Civil Case Information Statement (PDF, 387 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-06

Appellate Procedure: Respondent’s Election to Use Appendix (PDF, 98 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-07

Appellate Procedure: Briefs (PDF, 144 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-08

Appellate Procedure: Judicial Notice (PDF, 121 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-09

Appellate Procedure: Bringing New Authorities to the Attention of the Court of Appeal (PDF, 83 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-10

Appellate Procedure: When to Use Initials to Identify Parties in Juvenile Proceedings (PDF, 198 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-11

Juvenile Law: Ensuring Tribal Receipt of Appellate Records (PDF, 152 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-12

Appellate Procedure: Premature or Late Notice of Intent to File Writ Petition in Juvenile Dependency Proceeding (PDF, 188 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-13

Appellate Procedure: Filing, Modification, and Finality of Decisions in Proceedings for Writs of Review of Certain State Agency Decisions (PDF, 199 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-14

Trial and Appellate Procedure: Electronic Recordings Offered Into Evidence (PDF, 95 KB)
Item Number: W11-02

Appellate Procedure: Timeliness of Filings (PDF, 91 KB)
Item Number: W10-01

Appellate Procedure: Record on Appeal (PDF, 37 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-12

Appellate Procedure: Extension of Time to File Notice of Appeal (PDF, 63 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-11

Appellate Procedure: Numbers of Copies of Motions (PDF, 60 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-10

Appellate Procedure: Briefs and Petitions (PDF, 113 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-09

Appellate Procedure: Transfer of Appellate Division Cases to the Court of Appeal (PDF, 114 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-08

Appellate Procedure: Judicial Notice (PDF, 26 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-07

Appellate Procedure: Clerks Transcript in Civil Appeals (PDF, 68 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-06

Appellate Procedure: Civil Case Information Statement (PDF, 56 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-05

Trial and Appellate Procedure: Electronic Recordings Offered Into Evidence (PDF, 37 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-04

Appellate Procedure: Time for Filing Notice of Appeal in a Civil Case (PDF, 83 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-03

Appellate Procedure: Civil Case Information Statement (PDF, 85 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-04

Appellate Procedure: Record on Appeal (PDF, 219 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-05

Appellate Procedure: Time for Filing Briefs (PDF, 379 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-06

Appellate Procedure: Petitions for Writs of Supersedeas (PDF, 95 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-07

Appellate Procedure: Time for Review of Decisions Regarding Request for Accommodations (PDF, 87 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-08

Civil Actions: Notice of Entry of Judgment or Order (PDF, 344 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-09

Appellate Procedure: Appeals and Writ Proceedings in Juvenile Dependency and Delinquency Cases (PDF, 272 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-10

Appellate Procedure: Videoconferencing Oral Argument in the Superior Court Appellate Division (PDF, 134 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-11

Appellate Procedure: Petition for Review (PDF, 66 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-01

Appellate Procedure: Proceedings for Writ of Mandate, Certiorari, and Prohibition (PDF, 134 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-02

Appellate Procedure: Habeas Corpus Proceedings (PDF, 97 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-03

Appellate Procedure: Certificate of Interested Entities and Persons (PDF, 324 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-04

Appellate Procedure: Briefs (PDF, 321 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-05

Appellate Procedure: Record on Appeal (PDF, 400 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-06

Appellate Procedure: Miscellaneous Appellate Division Rules and Form (PDF, 329 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-07

Appellate Procedure: Judicial Notice (PDF, 62 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-08

Appellate Procedure: Service and Filing (PDF, 376 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-09

Appellate Procedures: Remittitur, Costs and Sanctions in Appeals and Writ Proceedings (PDF, 1365 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-01

Appellate Procedure: Records in Civil and Criminal Cases (PDF, 828 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-02

Appellate Procedure: Certificate of Interested Entities and Persons (PDF, 543 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-03

Appellate Procedure: Petitions for Writs of Supersedeas (PDF, 496 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-04

Appellate Procedure: Miscellaneous Appellate Rules (PDF, 304 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-05

Appellate Procedure: Applications to File Amicus Briefs in the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court (PDF, 289 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-06

Appellate Procedure: Notices of Appeal and Notices of Various Defaults (PDF, 299 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-07

Rules Applicable to All Courts: Construction of Rules When There Are Applicable Statutory Requirements and Format of Citations (PDF, 741 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-08

Appellate Procedure: Rules and Forms for the Superior Court Appellate Divisions (PDF, 2088 KB)
Item Number: SP07-18

Appellate Procedure: Copies of Briefs in Civil Appeals (PDF, 72 KB)
Item Number: SP07-19

Judicial Branch Education: Fairness and Access Requirements (PDF, 323 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-13

The Center for Judicial Education and Research Advisory Committee proposes amending rule 10.469 of the California Rules of Court and adopting rule 10.465 to clarify existing fairness and access education requirements for judicial officers.

Judicial Branch Education: Delivery Methods Defined (PDF, 355 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-11

The Center for Judicial Education and Research Advisory Committee recommends amending rule 10.493 of the California Rules of Court to provide additional clarification to terms used in a slate of education rule amendments adopted by the Judicial Council that went into effect on January 1, 2023. This proposal is based on public comment received in 2022. 

Civil Practice and Procedure: Order on Unlawful Use of Personal Identifying Information (PDF, 1050 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-06

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes revisions to form CIV-165, Order on Unlawful Use of Personal Identifying Information, effective January 1, 2025, to include information about the business entity at issue in the petition underlying an order. The proposed revisions respond to a request from the Secretary of State’s office for more information to allow it to act on a court’s determination that a petitioner’s personal identifying information was used unlawfully. The revisions are intended to assist the Secretary of State in (1) redacting the victim’s name and personal identifying information from the business entity filing or label the data to show that it is impersonated and (2) removing the data from publicly accessible electronic indexes and databases.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Memorandum of Costs (PDF, 1784 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-07

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes revising the optional form for claiming prejudgment costs under Code of Civil Procedure sections 1032 and 1033.5 (form MC-010), effective January 1, 2025, to add a certification under penalty of perjury for the costs submitted. The committee also proposes (1) removing item 15 from both form MC-010 and form MC-011 (the companion worksheet) because fees for hosting electronic documents have sunsetted as an expressly allowable cost under section 1033.5 and (2) relocating “Models, enlargements, and photocopies of exhibits” on both forms to follow more closely the sequence of costs in section 1033.5. The changes are recommended based on a litigant’s challenge to form
MC-010’s verification language, a sunset provision in the statute, and a suggestion from a paralegal.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Implementation of Assembly Bill 1119 in Small Claims Cases (PDF, 1424 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-08

Assembly Bill 1119 (Stats. 2023, ch. 562), enacted October 8, 2023, requires the Judicial Council to adopt and revise forms as necessary to implement a new procedure for debtor’s examinations used to enforce judgments concerning consumer debts. To implement AB 1119 in small claims cases, the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes adopting two mandatory Small Claims forms and revising four forms. The committee also proposes revisions to the general civil judgment form to reflect the new law. Another proposal revising Judicial Council Enforcement of Judgment forms to implement AB 1119 has already circulated for public comment.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Tentative Rulings (PDF, 263 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-09

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommends amending California Rules of Court, rule 3.1308 to remove the outdated requirement that courts make tentative rulings available by telephone.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Case Dismissal With Retained Jurisdiction (PDF, 1067 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-10

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes amending California Rules of Court, rule 3.1385 and revising form CIV-110 to implement amended Code of Civil Procedure section 664.6, which allows courts to dismiss cases without prejudice and retain jurisdiction to enforce settlement terms.

CEQA Actions: Initial Case Management Conferences (PDF, 312 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-11

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes amending rule 3.2226 of the California Rules of Court to implement the provisions of Senate Bill 149 concerning initial case management conferences for actions brought under the California Environmental Quality Act.

Rules and Forms: Service Forms to Implement Assembly Bill 2791 (PDF, 1387 KB)
Item Number: SP23-06

Summary: The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend adoption of two new forms, Request for Sheriff to Serve Court Papers (form SER-001) and an attachment to that form, Special Instructions to Serve Court Papers (form SER-001A). The proposed forms comply with the statutory mandate in Assembly Bill 2791 that the Judicial Council adopt a form or forms for civil litigants to request that a sheriff’s office service their court papers.
Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Unlawful Detainer: Opportunities for Settlement Before Trial (PDF, 1201 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-08

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee is proposing a new rule and a new form for optional use in unlawful detainer cases to promote settlement opportunities through the use of alternative dispute resolution processes. The new rule and form were previously circulated for comment between December 2022 and January 2023. The new rule states a policy favoring at least one opportunity for parties in all eviction cases to participate in some form of pretrial alternative dispute resolution process and would allow a court to shorten the existing deadline for submitting a mandatory settlement conference statement. The proposed new form would allow parties to submit any settlement agreement they reached to the court and ask for either an order without judgment or a stipulated judgment.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Form Revisions to Implement Senate Bill 1200 (PDF, 1334 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-09

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes the revision of nine Judicial Council forms, and revocation of one form, to implement statutory changes in Senate Bill 1200 (Stats. 2022, ch. 883), enacted September 30, 2022. SB 1200 limits the ability of a judgment creditor to renew or bring an action on a money judgment and lowers the applicable rate of post judgment interest where the judgment and unsatisfied principal amount of the judgment meet certain criteria. The proposed revisions address these statutory changes. 

Unlawful Detainer: Forms to Reflect Existing Law and Implement Senate Bill 1017 and Assembly Bill 1726 (PDF, 1708 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-10

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes the adoption of one new form and revision of several other forms relating to unlawful detainer actions. These new and revised forms (1) implement a new law creating a new procedure for partial evictions, (2) implement a new law providing additional time for certain defendants to respond to a summons for unlawful detainer, and (3) update the forms to reflect current law regarding COVID-19 rental protections.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Appointment of Guardian ad Litem (PDF, 1389 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-22

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee, the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee, and the Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee propose adopting one form, revising two forms, revising and renumbering one form, and revoking one form to reflect a change in the law and to clarify and modernize the existing forms. The forms in the proposal are used to apply for and order the appointment of a guardian ad litem in a civil action or proceeding, including a family law proceeding, and in a proceeding under the Probate Code.

Protective Orders: Updated Law Enforcement Information Form and New Request Forms for Continuances (PDF, 1233 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-26

Together, the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend revising form CLETS-001 to make needed updates and adopting new forms to be used when a request to renew has been filed in a protective order proceeding and the court or a party wishes to continue a hearing. 

Rules and Forms: Service Form to Implement Assembly Bill 2791 (PDF, 541 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-27

Together, the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend adoption of a new form, Request for Sheriff to Serve Court Papers (form SER-001). The proposed new form complies with the statutory mandate in Assembly Bill 2791 (Stats. 2022, ch. 417) that the Judicial Council adopt a form for civil litigants to request that a sheriff’s office serve their court papers.  

Protective Orders: Revisions to Gun Violence Restraining Order Forms (PDF, 2739 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-28

The Civil and Small Claim Advisory Committee recommends the adoption and revision of numerous gun violence restraining order forms. These new and revised forms (1) implement a new law permitting additional categories of individuals to petition for gun violence restraining orders, (2) bring the language describing firearm parts on gun violence restraining order forms in line with other protective order forms, (3) include new forms that can be used to request continuance of a hearing to renew a gun violence protective order, and (4) clarify that no additional proof of service is required if the respondent attends the hearing where the order was issued remotely.

Protective Orders: Service Requirements After Remote Appearances (PDF, 3927 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-30

Together, the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend approving two rules of court and revising notice and order forms to clarify the service requirements for respondents who appear remotely in protective order proceedings. 

Unlawful Detainer: Opportunities for Settlement Before Trial (PDF, 1139 KB)
Item Number: W23-03

Summary: The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee is proposing a new rule and a new form for optional use in unlawful detainer cases to promote settlement opportunities through the use of alternative dispute resolution processes. The new rule states a policy favoring at least one opportunity for participation in some form of pretrial dispute resolution, and would allow a court to shorten the existing deadline for submitting a mandatory settlement conference statement. The proposed new form would allow parties to submit any settlement agreement they reached to the court and ask for either an order without judgment or a stipulated judgment.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Friday, January 20, 2023 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time).

Protective Orders: Elder Abuse Forms Implementing Assembly Bill 1621 (PDF, 3038 KB)
Item Number: SP22-10

Summary: The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee is proposing revisions to nine Judicial Council elder or dependent adult restraining orders forms. Most of the forms in this proposal were circulated for comment between April and May 2022 to implement the statutory changes in Assembly Bill 1243 (Stats. 2021, ch. 273) and to make other updates. After the comment period closed, the Legislature enacted Assembly Bill 1621 (Stats. 2022, ch. 76), which took effect immediately on June 30, 2022. The new legislation prohibits persons restrained under elder or dependent adult restraining orders from possessing firearm parts (in addition to the already prohibited firearms). This proposal recommends additional revisions to seven previously circulated forms and recommends revisions to two forms that were not previously circulated to reflect the new law.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Protective Orders: Civil Protective Order Forms Implementing (PDF, 8435 KB)
Item Number: SP22-09

Summary: Summary: The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee is proposing revisions to 30 Judicial Council civil restraining orders forms. Many of the forms in this proposal were circulated for comment between April and May 2022 to update the information on the forms related to interpreters, disability and court accommodations, and the priority of enforcement among protective orders. After the comment period closed, the Legislature enacted Assembly Bill 1621 (Stats. 2022, ch. 76), which took effect immediately on June 30, 2022. The new legislation prohibits persons restrained under these restraining orders from possessing firearm parts (in addition to the already prohibited firearms). This proposal recommends additional revisions to 12 previously circulated forms and recommends revisions to 18 forms that were not previously circulated to reflect the new law.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Name and Gender Change Forms for Minors to Implement Assembly Bill 218 and Assembly Bill 421 (PDF, 1376 KB)
Item Number: SP22-08

Summary: The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee is proposing revisions and additions to Judicial Council forms and the revocation of one form used to request recognition of a change of gender and change of name. Proposed forms implementing statutory changes in Assembly Bill 218 (Stats. 2021, ch. 577) were circulated for comment between April and May 2022. Among other things, AB 218 made significant changes to requirements for petitions for recognition of gender change for minors (removing the requirement for consent by, or notice to, a minor’s parents) and added a new category of petitioners who may make such petitions on behalf of minors, placing certain requirements on them.

Shortly after comment on the proposed forms closed, the Legislature enacted Assembly Bill 421 (Stats. 2022, ch. 40), urgency legislation that modifies AB 218’s provisions in significant ways. Because AB 421’s amendments immediately went into effect upon signing by the Governor, they need to be incorporated in the proposed forms before the forms go into effect in January 2023. The proposed forms for minors’ petitions have all been further revised to reflect these statutory changes, and have been reorganized to make them clearer.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Monday, September 19, 2022 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Protective Orders: Elder Abuse Forms Implementing Assembly Bill 1243 (PDF, 2786 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-21

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommends the adoption, approval, and revision of 18 forms to implement statutory changes in Assembly Bill 1243 (Stats. 2021, ch. 273) and to make other necessary changes to accurately reflect current law. AB 1243 make two substantial changes to the laws governing protective orders for elder or dependent adults. First, it creates a new cause of action whereby an order can be issued allowing contact between an elder or dependent adult and an individual who meets certain statutory requirements. Second, the bill allows courts to issue findings related to specific debts incurred as the result of financial abuse of an elder or dependent adult. The proposal incorporates these new provisions into the council’s elder abuse forms and makes other minor updates to those forms.

Civil Law and Family Law: Request to Enter Default Forms Under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (PDF, 1402 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-12

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee jointly propose revising six forms to comply with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and reflect the act’s current title and legal citation. The proposed revisions are intended to address concerns by judicial officers that the act requires, but the forms do not include, a declaration as to how the petitioner/plaintiff ascertained the respondent’s/defendant’s nonmilitary status before requesting entry of judgment by way of default in the legal proceeding. The joint proposal would ensure that any changes to civil and family law forms are consistent to the extent appropriate.

Rules and Forms: Name and Gender Change Forms to Implement Assembly Bill 218 (PDF, 7045 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-04

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee is proposing revisions and additions to the Judicial Council forms that individuals use to request name changes and orders recognizing a change of gender, to implement new laws going into effect January 1, 2023. Assembly Bill 218 (Stats. 2021, ch. 577) authorizes that petitions for recognition of a change of gender (and now sex identifier as well) and issuance of a new birth certificate may now be joined with requests to have other administrative records issued anew to reflect the person’s changed gender and sex identifier. In addition, the bill authorizes non-California residents to request name changes if they want to change their name on certain administrative records issued in California. Finally, AB 218 has also made significant changes to requirements for petitions for recognition of gender change for minors and has added a new category of petitioners who may make such petitions on behalf of minors. All the statutory changes will be reflected in the proposed forms, along with other minor non-substantive changes to make the forms clearer.

Rules and Forms: Name Change Forms for Persons in Address Confidentiality Program (PDF, 2743 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-05

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee is proposing revisions and additions to the Judicial Council forms that participants in the Secretary of State’s address confidentiality program (Safe at Home) may use to request a confidential name change or to request that their petition for name change be filed under seal. These changes are recommended based on a request that courts ensure that confidential name changes are on file with the Secretary of State’s office before a decree is issued by the court.

Civil Law: Revision of Unlawful Detainer Summons for Use in Forcible Detainer Cases (PDF, 919 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-06

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes revising form SUM-130, Summons—Unlawful Detainer—Eviction, to expand use of the mandatory form to expressly include forcible entry and forcible detainer proceedings. The revisions are intended to address confusion by courts and litigants as to whether form SUM-130 may be used in these types of proceedings.

Protective Orders: Updating Civil Protective Order Forms (PDF, 6693 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-22

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommends revising several Judicial Council civil protective order forms to update the information they contain relating to interpreters, disability accommodations, and priority of enforcement.

Protective Orders: Gun Violence Forms Implementing Assembly Bill 1057 and Senate Bill 538 (PDF, 2834 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-23

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommends the revision of 18 of the council’s Gun Violence forms to implement statutory changes in Assembly Bill 1057 (Stats. 2021, ch. 682) and Senate Bill 538 (Stats. 2021, ch. 686) and to make other necessary changes to accurately reflect current law. Assembly Bill 1057 amends the definition of “firearms” for the purpose of gun violence restraining orders to include certain firearm parts. Senate Bill 538 permits parties and witnesses to attend hearings on gun violence restraining orders remotely. The proposal incorporates these new provisions into the council’s forms and makes other minor changes to gun violence protective order forms.

CEQA Actions: New Projects and Fees for Expedited Review (PDF, 387 KB)
Item Number: SP21-11

As mandated by the Legislature, the Judicial Council previously adopted rules and established procedures that implemented a statutory scheme for the expedited resolution of actions and proceedings brought under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) challenging certain projects that qualified for such streamlined procedures. This proposal will implement recent legislation requiring that the Judicial Council amend these rules to include additional projects for streamlined review. The proposal will also implement new statutory provisions requiring that, in cases under two of the statutes, the council, by rule of court, establish fees to be paid by those project applicants to the courts for the additional costs of streamlined CEQA review

Protective Orders: Civil Harassment Form (PDF, 2965 KB)
Item Number: W22-01

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommends amending rule 3.1160 of the California Rules of Court, the adoption, approval, and revision of seven forms, and the revocation of one form to implement statutory changes in Assembly Bill 1143 (Stats. 2021, ch. 27). The statutory amendment permits courts to allow an alternative method of service for civil harassment restraining order petitions, temporary restraining orders, and notices of hearing upon a showing that the petitioner has been unable to accomplish personal service after a diligent effort, and that there is reason to believe the respondent is evading service or cannot be located. The proposal incorporates this potential alternative service and the required showing into the council’s forms and the rules of court, and makes other minor changes to civil harassment forms.

Rules and Forms: Enforcement of Judgment Form Implementing Assembly Bill 1580 (PDF, 1124 KB)
Item Number: W22-02

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommends revising Application and Order for Appearance and Examination (form AT-138/EJ-125) to implement statutory changes in Assembly Bill 1580 (Stats. 2021, ch. 30). The statutory amendment requires additional information for organizations on orders to appear for examination. The proposal incorporates the new required statements on the council’s existing form.

Rules and Forms: Unlawful Detainer, Small Claims, and Pleading Forms to Implement New Laws (PDF, 1700 KB)
Item Number: SP21-05

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes the adoption, approval, and revision of 13 forms to implement statutory changes in Senate Bill 91 (Stats. 2021, ch. 2), enacted January 29, 2021, and Assembly Bill 832 (Stats. 2021, ch. 27), enacted June 28, 2021. Assembly Bill 832 establishes new procedures for bringing unlawful detainer actions based on nonpayment of rent, and for judgments in such cases, effective October 1, 2021. Provisions in SB 91, as amended by AB 832, allow parties, effective November 1, 2021, to litigate claims for nonpayment of COVID-19 rental debt in small claims court regardless of the amount demanded, and mandates new pleading requirements for such actions whether filed in small claims court or in general civil court. In addition, AB 832 requires the council to develop forms for parties to use in actions to recover COVID-19 rental debt. The proposed forms address these statutory changes.

The council must consider these forms at its October 1, 2021, meeting in order for them to be in effect by October 1, and November 1, 2021, the respective effective dates of the new procedures. To ensure that stakeholders, courts, and the public generally have an opportunity to comment on the forms, they are being posted for public comment even though the normal comment period cannot be provided.. Additional revisions to the JBCM are proposed below in tracked changes format, and staff invites public comment regarding the proposed revisions. Review and submit comments by 5:00 p.m., Friday, August 20, 2021 (Pacific)

Discovery: Remote Depositions (PDF, 341 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-03

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommends amending rule 3.1010 of the California Rules of Court governing remote depositions. The proposed amendments reflect recent statutory changes enacted in Senate Bill 1146 (Stats. 2020, ch. 112, § 3) that (1) removed the requirement that deponents appear in the physical presence of the deposition officer, and (2) eliminated the different treatment for party and nonparty deponents. The revised law also permits any party to be physically present with the deponent during the deposition. Accordingly, the proposed amendment adds a notice requirement for any party wishing to do so.

Unlawful Detainers: Forms to Implement Senate Bill 91 (PDF, 1178 KB)
Item Number: SP21-02

Senate Bill 91 (Stats. 2021, ch. 2), urgency legislation that became effective when signed on Friday, January 29, 2021, extended the tenant protections provided under the Tenant, Homeowner, and Small Landlord Relief and Stabilization Act of 2020 (Assem. Bill 3088; Stats. 2020, ch. 37), added some additional protections, and established a rental assistance program. In light of these statutory changes, two unlawful detainer forms (a mandatory form with supplemental allegations and the answer form) were no longer in compliance with California law and could have been misleading to the parties and the courts. In addition, a new form is required to allow parties to comply with the new statutory requirement for verifications by a landlord before a court may issue a judgment in an unlawful detainer case based on nonpayment of rent.

Because the new law went into effect immediately upon signing by the Governor, forms UD-101 and UD-105 were approved and new form UD-120 adopted prior to circulation for comment so that they would be available for parties to use as soon as possible after the effective date of the new laws. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee is now circulating the new and revised forms and seeking comments following their approval. The committee will recommend further revisions to the council based on the comments, if appropriate.

Small Claims: Forms for COVID-19 Rental Debt Cases (PDF, 1042 KB)
Item Number: SP20-10

Although Assembly Bill 3088 protects residential tenants who meet certain requirement from being evicted for nonpayment of rent due between March 1, 2020, and January 31, 2021, it does not relieve those tenants from liability for that debt. The tenants still owe the rent due, and landlords can sue to recover it. In order to provide expeditious and inexpensive resolution of actions for payment of COVID-19 rental debt, AB 3088 provides the option of litigating such disputes in small claims court, even when the amount claimed is over the jurisdictional limits

that otherwise pertain to that court. This new option to go to small claims court may be exercised beginning March 1, 2021 and will remain in effect until February 1, 2025. The Civil and Small Claim Advisory Committee recommends revisions to Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court (form SC-100) to reflect the exception to the jurisdictional limits for such cases, and approval of a new information sheet related to them, COVID-19 Rental Debt in Small Claims Court (form SC-110-INFO).

Comments must be submitted by December 23, 2020 5:00 PM (Pacific)

Unlawful Detainers: Revised Answer Form to Implement Assembly Bill 3088 (PDF, 938 KB)
Item Number: SP20-07

The enactment of the Tenant, Homeowner, and Small Landlord Relief and Stabilization Act of 2020 (Assem. Bill 3088; Stats. 2020, ch. 37) changes the practice and procedures relating to all residential unlawful detainer actions from now until January 31, 2021, and for a longer period for actions based on unpaid rent or other charges due at any time between March 1, 2020, and January 31, 2021. The Judicial Council recently approved new and revised forms to assist courts in determining how to properly proceed with actions under the new law, and to assist parties in understanding their rights and responsibilities.

The revised Answer—Unlawful Detainer (form UD-105) was approved prior to circulation for comment so that it would be available for defendants on October 5, 2020, the date when courts were authorized to proceed under the new law with actions based on failure to pay rent or other charges. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee is now circulating the revised form and seeking comments following its approval. The committee will recommend further revisions to the council based on the comments, if appropriate.

Unlawful Detainers: New Forms to Implement Assembly Bill 3088 (PDF, 1085 KB)
Item Number: SP20-06

The enactment of the Tenant, Homeowner, and Small Landlord Relief and Stabilization Act of2020 (Assem. Bill 3088; Stats. 2020, ch. 37) changes the practice and procedures relating to all residential unlawful detainer actions from now until January 31, 2021, and for a longer period for actions based on unpaid rent due at any time between March 1, 2020, and January 31, 2021. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes three new forms to assist courts and parties in complying with this new law.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Tolling of Statutes of Limitations in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF, 382 KB)
Item Number: SP20-01

To protect parties who have a civil cause of action that accrued before or during the state of emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Judicial Council adopted California Rules of Court, emergency rule 9, which tolled statutes of limitations on civil causes of action for the duration of the state of emergency and 90 days thereafter. The chairs of the Judicial Council’s six internal committees now propose that the council amend emergency rule 9 to shorten the time for tolling statutes of limitations for all civil causes of action and to clarify that the tolling applies also to statutes of repose.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Court Reporters for Civil Proceedings (PDF, 602 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-07

The California Supreme Court recently held that courts that do not provide official court reporters must upon request make court reporters or other means to create a verbatim record available to parties entitled to a waiver of fees. (Jameson v. Desta (2018) 5 Cal.5th 594.) The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes a new court reporter request form, a revised fee waiver information form, and amendments to California Rules of Court, rule 2.956, to help fee waiver recipients avail themselves of rights recognized in Jameson. The proposal would also revise that rule to reflect recent changes to Government Code section 68086.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Sealing Previously Filed Papers Under Code of Civil Procedure Section 367.3 (PDF, 552 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-08

Assembly Bill 800 provides that a party who is participating in the Safe at Home program (an address confidentiality program run by the Secretary of State) may appear pseudonymously in a civil action, and that the true name of the party and any other identifying characteristics are to be kept confidential by the court and other parties in the case. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes new forms to be used by pseudonymous parties to (1) move the court to seal previously filed documents that disclose that party’s name or other identifying characteristics; (2) apply to the court ex parte to hear such a motion on shortened time; and (3) provide comprehensive instructions to self-represented litigants as to how to complete, file, and serve these forms.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Streamlined Discovery Pilot Project (PDF, 1090 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-09

This proposal from the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee would provide for a pilot project to apply new discovery provisions for unlimited civil cases. The pilot project would be optional for courts and voluntary for parties appearing in participating courts. The proposal is based on the recommendations of the Commission on the Future of California’s Court System to streamline the discovery process in order to lessen the cost of litigation and therefore provide greater access to justice for civil litigants.

Rules and Forms: Compromise of Claim for Minor or Person With a Disability (PDF, 887 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-25

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee recommends amending six rules of court and revising eight forms used in proceedings to approve the compromise of a claim or action or the disposition of proceeds of a judgment for a minor or person with a disability. The proposed amendments and revisions are needed (1) to clarify that the petitioner must completely disclose the effect of the compromise on the statutory and contractual lien rights of all parties, insurers, and medical service providers; (2) to clarify that a blocked account for the deposit of the proceeds of the compromise or judgment must be opened in the name of the petitioner in the petitioner’s capacity as representative of the minor or person with a disability; (3) to clarify that an adult claimant who has the capacity to consent to orders approving a compromise or disposition and does not have a conservator of the estate must give express consent to those orders; and (4) to make technical and clarifying revisions to the forms’ titles, language, and format. These revisions are needed to improve access to the courts, protect the interests of minors and persons with disabilities, and allow prompt and secure distribution of the proceeds of settlements and judgments in favor of minors and persons with disabilities.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Enforcement of Judgment Forms—Exemptions (PDF, 1272 KB)
Item Number: W20-05

Summary: Recently enacted Senate Bill 616 amends several laws regarding exemptions to enforcement of civil money judgments. The amendments have two primary purposes: to extend the time for making and opposing claims of exemption, and to create a new automatic exemption for deposit accounts. A new automatic exemption for Federal Emergency Management Agency funds provided to a judgment debtor was also created. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes that the Judicial Council revise several enforcement of judgment forms and approve several new ones to implement the new provisions.
Deadline to Submit comments: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at 5:00 pm.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Confidential Information Form Under Code of Civil Procedure Section 367.3 (PDF, 986 KB)
Item Number: W20-04

Summary: Assembly Bill 800 provides that a party who is participating in the Safe at Home program (an address confidentiality program run by the Secretary of State) may appear pseudonymously in a civil action, and that the true name of the party as well as any other identifying characteristics are to be kept confidential by the court and other parties in the case. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes a new form to be used by pseudonymous parties to provide their true names to the courts and the other parties to the action, and for all parties to the action to use to provide any other identifying characteristics that have been redacted from pleadings or other papers filed with the court.
Deadline to Submit comments: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at 5:00 pm.

Unlawful Detainer: Complaint and Answer Forms (PDF, 1086 KB)
Item Number: W20-03

Summary: The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes revising the Judicial Council unlawful detainer complaint and answer forms to reflect the changes in landlord-tenant law enacted in Assembly Bill 1482, the Tenant Protection Act of 2019.
Deadline to Submit comments: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at 5:00 pm.

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Mediation Confidentiality Disclosures Under Senate Bill 954, SPR19-09 (PDF, 247 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-09

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes a new form for Judicial Council approval, Mediation Disclosure Notification and Acknowledgment (form ADR-200). This optional form serves to facilitate parties in implementing the requirements of Senate Bill 954 (Stats. 2018, ch. 350), which requires attorneys to provide their clients with specific written mediation confidentiality disclosures when they are representing clients in connection with mediation.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Separate Statements for Discovery Motions, SPR19-10 (PDF, 300 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-10

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommends that California Rules of Court, rule 3.1345, be amended, effective January 1, 2020, to reflect the change in law regarding separate statements in discovery motions enacted in Assembly Bill 2230 (Stats. 2018, ch. 317). That bill amends three sections of the Code of Civil Procedure to expressly provide that courts, for certain types of discovery, may allow the moving party to submit an outline of the discovery requests and responses in dispute rather than the separate statement currently required by rule. The rule reflects those changes and expands them to additional types of discovery.

Small Claims: Information about Court Interpreters, SPR19-11 (PDF, 798 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-11

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee is proposing revisions to two small claims forms in light of the repeal of Code of Civil Procedure section 116.550 in Senate Bill 1155 (Hueso; Stats. 2018). Previously, that statute had authorized a small claims court to permit another individual, other than an attorney, to assist a party if the court determines that the party does not speak or understand English sufficiently to comprehend the proceedings or give testimony and needs assistance. The law had also required each court to make a reasonable effort to maintain and make available to the parties a list of interpreters who were able and willing to aid parties in small claims actions. SB 1155 repealed section 116.550, and at the same time made all the statutory provisions regarding interpreters in other civil cases applicable to small claims cases. The proposed form revisions would remove all references to the content of this repealed law from the forms and more closely reflect current law.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Case Management Rules, SPR19-12 (PDF, 865 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-12

In 2013, the Judicial Council amended the statewide rules of court on civil case management to give courts the discretion to exempt certain types or categories of general civil cases from the mandatory case management rules. The amendments were intended as an emergency measure, to help courts to better address the state’s fiscal crisis by decreasing the time spent by court staff and judicial officers in filing case management statements, setting and holding individual case management conferences, and performing other actions required by the case management rules. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee, following the recommendation by the Commission on the Future of California’s Court System, is proposing that the discretionary exemption be made permanent, to allow flexibility in case management where courts so desire.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Waivers of Court Fees for Court Reporters and Interpreters - W19 - 06 (PDF, 423 KB)
Item Number: W19 - 06

Recent changes in the law pertaining to court fees for providing court reporters, providing court interpreters to parties in civil cases by priority level, and reimbursing courts for the cost of providing interpreters affect certain rules and forms that address fee waivers. The California Supreme Court recently held that courts that do not provide official court reporters must make available to parties entitled to a waiver of fees court reporters or other means to create a verbatim record. (Jameson v. Desta (2018) 5 Cal.5th 594.) Earlier legislation (Assem. Bill 1657; Stats. 2014, ch. 721) added a section to the Evidence Code that requires the Judicial Council to reimburse courts for court interpreter services for parties in civil cases and prioritizes by case type the provision of court interpreter services. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes that two California Rules of Court be amended and several fee waiver forms be revised to provide, generally, that a party that has been granted a fee waiver may request a court to provide an official reporter at a proceeding; delete an item addressing court-appointed interpreters in small claims actions; and change the language addressing court reporter’s fees.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Order on Unlawful Use of Personal Identifying Information - W19 - 05 (PDF, 209 KB)
Item Number: W19 - 05

Legislation effective January 1, 2019, authorizes a person who believes that his or her personal identifying information has been used unlawfully in a business entity filing to petition a court for a determination of unlawful use and issuance of an order certifying that determination and ordering specified actions. Senate Bill 1196 (Jackson; Stats. 2018, ch. 696) requires the Judicial Council to develop a form for issuing the order. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes that new Order on Unlawful Use of Personal Identifying Information (form CIV-165) be used for that purpose.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Unlawful Detainer - W19 - 04 (PDF, 232 KB)
Item Number: W19 - 04

Recent legislation added to and amended the Code of Civil Procedure section regarding unlawful detainer actions to expand affirmative defenses and to clarify that the period of time in which a defendant must respond to a summons does not include Saturday, Sunday, and other judicial holidays. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes revising two forms, Answer—Unlawful Detainer (form UD-105) and Summons Unlawful Detainer—Eviction (form SUM-130), to make them consistent with these statutory changes.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Name Change and Gender Change Forms - W19 - 03 (PDF, 1137 KB)
Item Number: W19 - 03

The Judicial Council has recently adopted and revised several Name Change forms at the recommendation of the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee to reflect recently enacted legislative amendments that go into effect January 1, 2019. Assembly Bill 3250 (Stats. 2018,ch. 776) added new requirements for issuance and service of orders to show cause in certain name change and gender-change recognition proceedings initiated by parents or guardians, as well as requiring new judicial findings in gender-change recognition proceedings brought by guardians. Assembly Bill 2201 (Stats. 2018, ch. 818) added a new category of petitioners (those seeking to avoid human trafficking) to those who may seek confidential name changes. The forms have been revised, and the two additional forms adopted, prior to circulation so that they will be correct when the laws become effective. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee is now circulating these forms and seeking comments following adoption of the forms. The committee will recommend further revisions, based on the comments, if appropriate.

Restraining Orders: Proposed Gun Violence Restraining Orders for Senate Bill 1200 Hearing Requirement - W19 - 02 (PDF, 1236 KB)
Item Number: W19- 02

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee is proposing five new gun violence restraining order (GVRO) forms and two revised GVRO forms to facilitate courts and parties in complying with the new hearing requirement in Penal Code section 18148. The proposal also revises the current GVRO forms relating to a restrained party providing proof of the surrender or sale of firearms, ammunition, and ammunition to more clearly reflect the statutory provisions

Protective Orders: Gun Violence Restraining Order Forms - W19 - 01 (PDF, 1950 KB)
Item Number: W19-01

At the November 30, 2018 meeting, the Judicial Council, at the recommendation of the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee, approved revising 22 gun violence restraining order (GVRO) forms to reflect recently enacted legislative amendments that go into effect January 1, 2019. Recently enacted Senate Bill 1200 (Stats. 2018, ch. 898) requires orders under Penal Code section 18100 et seq. to be referred to as gun violence restraining orders, expands the definition of ammunition to include a magazine, prohibits a filing fee for GVRO forms and documents, requires a law enforcement officer to make a specific request when serving a gun violence restraining order, and provides that parties do not need to pay the sheriff for service of a GVRO. The short time frame between the bill passage and implementation date necessitated that the forms be revised without time for public comment before they went into effect. The forms are now being circulated for comment, and the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee will recommend any appropriate revisions based on comments received.

Civil Forms: Gender Discrimination Notice Proposed Rules, Forms, Standards, or Statutes (PDF, 227 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-07

Recent legislation requires the Judicial Council to adopt, no later than January 1, 2019, a written advisory notice to be used by a plaintiff’s attorney with each demand letter or complaint alleging gender discrimination in pricing. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes adopting a new form to comply with the legislation. Assembly Bill 1615 (Stats. 2017, ch. 156) added the Small Business Gender Discrimination in Services Compliance Act to division 1 of the Civil Code. It defines a “gender discrimination in pricing services claim” as a civil claim based on an alleged price difference in similar services charged to a person because of the person’s gender. Among its provisions is Civil Code section 55.62, which requires the Judicial Council to adopt a written advisory notice to be used by a plaintiff’s attorney to comply with that statute’s provisions, including the requirement that a notice accompany each demand letter or complaint. The text of the notice is set out in Civil Code section 55.62(c).

Civil Forms: Declarations of Demurring or Moving Party Regarding Meet and Confer (PDF, 240 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-08

Recent legislation added to and amended the Code of Civil Procedure to require a meet-and confer session before a party can file a motion to strike a pleading or a motion for judgment on the pleadings, and to provide for an automatic extension of time if the parties are unable to meet and confer within the time allowed. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes revising two optional forms, one to implement the meet-and-confer requirements and the other to be used to obtain an automatic 30-day extension of time to file a motion to strike a pleading or a motion for judgment on the pleadings when the parties were unable to meet before the due date of the motion.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Review of Denial of Request to Remove Name From Shared Gang Database (PDF, 336 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-09

Recent legislation amended statutes relating to criminal gang databases and the process that authorizes challenges to a law enforcement agency’s inclusion of a person in a shared gang database. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes amending the rule of court and revising the Judicial Council form that address a petition for a superior court to review a law enforcement agency’s denial of a request for removal from a shared gang database to reflect this legislation.

Civil Forms: Confidential Information Form Under Civil Code Section 1708.85 (PDF, 207 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-10

The committee proposes revising Confidential Information Form Under Civil Code Section 1708.85 (form MC-125) to reflect recent amendments to California Civil Code section 1708.85. The amendments provide that the Judicial Council adopt or revise rules or forms to reflect the new law as appropriate by January 1, 2019.

Judicial Council–Sponsored Legislation: Limited Civil Cases and Unlawful Detainers (PDF, 265 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-11

This proposal from the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee would increase the jurisdictional amount of limited civil cases from $25,000 to $50,000 and would include unlawful detainer within that jurisdictional amount in all procedures applicable to limited civil cases, including mandatory expedited jury trials (EJTs). The proposal is based on the recommendations of the Commission on the Future of California’s Court System (Futures Commission).

Civil Form: Enforcement of Judgment Exemption (PDF, 771 KB)
Item Number: W18-02

Assembly Bill 688 (Calderon; Stats. 2017, ch. 529) amended Welfare and Institutions Code section 4880 to provide an exemption from enforcement of judgments for funds in special savings accounts for persons with disabilities. The amount exempted is $100,000. To assist court users and to help implement this legislation, the exemption must be added to Judicial Council forms that list exemptions to enforcement of judgments.

Civil Forms: Name Change and Gender Change Forms (PDF, 969 KB)
Item Number: W18-03

Senate Bill 179, recently signed into law by Governor Brown, includes several new and amended provisions that require revisions to the Judicial Council’s Name Change form series. The new law changes the process for seeking name changes to conform to gender (new Code Civ. Proc., §1277.5); changes the process for adults seeking recognition of a gender change, including by adding “nonbinary” as one of the genders that can be recognized (amended Health & Saf. Code, §§ 103425 and 103430(a)–(b)); and adds a new process for minors seeking recognition of gender changes (new Health & Saf. Code, § 103430(e)). In addition, Senate Bill 310 eliminates the prohibition on name changes for persons under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (those in state prison or on parole) and those in county jail, while at the same time adding a service requirement for such petitions. The relevant portions of both new laws will go into effect September 1, 2018. This proposal is to amend, revise, or revoke various Judicial Council forms effective that same date to reflect the statutory changes.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Request for Entry of Default (PDF, 210 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-07

Civil Practice and Procedure: Writ of Execution (PDF, 279 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-08

Civil Practice and Procedure: Denial of Request to Remove Name From Shared Gang Database (PDF, 377 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-26

Protective Orders: Response and Firearms Relinquishment Exemption (PDF, 431 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-23

Protective Orders: Requests for Immediate Orders (PDF, 320 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-24

Protective Orders: Modification and Termination (PDF, 413 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-22

Civil Practice and Procedure: Request for Entry of Default (PDF, 181 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-07

Small Claims: Plaintiff’s Claim and Information Forms (PDF, 248 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-08

Civil Practice and Procedure: Order of Examination (PDF, 648 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-09

Civil Practice and Procedure: Writ of Execution (PDF, 606 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-10

Forms: Declarations of Demurring Party Regarding Meet and Confer (PDF, 93 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-11

Civil Practice and Procedure: Revision of Wage Garnishment Form Instructions (PDF, 639 KB)
Item Number: W16-01

Civil Procedure: Expedited Jury Trials (PDF, 765 KB)
Item Number: W16-02

Civil Forms: Disability Access Litigation (PDF, 647 KB)
Item Number: W16-03

Timing of Electronic Service (PDF, 58 KB)
Item Number: LEG15-03

Small Claims Writs: New Procedures to Implement Code of Civil Procedure section 116.798 (PDF, 441 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-08

Civil Practice and Procedure: Evidentiary Objections in Summary Judgment Proceedings (PDF, 691 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-09

Civil Cases: Continued Suspension of Case Management Rule (PDF, 125 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-10

Civil Forms: Proof of Service (PDF, 621 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-11

Telephone Appearances: Notice for Ex Parte Appearances and Notice Form (PDF, 125 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-12

Civil Forms: Gun Violence Restraining Orders (PDF, 521 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-13

Civil Forms: Notice of Application for Recognition and Entry of Tribal Court Money Judgment (PDF, 218 KB)
Item Number: W15-01

Civil Forms: Confidential Information Form (PDF, 255 KB)
Item Number: W15-02

Court Interpreters: Request for Interpreter (PDF, 239 KB)
Item Number: W15-03

Fee Waivers: Payments Over Time and Fees Included in Initial Fee Waiver (PDF, 487 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-05

Telephone Appearances: Notice for Ex Parte Appearances and Notice Form (PDF, 197 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-06

CEQA Actions: Rules to Implement SB 743 (PDF, 197 KB)
Item Number: W14-02

Civil Forms: Name Change and Gender Change Petitions (PDF, 241 KB)
Item Number: W14-03

Restraining Orders: Update Forms to Reflect Recent Changes in the Law (PDF, 1289 KB)
Item Number: W14-04

Court Administration: Repeal Rules Mandating Use of Recycled Paper (PDF, 101 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-13

Civil Practice and Procedure: Clerk’s Addition of Interest to Judgments (PDF, 70 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-12

Civil Practice and Procedure: Discovery Motions (PDF, 72 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-11

Civil Practice and Procedure: Telephonic Appearances (PDF, 111 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-14

Telephone Appearances: Amendment of the Fee Amount (PDF, 112 KB)
Item Number: SP13-02

Expedited Proposal to Allow Suspension of Mandatory Case Management Rules During Fiscal Crisis (PDF, 88 KB)
Item Number: SP13-01

Civil Forms: Disability Access Litigation Forms for Attorney Advisory and New Alternative Evaluation Conference (PDF, 109 KB)
Item Number: W13-01

Civil Forms: Application for and Notice of Stay and Early Evaluation Conferences in Construction Related Accessibility Claims (PDF, 128 KB)
Item Number: W13-02

Civil Forms: Revision of Wage Garnishment Form Instructions (PDF, 104 KB)
Item Number: W13-03

Civil Forms: Memorandum of Garnishee (PDF, 86 KB)
Item Number: W13-04

Telephone Appearances: Statewide Uniform Fees (PDF, 101 KB)
Item Number: SP11-04

Small Claims: Form to Dismiss and Give Notice of Entry of Dismissal (PDF, 450 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-10

Small Claims: Forms to Address Default in Payment of Judgment in Installments (PDF, 443 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-11

Civil Practice and Procedure: Notice of Conditional Settlement (PDF, 78 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-12

Civil Trials: Voir Dire Rules of Court (PDF, 89 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-13

Discovery: New Form Interrogatories for Construction Litigation (PDF, 508 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-14

Civil Forms: Petitions for Recognition of Change of Gender (PDF, 410 KB)
Item Number: W12-03

Civil Forms: Wage Garnishment Forms Concerning Claims of Exemption (PDF, 331 KB)
Item Number: W12-04

Unlawful Detainer: Form to Be Used to Answer Unlawful Detainer Complaint (PDF, 103 KB)
Item Number: SP11-05

Civil Law: Proposed Clean-Up Legislation on the Discovery of Electronically Stored Information (PDF, 189 KB)
Item Number: LEG11-01

Civil Practice and Procedure: Revisions to Request for Dismissal to Address Class Actions and Waived Court Fees (PDF, 417 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-15

Civil Practice and Procedure: Service of Double-Sided Papers (PDF, 139 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-16

Civil Cases: Vexatious Litigants Forms (PDF, 147 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-17

Small Claims: Forms to Request Dismissal and Give Notice of Entry of Dismissal (PDF, 379 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-18

Small Claims: Forms to Address Default in Payment of Judgment in Installments (PDF, 491 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-19

Civil Petitions: Adopt Rule and Forms for Expedited Hearings on Petitions for Relief from Financial Obligations During Active Military Service (PDF, 197 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-20

Civil Forms: Revision of Wage Garnishment Forms to Reflect Priority for Elder and Dependent Adult Financial Abuse Claims (PDF, 193 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-21

Civil Forms: Writ of Execution (PDF, 187 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-22

Civil Forms: Notice of Entry of Dismissal and Proof of Service (PDF, 148 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-23

Civil Trials: Proposed Consent Order for Expedited Jury Trials (PDF, 145 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-24

Civil Trials: Jury Questionnaire for Expedited Jury Trials (PDF, 127 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-25

Civil Law: Subpoena Forms for the Discovery and Production of Electronically Stored Information (PDF, 469 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-26

Protective Orders: Forms To Be Used in Proceedings to Prevent Civil Harassment, Elder Abuse, Private Postsecondary School Violence, and Workplace Violence (PDF, 7797 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-60

Protective Orders: Rule Changes to Reflect and Implement Recent Legislation (PDF, 258 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-61

Telephone Appearances: Statewide Uniform Fees (PDF, 92 KB)
Item Number: SP11-02

Civil Motions: Lodging of Copies of Authorities (PDF, 77 KB)
Item Number: W11-03

Civil Case Coordination: Submission of Assignment Order and Termination of Proceeding (PDF, 304 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-14

Civil Practice and Procedure: Response to Amended Complaint (PDF, 185 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-15

Civil Trials: Expedited Jury Trials (PDF, 211 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-16

Attorney's Fees: Time for Making a Claim in a Civil Case (PDF, 90 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-17

Civil Petitions: Forms for Change of Gender and Issuance of New Birth Certificates (PDF, 286 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-18

Civil Motions: Lodging of Copies of Authorities (PDF, 99 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-19

Judicial Administration: Membership of the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee (PDF, 31 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-20

Civil Discovery: Deposition Subpoenas in Actions Pending Outside California (PDF, 147 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-12

Name Change: Confidential Name Change Rules and Forms (PDF, 194 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-13

Civil Forms: Attachment Forms, Financial Abuse of Elder or Dependent Adults (PDF, 162 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-14

Civil Forms: Notice of Intent to Appear by Telephone (PDF, 67 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-15

Administrative Record in CEQA Actions (PDF, 625 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-16

Statement of Decision (PDF, 384 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-17

Small Claims Plain-Language Forms (PDF, 1222 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-18

Civil: Fee Waiver Rules and Forms (PDF, 1889 KB)
Item Number: W09-01

Civil Form: Disability Access Litigation (PDF, 63 KB)
Item Number: W09-02

CEQA Actions: Form and Format of Administrative Record (PDF, 84 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-11

Civil: Motion to Be Relieved as Counsel (PDF, 65 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-12

Civil Form: Summons for Cross Complaint (PDF, 323 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-13

State Housing Law: Summons (PDF, 324 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-14

Civil Form: Notice of Entry of Judgment (PDF, 339 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-15

Civil Form: Request for Entry of Default and Request for Dismissal (PDF, 97 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-16

Trial Courts: Release of Court Records (PDF, 59 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-17

Discovery: Geographic Limitations on Deposition Subpoenas (PDF, 362 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-18

Motions in Unlawful Detainers and Other Summary Proceedings Involving Possession of Real Property (PDF, 156 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-19

Civil Form: General Denial (PDF, 323 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-20

Civil: Proof of Service (PDF, 102 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-21

Small Claims: Proof of Service (PDF, 353 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-22

Civil Form: Claims of Exemption (PDF, 79 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-23

Civil: Case Management (PDF, 67 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-24

Civil Form: Case Management Conference Statement (PDF, 88 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-25

Alteration of Judicial Council Forms (PDF, 78 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-26

Court-Appointed Temporary Judges: Application of Rules to Retired Judicial Officers: and Evaluating the Performance of Temporary Judges (PDF, 71 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-27

Court-Appointed Temporary Judges: Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment of Temporary Judges (PDF, 75 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-28

Civil Pretrial Rules (PDF, 173 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-29

Class Actions: Entry of Judgment Following Final Approval of Settlement (PDF, 59 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-30

Electronic Discovery: Legislation and rules (PDF, 178 KB)
Item Number: W08-01

Request and Order to File New Litigation by Vexatious Litigants (PDF, 86 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-09

Small Claims Interpreter Instructions (PDF, 620 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-10

Interpreter's Duties (PDF, 98 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-14

Alteration of Judicial Council Forms (PDF, 241 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-15

Rules Modernization: Updating Antiquated References to "Attachés" in the California Rules of Court (PDF, 35 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-16

Offer to Compromise and Acceptance Under Code of Civil Procedure Section 998 (PDF, 90 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-17

Revised Format for Separate Statements in Support of and in Opposition to Motions for Summary Judgment (PDF, 70 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-18

Protecting Private Information in Public Court Documents (PDF, 105 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-19

Civil Discovery: Requests for Admissions (PDF, 106 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-20

Civil Discovery: Commission to Take Deposition Outside California (PDF, 122 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-21

Special Cycle: Civil Pretrial Rules (PDF, 186 KB)
Item Number: SP07-22

Special Cycle: Telephone Appearances in Civil Cases (PDF, 126 KB)
Item Number: SP07-23

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI24-02) (PDF, 1523 KB)
Item Number: CACI 24-02

Civil Jury Instructions: Revisions to Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI 24-01) (PDF, 1758 KB)
Item Number: CACI 24-01

Title: Civil Jury Instructions: Revisions to Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions
Summary: The Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions seeks public comment on proposed revisions to the Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI). Under California Rules of Court, rule 10.58, the advisory committee is responsible for regularly reviewing case law and statutes affecting jury instructions and making recommendations to the Judicial Council for updating, revising, and adding topics to the council’s civil jury instructions. On approval by the Judicial Council, all changes will be published in the mid-year supplement to the 2024 edition of the official LexisNexis Matthew Bender CACI publication.

Civil Jury Instruction (CACI23-02) (PDF, 1379 KB)
Item Number: CACI 23-02

Civil Jury Instructions: Revisions to Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions
Summary: The Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions seeks public comment on proposed additions and revisions to the Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI). Under California Rules of Court, rule 10.58, the advisory committee is responsible for regularly reviewing case law and statutes affecting jury instructions and making recommendations to the Judicial Council for updating, revising, and adding topics to the council’s civil jury instructions. On approval by the Judicial Council, all changes will be published in the 2024 edition of the official LexisNexis Matthew Bender CACI publication.

Civil Jury Instruction (CACI23-01) (PDF, 779 KB)
Item Number: CACI 23-01

Civil Jury Instructions: Civil Jury Instructions: Revisions to Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions
Summary: The Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions seeks public comment on proposed additions and revisions to the Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI). Under California Rules of Court, rule 10.58, the advisory committee is responsible for regularly reviewing case law and statutes affecting jury instructions and making recommendations to the Judicial Council for updating, revising, and adding topics to the council’s civil jury instructions. On approval by the Judicial Council, all changes will be published in the midyear supplement to the 2023 edition of the official LexisNexis Matthew Bender CACI publication.

Jury Instructions: Public Access and Publication (PDF, 256 KB)
Item Number: W23-11

Summary: The Rules Committee recommends revising California Rules of Court, rule 2.1050, to express the council’s continued interest in both free public access to the Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) and the Judicial Council of California Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) and having publishers accurately publish the instructions, properly attribute the council as the source of the instructions, and not claim copyright in them. This proposal originated with a suggestion from a nonprofit organization following a change in copyright law that impacts government bodies.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Friday, January 20, 2023 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Civil Jury Instruction (CACI22-02) (PDF, 698 KB)
Item Number: CACI 22-02

Civil Jury Instructions: Revisions to Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI)
Summary: The Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions seeks public comment on proposed additions and revisions to the Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI). Under California Rules of Court, rule 10.58, the advisory committee is responsible for regularly reviewing case law and statutes affecting jury instructions and making recommendations to the Judicial Council for updating, revising, and adding topics to the council’s civil jury instructions. On approval by the Judicial Council, all changes will be published in the 2023 edition of the official LexisNexis Matthew Bender CACI publication.

Civil Jury Instructions: Revisions to Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (PDF, 982 KB)
Item Number: CACI22-01

The Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions seeks public comment on proposed additions and revisions to the Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI). Under California Rules of Court, rule 10.58, the advisory committee is responsible for regularly reviewing case law and statutes affecting jury instructions and making recommendations to the Judicial Council for updating, revising, and adding topics to the council’s civil jury instructions. On approval by the Judicial Council, all changes will be published in the May 2022 supplement to the 2022 edition of the official LexisNexis Matthew Bender CACI publication.

Civil Jury Instruction (CACI21-02) (PDF, 1052 KB)
Item Number: CACI 21-02

Civil Jury Instructions: Revisions to Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI)
Summary: The Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions seeks public comment on proposed additions and revisions to the Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI). Under California Rules of Court, rule 10.58, the advisory committee is responsible for regularly reviewing case law and statutes affecting jury instructions and making recommendations to the Judicial Council for updating, revising, and adding topics to the council’s civil jury instructions. On approval by the Judicial Council, all changes will be published in the 2022 edition of the official LexisNexis Matthew Bender CACI publication.

Civil Jury Instruction (CACI21-01) (PDF, 1144 KB)
Item Number: CACI 21-01

Civil Jury Instructions: Revisions to Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI)
Summary: The Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions seeks public comment on proposed additions, revisions, and four revocations to the Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI). Under rule 10.58 of the California Rules of Court, the advisory committee is responsible for regularly reviewing case law and statutes affecting jury instructions and making recommendations to the Judicial Council for updating, revising, and adding topics to the council’s civil jury instructions. On approval by the Judicial Council, all changes will be published in the midyear supplement to the 2021 edition of the official LexisNexis Matthew Bender CACI publication.

Civil Jury Instruction (CACI20-02) (PDF, 1653 KB)
Item Number: CACI 20-02

Civil Jury Instructions: Revisions to Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI)
Summary: The Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions has posted proposed additions and revisions to the Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI). Under rule 10.58 of the California Rules of Court, the advisory committee is responsible for regularly reviewing case law and statutes affecting jury instructions and making recommendations to the Judicial Council for updating, revising, and adding topics to the council’s civil jury instructions. On approval by the Judicial Council, all changes will be published in the 2021 edition of the official LexisNexis Matthew Bender CACI publication.

Civil Jury Instruction (CACI20-01) (PDF, 2280 KB)
Item Number: CACI 20-01

Civil Jury Instructions: Revisions to Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI)
Summary: The Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions has posted proposed additions and revisions to the Judicial Council civil jury instructions (CACI). Under rule 10.58 of the California Rules of Court, the advisory committee is responsible for regularly reviewing case law and statutes affecting jury instructions and making recommendations to the Judicial Council for updating, revising, and adding topics to the council’s civil jury instructions. On approval by the Judicial Council, all changes will be published in the 2020 midyear supplement of the official LexisNexis Matthew Bender CACI publication.

Civil Jury Instruction (CACI19-03) (PDF, 1714 KB)
Item Number: CACI 19-03

The advisory committee prefers receiving comments in a Word file attached to an e-mail addressed to

You may also submit your comments via the electronic form link above.

You may also use this form, attached to an e-mail addressed to

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI19-02) (PDF, 460 KB)
Item Number: CACI19-02

The advisory committee prefers receiving comments in a Word file attached to an e-mail addressed to

You may also submit your comments via the electronic form link above.

You may also use this form, attached to an e-mail addressed to

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI19-01) (PDF, 1880 KB)
Item Number: CACI19-01

The advisory committee prefers receiving comments in a Word file attached to an e-mail addressed to

You may also submit your comments via the electronic form link above.

You may also use this form, attached to an e-mail addressed to

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI18-02) (PDF, 2005 KB)
Item Number: CACI18-02

The advisory committee prefers receiving comments in a Word file attached to an e-mail addressed to

You may also submit your comments via the electronic form link above.

You may also use this form, attached to an e-mail addressed to

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI18-01) (PDF, 2008 KB)
Item Number: CACI18-01

The advisory committee prefers receiving comments in a Word file attached to an e-mail addressed to

You may also submit your comments via the electronic form link above.

You may also use this form, attached to an e-mail addressed to

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI17-02) (PDF, 1094 KB)
Item Number: CACI17-02

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI17-01) (PDF, 1916 KB)
Item Number: CACI17-01

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI16-02) (PDF, 1003 KB)
Item Number: CACI16-02

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI16-01) (PDF, 1663 KB)
Item Number: CACI16-01

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI15-02) (PDF, 1214 KB)
Item Number: CACI15-02

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI15-01) (PDF, 1147 KB)
Item Number: CACI15-01

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI14-02) (PDF, 1776 KB)
Item Number: CACI14-02

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI14-01) (PDF, 952 KB)
Item Number: CACI14-01

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI13-03) (PDF, 937 KB)
Item Number: CACI13-03

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI13-02) (Harris v. City of Santa Monica) (PDF, 837 KB)
Item Number: CACI13-02

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) Revisions (PDF, 1793 KB)
Item Number: CACI13-01

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) Revisions (PDF, 1270 KB)
Item Number: CACI 12-01

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) Revisions (PDF, 2359 KB)
Item Number: CACI 11-02

New and Revised Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) (PDF, 866 KB)
Item Number: CACI 10-01

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) New and Revised Instructions (PDF, 2357 KB)
Item Number: CACI 11-01

Item Number:

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) Revisions (PDF, 1737 KB)
Item Number: CACI07-03

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) (PDF, 504 KB)
Item Number: CACI07-02

Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) - Winter 2007 Revisions (PDF, 931 KB)
Item Number: CACI07-01

Changes to California Civil Jury Instructions (PDF, 1380 KB)
Item Number: CACI08-01

New and Revised CACI Instructions (PDF, 2927 KB)
Item Number: CACI08-02

New and Revised Civil Jury Instructions (PDF, 1238 KB)
Item Number: CACI09-02

Proposals for Changes to Jury Instructions (PDF, 1386 KB)
Item Number: CACI 09-01

SP19-04 Proposed Amendments to Commentary Following Canon 2B of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 223 KB)
Item Number: SP19-04

The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Code of Judicial Ethics seeks public comment on whether to add new commentary to canon 2B addressing two different issues. First, proposed commentary would state that a judge who “likes,” rates, or comments on a product, service, or business on social media may violate the canon’s prohibition against lending the prestige of judicial office to advance the pecuniary interests of others, even if the judge is not identified as a judge in the post. It would also state that a judge may not “dislike,” rate negatively, or submit negative comments about a product, service, or business on the Internet. Second, proposed commentary would add a cross-reference to canon 4C(3)(d)(iv), which allows a judge to be a speaker, guest of honor, or recipient of an award for public or charitable service at a fundraising event. After receiving and reviewing comments on these proposals, the committee will make recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding the proposed amendments.

SP19-05 Proposed Amendments to Canon 3B(9) and Commentary of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 214 KB)
Item Number: SP19-05

The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Code of Judicial Ethics proposes amendments to canon 3B(9) and its commentary that would allow a judge to comment publicly about a pending case that formed the basis of criticism of a judge during an election or recall campaign, provided the comment would not reasonably be expected to affect the outcome or impair the fairness of the proceeding. The proposed commentary would advise that it may be preferable for a third party, rather than the judge, to respond or issue statements in connection with the allegations concerning the decision. After receiving and reviewing comments on this proposal, the committee will make recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding the proposed amendments.

SP19-06 Proposed Amendments to Canon 4C(3)(d)(i) of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 211 KB)
Item Number: SP19-06

The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Code of Judicial Ethics proposes amendments to canon 4C(3)(d)(i) and its commentary. These proposed amendments would allow a judge to solicit funds for an organization from retired judges who are not serving in the Temporary Assigned Judges Program, practicing law, or providing alternative dispute resolution services. Currently, a judge may solicit funds only from family members or “other judges,” but not from subordinate judicial officers, temporary judges, or any retired judges. After receiving and reviewing comments on this proposal, the committee will make recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding the proposed amendments.

SP19-07 Proposed Amendment to Canon 4E(1) of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 156 KB)
Item Number: SP19-07

The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Code of Judicial Ethics proposes amending canon 4E(1) to allow a judge to act as a health care representative for a person whose preexisting relationship with the judge would prevent the judge from hearing a case involving that person. Currently, the canon prohibits a judge from acting as a fiduciary except for family members. After receiving and reviewing comments on this proposal, the committee will make recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding the proposed amendment.

SP19-08 Proposed Amendments to Commentary Following Canon 5A of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 155 KB)
Item Number: SP19-08

The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Code of Judicial Ethics proposes amendments to the commentary following canon 5A. The canon prohibits a judge from publicly endorsing or opposing a candidate for nonjudicial office. The commentary states that a judge, however, may publicly endorse a judicial candidate because judges are uniquely qualified to assess a judicial candidate’s suitability for judicial office. The proposed amendment would also allow a judge to publicly oppose a judicial candidate. After receiving and reviewing comments on this proposal, the committee will make recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding the proposed amendments.

SP19-09 Proposed Amendment to Commentary Following Canon 5B(4) of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 214 KB)
Item Number: SP19-09

The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Code of Judicial Ethics proposes amending the commentary following canon 5B(4) to add a cross-reference to Government Code section 8314. That statute prohibits elected officials from using public resources, including buildings, telephones, and state-compensated time, for a campaign activity. After receiving and reviewing comments on this proposal, the committee will make recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding the proposed amendment.

SP18-03 Proposed Amendments to Canons 2C, 3B(5), 3B(6), 3C(1), and 3C(3) and the Commentary Following Canon 2C of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 471 KB)
Item Number: SP18-03

SP18-02 Proposed Amendment to Commentary Following Canon 2A of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 371 KB)
Item Number: SP18-02

SP18-04 Proposed Amendments to Canon 3B(7)(a) and Commentary of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 272 KB)
Item Number: SP18-04

SP18-05 Proposed Amendment to Commentary Following Canon 3D(2) of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 368 KB)
Item Number: SP18-05

SP18-06 Proposed Amendments to Canon 4D(6) and 4D(7) of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 360 KB)
Item Number: SP18-06

SP18-07 Proposed Adoption of New Canon 4D(6)(i) of the Code of Judicial Ethics—“Nominal Gift” Exception (PDF, 393 KB)
Item Number: SP18-07

SP18-08 Proposed Amendments to Canon 5 of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 482 KB)
Item Number: SP18-08

Proposed Amendments to Canon 3E and Commentary of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 47 KB)
Item Number: SP16-06

Proposed Amendments to Canon 5B(1)(b) and Commentary of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 38 KB)
Item Number: SP16-07

Proposed Amendments to Canon 4C(3)(d)(iii) and Commentary of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 46 KB)
Item Number: SP15-09

The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Code of Judicial Ethics (committee) seeks comment on the proposed amendment of canon 4C(3)(d)(iii) and its commentary pertaining to personal solicitation by judges of membership in various organizations. After receiving and reviewing comments on this proposal, the committee will make a recommendation to the Supreme Court regarding the proposed amendments. The full text of the proposed amendments is attached.

Proposed Amendments to Canon 2C of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 87 KB)
Item Number: SP14-02

Proposed Amendments to Canon 3E(2) of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 123 KB)
Item Number: SP12-01

Proposed Amendments to the Terminology Section of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 116 KB)
Item Number: SP11-06

Proposed Amendments to Canon 2 of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 90 KB)
Item Number: SP11-07

Proposed Amendments to Canon 3 of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 226 KB)
Item Number: SP11-08

Proposed Amendments to Canon 4 of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 152 KB)
Item Number: SP11-09

Proposed Amendments to Canon 5 of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 119 KB)
Item Number: SP11-10

Proposed Amendments to the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 361 KB)
Item Number: SP07-02, SP07-03, SP07-04, SP07-05, SP07-06, SP07-07, SP07-08

Conflicts of Interest for Judges With Administrative Responsibilities (PDF, 39 KB)
Item Number: SP08-04

Communications With Corrections Officials (PDF, 68 KB)
Item Number: SP08-03

Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions Draft Formal Opinion 2021-017; Providing Close Family Members with Advice that Implicates Legal Issues (PDF, 602 KB)
Item Number: CJEO Draft Formal Opinion 2021-017

The Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions (CJEO) has posted a draft formal opinion addressing whether and to what extent a judge may advise family members regarding matters that implicate legal issues. Under rule 9.80(i)(2) of the California Rules of Court, the committee publishes formal written advisory opinions that address judicial ethics topics of interest to the judiciary and the public, at the request of judicial officers and candidates for judicial office. Comments submitted in response to this invitation to comment are deemed not to be confidential and may be made available for public review at the committee’s discretion, as set forth on CJEO’s website.

Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions: Supervising Judge’s Duties When Party Complains About Judge In Pending Matter (PDF, 123 KB)
Item Number: CJEO Draft Formal Opinion 2020-015

The Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions has posted a proposed formal opinion addressing the ethical duties of judges with supervisorial duties when a complaint is filed against a trial judge under their supervision, addressing circumstances where the disclosure to the trial judge of ex parte communications is necessary. Under rule 9.80(i)(2) of the California Rules of Court, the committee publishes formal written advisory opinions that address judicial ethics topics of interest to the judiciary and the public, at the request of judicial officers and judicial candidates.

Court Interpreters: Designation of Languages for Certified or Registered Status (PDF, 213 KB)
Item Number: SP24-04

The Court Interpreters Advisory Panel (CIAP) recommends that the Judicial Council change the certified status designation of Japanese, Khmer, and Armenian (Western) to registered status due to low interpreting language usage, low testing demand, and the court interpreter testing program not having examinations to administer for the certified status or being unable to administer the examination due to insufficient rater availability. Interpreters who are currently certified in California in these languages would retain their certified status for as long as they remain in good standing with the council. Aspiring interpreters in these languages would be able to take the Written Examination in English and the Oral Proficiency Examination in English along with the target language to become registered interpreters, which would expand the court interpreter pool.

Court Interpreters: Implementation of Assembly Bill 1032 (PDF, 1133 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-14

The Court Interpreters Advisory Panel proposes to amend rule 2.893 of the California Rules of Court and revise four forms to conform with recent statutory changes enacted by Assembly Bill 1032 (Pacheco; Stats. 2023, ch. 556), relating to provisionally qualified court interpreters.

Court Interpreters: New Requirements for American Sign Language (ASL) Court Interpreters (PDF, 654 KB)
Item Number: SP23-01

To increase the number of qualified American Sign Language (ASL) court interpreters for California in a cost-effective manner, the Court Interpreters Advisory Panel (CIAP) proposes that the Judicial Council approve the Texas Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) Board for Evaluation of Interpreters (BEI) as a testing entity for ASL court interpreter certification for a period of four years and add to the Judicial Council Master List of Interpreters holders of the Texas BEI Court Interpreter Certification who apply for reciprocity. CIAP also proposes the council direct CIAP to undertake further work and develop a future proposal for the council to potentially certify persons with ASL generalist credentials to perform work in the courts, which may include California court-specific training requirements; and direct CIAP to propose revisions to the current Guidelines for Approval of Certification Programs for Interpreters for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons as a future project and develop a recommendation for a process for approving ASL court interpreter certification programs that is more responsive to the current interpreter marketplace and testing and certification landscape.

Payment Policies for Contract Court Interpreters (PDF, 223 KB)
Item Number: SP20-05

The annual Budget Act specifies that the Judicial Council sets compensation rates and policies for court interpreters. In April 2018, the Court Executives Advisory Committee (CEAC) voted to form a working group to review and update the Payment Policies for Contract Court Interpreters. The Judicial Council’s Executive and Planning Committee approved the formation of the CEAC Ad Hoc Working Group on Interpreter Payment Policy in December 2018. The policies have not been updated since 2007, and the CEAC recognized the need to update these policies due to continuing challenges in contracting with court interpreters. The CEAC is recommending an increase to the daily compensation rates, standardized travel reimbursements rates in accordance with the Judicial Council Financial Policies and Procedures Manual, a change to the policy title, as well as other changes.

Court Interpreters: California Court Interpreter Credential Review Procedures (PDF, 318 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-30

To implement Recommendation 64 in the Strategic Plan for Language Access in the California Courts adopted by the Judicial Council in January 2015, and to fulfill the legislative mandate to adopt standards and requirements for interpreter discipline, the Court Interpreters Advisory Panel proposes to (1) repeal California Rules of Court, rule 2.891, on periodic review of court interpreter skills and professional conduct, and adopt new rule 2.891; and (2) adopt the California Court Interpreter Credential Review Procedures. The new rule of court directs the courts to the credential review procedures, which establish a process for the Judicial Council, as the court interpreter credentialing body, through Legal Services office staff, to review allegations of professional misconduct or malfeasance against a California certified or registered court interpreter. Any adjudications would be conducted by the California Office of Administrative Hearings.

Court Interpreters: Noncertified and Nonregistered Spoken Language Interpreter Qualifications (PDF, 488 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-20

Language Access: Designation of Representative and Handling Complaints (PDF, 170 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-21

Revisions and Updates to INT Forms (PDF, 425 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-31

Facilities Services: Security Systems Program (PDF, 1240 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-03

In an action by email on April 21, the Court Security Advisory Committee agreed to request public comment on the draft proposed Judicial Council Policy on Security Systems Program, with the goal of recommending to the Judicial Council that it adopt the final proposed policy at its September 2023 meeting. Staff presented the draft to the Court Security Advisory Committee in November 2022 to document existing internal procedures, and the committee discussed the benefit of proposing it as a Judicial Council policy at its February 2023 meeting.

(There are no items in this category.)

Criminal Law: Parole Period Advisement (PDF, 327 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-15

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes amending rule 4.433 of the California Rules of Court to add a reference to the parole periods described in Penal Code section 3000.01. This reference would appear in subdivision (e), which describes the sentencing judge’s advisement to the defendant about the parole period to be served after expiration of the sentence.

Criminal Law: Firearm and Body Armor Prohibitions (PDF, 1512 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-16

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes revising six criminal forms to incorporate firearm and body armor prohibitions enacted in recent legislation. The committee also proposes further revisions to the plea and relinquishment forms in this proposal (forms CR-101, CR-102, and CR-210) to reflect new procedures on firearm relinquishment, clarify prohibited items and relinquishment requirements, and refer to the possibility of a lifetime prohibition on firearm possession for misdemeanor domestic violence offenses. Finally, the committee proposes additional revisions to the felony plea form (form CR-101) based on other statutory changes, and to the criminal protective orders (forms CR-160 and CR-161) based on stakeholder suggestions.

Criminal Law and Family Law: Changes to Form MIL-100 (PDF, 465 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-18

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee and Criminal Law Advisory Committee propose revising form MIL-100, effective January 1, 2025. The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes revising form MIL-100 to implement the requirements of Family Code section 211.5, which was added by Senate Bill 1182 (Stats. 2022, ch. 385). The proposed changes would allow the court to comply with section 211.5 when the form is filed in a family law case involving a person who has military, veteran, reserve, or active status. The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes additional revisions to form MIL-100 to clarify procedures under Penal Code section 858 when the form is filed in a criminal case, and to reference treatment options for pretrial diversion under Penal Code section 1001.80. The committees also propose updating and reformatting the information on the back of the form for improved readability.

Criminal Procedure: Appointment of Counsel for Claims Filed Under Penal Code Section 1473(f) (PDF, 329 KB)
Item Number: W24-02

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes a rule of court to implement legislation requiring the Judicial Council to develop qualifications for the appointment of counsel in superior court habeas corpus proceedings under Penal Code section 1473(f).1 Section 1473(f) is part of the Racial Justice Act, which prohibits the state from seeking or obtaining a conviction or sentence based on race, ethnicity, or national origin and allows petitioners to make claims for relief based on violations of this Act.

Criminal Procedure: Racial Justice Act (PDF, 1549 KB)
Item Number: W24-01

The Appellate Advisory Committee and the Criminal Law Advisory Committee propose amending rules 4.551, 8.385, and 8.386 of the California Rules of Court and revising Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (form HC-001), Motion to Vacate Conviction or Sentence (form CR-187), and Order on Motion to Vacate Conviction or Sentence (form CR-188) to implement the Racial Justice Act, which prohibits the state from seeking or obtaining a conviction or sentence based on race, ethnicity, or national origin.

Criminal Procedure: Appointment of Trial Counsel in Capital Cases (PDF, 231 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-12

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes amending the rule governing qualifications for appointed trial counsel in capital cases to clarify that appointment of qualified counsel applies to all capital cases unless the district attorney affirmatively states on the record that the death penalty will not be sought.

Criminal Law: Circumstances in Aggravation (PDF, 1046 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-13

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revisions to the optional Judicial Council felony plea form to reflect statutory changes regarding the right to a trial on circumstances in justifying the imposition of the upper term of a criminal offense or enhancement, and to improve consistency throughout the form.  

Criminal Procedure: Petition for Resentencing Based on Health Conditions due to Military Service (PDF, 1026 KB)
Item Number: W23-05

Summary: The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revisions to the optional Judicial Council petition for resentencing based on health conditions due to military service to reflect statutory changes to Penal Code section 1170.91(b). This section was amended to delete the requirement that the petitioner was sentenced before January 1, 2015, and to add exclusions for petitioners convicted of specified serious and violent felony offenses and offenses requiring sex offender registration. The committee also recommends technical and formatting revisions to comply with Judicial Council form standards.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Friday, January 20, 2023 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Criminal Procedure: Record Cleaning Forms (PDF, 1719 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-14

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revising optional criminal forms used to petition for dismissals and reductions of convictions and request sealing of arrest records. The proposed revisions reflect statutory changes that allow for automatic record relief, expand who is eligible for relief, and clarify the effect of relief granted.  

Trial Courts: Report of Determinations Affecting Voting Rights (PDF, 1005 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-24

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee and the Criminal Law Advisory Committee propose one rule of court and two forms to implement recent legislation requiring the trial courts to report to the Secretary of State judicial determinations under Elections Code sections 2208–2211 disqualifying a person from voting or restoring a person’s right to register to vote. The legislation expressly required the Judicial Council to adopt rules and forms, including a mandatory form for the courts to use to furnish the required reports. 

Criminal Procedure: Petition for Resentencing Based on Health Conditions From Military Service (PDF, 1186 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-34

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revisions to the optional Judicial Council Petition for Resentencing Based on Health Conditions due to Military Service Listed in Penal Code Section 1170.91(b) (form CR-412/MIL-412). These revisions would clarify that the petitioner may apply for relief if a health condition was discovered after the original sentencing.

Criminal Procedure: Defendant’s Financial Statement (PDF, 950 KB)
Item Number: W23-06

Summary: The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revisions to the optional Judicial Council form used by defendants to state financial eligibility for appointment of counsel and record on appeal at public expense to reflect the repeal of Penal Code section 987.8 by Assembly Bill 1869 (Stats. 2020, ch. 92). The repeal of section 987.8 removed the authority of the court to make a post proceeding determination of the defendant’s ability to pay and to order the defendant to reimburse the county for the costs of the public defender.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Friday, January 20, 2023 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Criminal Procedure: Mental Competency Proceedings (PDF, 292 KB)
Item Number: W23-04

Summary: The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends amendments to rule 4.130 of the California Rules of Court to reflect the renumbering of Penal Code section 1001.36, statutory changes to Penal Code section 1369(a) regarding treatment with antipsychotic medication of a defendant found incompetent to stand trial, and minor, non substantive technical revisions.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Friday, January 20, 2023 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Criminal Procedure: Request for Dismissal of Conviction for Violation of Penal Code (PDF, 313 KB)
Item Number: SP22-13

Summary: The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends two optional forms relating to resentencing, dismissal, and sealing of Penal Code section 653.22 convictions. Senate Bill 357 (Weiner; Stats. 2022, ch. 86), effective January 1, 2023, repeals Penal Code section 653.22 (loitering with the intent to commit prostitution) and adds Penal Code section 653.29, which outlines the process for resentencing, dismissal, and sealing of section 653.22 convictions. Penal Code section 653.29(f) specifically instructs the Judicial Council to “promulgate and make available all necessary forms to enable the filing of petitions and applications provided in this section.” The proposal includes a request for relief and a court order granting or denying relief.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Criminal Law: Definition of Firearm (PDF, 566 KB)
Item Number: SP22-12

Summary: The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revisions to two optional Judicial Council plea forms and the optional Judicial Council firearm relinquishment findings form to reflect statutory changes to the definition of firearm in Penal Code section 16520(b). The committee also recommends additional revisions to one of the plea forms to reflect accurate mandatory minimum probation terms and make minor, nonsubstantive technical changes.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Criminal Procedure: Criminal Protective Orders and Firearm Relinquishment Orders (PDF, 604 KB)
Item Number: SP22-11

Summary: The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revisions to two mandatory Judicial Council criminal protective orders to (1) reflect statutory changes to the definition of firearm in Penal Code section 16520(b), with an impact on Penal Code section 136.2 and Code of Civil Procedure section 527.9; (2) reflect statutory changes adding “reproductive coercion” as an example of “coercive control” in Family Code section 6320; (3) be consistent with similar provisions in the civil protective orders; and (4) improve the forms’ useability and accuracy. The committee circulated proposed revisions to the two mandatory criminal protective orders from April to May 2022 and is now proposing further revisions to those forms in light of the recent statutory changes. The committee also recommends revisions to a mandatory Judicial Council order to surrender firearms in domestic violence criminal cases to reflect statutory changes to the definition of firearms as described above and to be consistent with previously circulated proposed revisions to the criminal protective orders.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Criminal Procedure: Motion and Order to Vacate Conviction or Sentence (PDF, 1261 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-29

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revisions to two optional Judicial Council forms relating to vacating a conviction or sentence to implement recent amendments to Penal Code section 1473.7(a)(1) that became effective January 1, 2022, and to reflect case law interpreting that statute. The committee circulated proposed revisions from February to March 2022 and is proposing further revisions in light of the comments received.

Criminal Procedure: Criminal Protective Orders (PDF, 1114 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-08

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revisions to two mandatory Judicial Council criminal protective orders to (1) increase readability through design changes and the use of clearer language; (2) reflect changes to Family Code section 6320; (3) be consistent with the fields in the California Restraining and Protective Order System (CARPOS) database; (4) change references to “sex” to “gender,” and include a gender nonbinary option; (5) replace the three year expiration default; (6) include prohibitions on firearm precursor parts; (7) clarify the scope of specified provisions; (8) add a limited contact option to reflect Penal Code section 136.2(a)(1)(G)(i); (9) revise warnings and notices; (10) add a new law enforcement instruction section; (11) add a provision for the court to indicate that it finds that the victim’s family members have been targeted or harmed by the defendant (for postconviction orders issued under Penal Code section 136.2(i)(1)); (12) add a provision for the court to indicate that it finds that a percipient witness has been harassed by the defendant (for postconviction orders issued under Penal Code1 section 136.2(i)(2)); (13) delete the ammunition prohibition on form CR-161; (14) delete the provision on recording of prohibited communications on form CR-161; and (15) delete the federal punishment reference on form CR-161.

Criminal Law: Felony Sentencing (PDF, 352 KB)
Item Number: SP22-02

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes amendments to specified felony sentencing rules of the California Rules of Court to reflect several major legislative changes were made to sentencing of felony offenses and enhancements, which went into effect January 1, 2022. The recommended amendments will reflect statutory changes (1) requiring aggravated factors to be stipulated to by the defendant or found true beyond a reasonable doubt when imposing the upper term of a felony offense or enhancement; (2) allowing courts to consider as an aggravating factor that a defendant has suffered one or more prior convictions, based on certified official records, but that this exception may not be used to select the upper term of an enhancement; (3) discontinuing commitments of juveniles to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Division of Juvenile Justice; (4) regarding mitigating circumstances requiring imposition of the lower term; (5) identifying specified mitigating circumstances for consideration in sentencing; (6) allowing an act or omission that is punishable in different ways by different laws to be punished under either of those provisions; and (7) amending dismissal of enhancements due to specified mitigating circumstances. The proposal would also clarify that courts may consider aggravating factors in exercising discretion in imposing the middle term instead of a low term, denying probation, ordering consecutive sentences, or determining whether to exercise discretion pursuant to Penal Code section 1385(c) and make nonsubstantive technical amendments.

Criminal Procedure: Motion and Order to Vacate Conviction or Sentence (PDF, 1048 KB)
Item Number: SP22-04

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revisions to two optional Judicial Council forms in response to recent amendments to Penal Code section 1473.7(a)(1) that became effective January 1, 2022. These revisions would allow a moving party to seek relief based on a prejudicial error that interfered with the party’s ability to meaningfully understand, defend against, or knowingly accept the actual or potential adverse immigration consequences of a conviction or sentence. Additionally, the forms revisions to implement recent case law andclarify the forms would (1) clarify the out-of-custody requirement (see People v. Rodriguez (2021) 68 Cal.App.5th 301); (2) include a request for appointment of counsel (see People v. Fryhaat (2019) 35 Cal.App.5th 969); (3) add provisions around timeliness of the motion; and(4) simplify the language in the motion to aid self-represented petitioners.

Criminal Procedure: Mental Competency Proceedings (PDF, 303 KB)
Item Number: SP22-03

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends amendments to California Rules of Court, rule 4.130, to reflect statutory changes to Penal Code section 1370 authorizing the Department of State Hospitals to conduct a reevaluation of a defendant found to be incompetent to stand trial in specified circumstances, and statutory changes to Penal Code section 1370.01 regarding defendants found incompetent to stand trial in misdemeanor criminal proceedings.

Collaborative Justice: Updating the Collaborative Justice Courts Advisory Committee’s Area of Focus and Duties (PDF, 294 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-04

The Collaborative Justice Courts Advisory Committee recommends amending rule 10.56 of the California Rules of Court to expand and clarify its areas of focus and duties. This recommendation would allow the advisory committee to better address judicial leadership and court processes impacting collaborative justice courts and similar programs that impact individuals who are moving through the court system and who have mental illnesses, substance use disorders, or co-occurring disorders. These proposed amendments seek to (1) revise the scope of duties to more accurately align with the evolution of collaborative courts, and (2) allow the advisory committee to address diversion and other collaborative programs involving the courts and informed by—or could benefit from—the incorporation of collaborative justice court principles and practices.

Criminal Procedure: Immigration Consequences Advisement on Plea Forms (PDF, 806 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-06

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes revisions to Plea Form, With Explanations and Waiver of Rights—Felony (form CR-101) and Domestic Violence Plea Form with Waiver of Rights (Misdemeanor) (form CR-102) to conform to case law that has clarified the requirements for court and counsel immigration consequences advisements.

Criminal Forms: Incarcerated Individual Hand Crew Conviction Relief (PDF, 533 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-07

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends four new optional forms to implement the provisions of Assembly Bill 2147 (Stats 2020, ch. 60), which authorizes conviction relief for a petitioner who successfully participated as an incarcerated individual hand crew member in a fire camp program operated by a county or the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

Criminal Forms: Commitment Orders for Sexually Violent Predators (PDF, 1088 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-08

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revising Order for Commitment (form CR-173) and revoking Order for Extended Commitment (form CR-174) to incorporate changes to the statutes governing sexually violent predator proceedings (Welf. & Inst. Code, § 6600 et seq.), replace gender-specific pronouns, and incorporate revisions for procedural efficiency, accuracy, and clarity.

Rules and Forms: Proof of Service for Sex Offender Registration Termination (PDF, 1024 KB)
Item Number: SP20-11

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes a new optional form for proof of service of a petition to terminate sex offender registration and proof of current registration to the required law enforcement agencies and district attorney’s offices.

Comments must be submitted by December 23, 2020 5:00 PM (Pacific)

Criminal Forms: Sex Offender Registration Termination (PDF, 1115 KB)
Item Number: SP20-03

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes three new mandatory forms and an optional information sheet to be used to petition the court for termination of sex offender registration, indicate a district attorney’s response to the petition, and make appropriate court orders. The state Department of Justice requested the Judicial Council’s assistance with forms to implement relevant parts of the Sex Offender Registration Act (Sen. Bill 384; Stats. 2017, ch. 541).

Criminal Procedure: Automatic Record Relief (PDF, 673 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-10

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revising optional criminal forms used to petition for dismissals and reductions of convictions and request sealing of arrest records to reflect statutory changes allowing for automatic record relief

Criminal Procedure: Felony Waiver and Plea Form (PDF, 1107 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-11

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes revisions to Plea Form, With Explanations and Waiver of Rights—Felony (form CR-101) to conform to multiple statutory changes that have added or changed relevant sentencing requirements and advisements.

Criminal Procedure: Multicounty Incarceration and Supervision (PDF, 333 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-12

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends amending California Rules of Court, rule 4.452, to (1) clarify that certain provisions apply only to sentences under Penal Code section 1170(h), (2) add procedures for when a subsequent court sentences a defendant to state prison when the prior sentence was under section 1170(h), and (3) clarify that subsequent courts may not increase the custody or mandatory supervision portion of the sentence imposed by the previous court. The amendments were suggested by a prosecutor and a committee member.

Criminal Procedure: Ignition Interlock Form (PDF, 1236 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-13

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revising the criminal forms implementing ignition interlock device requirements to conform to statutory changes, increase clarity and usability, and make nonsubstantive technical changes.

Criminal Procedure: Resentencing Recommendations Under Penal Code Section 1170(d)(1) (PDF, 360 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-14

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends adopting a new rule of court establishing procedures for resentencing recommendations under Penal Code section 1170(d)(1) (see Link A).

Criminal Procedure: Intercounty Probation and Mandatory Supervision Transfer (PDF, 319 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-15

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends amending California Rules of Court, rule 4.530, to state that only the receiving court may certify records from a case and to allow for electronic transmission of a certified copy of the court file. The amendments were suggested by a judicial administrator.

Criminal Forms: Sex Offender Registration Termination (PDF, 1282 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-16

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends four new mandatory forms and an optional information sheet to be used to petition the court for termination of sex offender registration, acknowledge receipt of a petition by the appropriate law enforcement agencies and district attorney’s offices, indicate a district attorney’s response to the petition, and make appropriate court orders. The state Department of Justice requested the Judicial Council’s assistance with forms to implement relevant parts of the Sex Offender Registration Act (Sen. Bill 384; Stats. 2017, ch. 541).

Criminal Procedure: Vacatur Relief for Human Trafficking Victims, SPR19-15 (PDF, 317 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-15

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes adding standard 4.15 to the California Standards of Judicial Administration to provide guidance to judges and court administrators on procedures to implement vacatur relief under Penal Code section 236.14. Section 236.14 provides, in relevant part, for a petition process to vacate an arrest or conviction for a nonviolent offense while the petitioner was a victim of human trafficking, and for the sealing and destruction of the petitioner’s arrest records.

Criminal Procedure: Immigration Consequences Explanation on Plea Forms, SPR19-16 (PDF, 445 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-16

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends amending the language in the immigration consequences sections of the two Judicial Council plea forms, Plea Form, With Explanations and Waiver of Rights—Felony (form CR-101) and Domestic Violence Plea Form With Waiver of Rights (form CR-102), to conform to the plain language of Penal Code section 1016.5.1 The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC)2 suggested this change based on concerns that the current language in these forms contains inaccuracies.

Criminal Procedure: Interpreter’s Statements on Judicial Council Criminal Forms, SPR19-17 (PDF, 516 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-17

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends removing a portion of the Interpreter’s Statement on three Judicial Council criminal forms to ensure that the statement accurately describes the role and responsibilities of interpreters. The committee also recommends adding the proposed Interpreter’s Statement to the form used by mentally disordered defendants to indicate whether the defendant is challenging the Penal Code section 1606 report recommending confinement or continued outpatient treatment, or is waiving that right.

Criminal Procedure: Diversion for Incompetent Defendants and Posttrial Hearings on Competency, SPR19-18 (PDF, 336 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-18

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends amending rule 4.130 of the California Rules of Court relating to mental competency proceedings in criminal cases to incorporate changes due to Assembly Bill 1810 (Stats. 2018, ch. 34), a bill that significantly altered the statutory landscape for mental competency proceedings.

Criminal Procedure: Proof of Service in Record Clearing Requests, SPR19-19 (PDF, 497 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-19

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes a new optional form, Proof of Service (Criminal Record Clearing) (form CR-106) and an accompanying information sheet, Information on How to File a Proof of Service in Criminal Record Clearing Requests (form CR-106-INFO), for petitioners to use with requests for a court to review a criminal record for dismissal, vacatur, resentencing, reduction, sealing, or other record clearing remedies.

Criminal Procedure: Petition for Resentencing (Military), SPR19-20 (PDF, 358 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-20

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends a new optional form, Petition for Resentencing Based on Health Conditions From Military Service Listed in Penal Code Section 1170.91(b) (form CR-412/MIL-412), for petitions for resentencing under Assembly Bill 865 (Stats. 2018, ch. 523). The legislation allows veterans to benefit retroactively from the passage of Penal Code section 1170.91, which permits a judge to consider enumerated conditions (sexual trauma, traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, or mental health problems) that have resulted from military service as a mitigating factor at sentencing.

Criminal Procedure: Invitation to Comment - SP18 - 23 (PDF, 645 KB)
Item Number: SP18 - 23

Notice: Referendum 1856 (18-0009), Referendum to Overturn a 2018 Law That Replaced Money Bail System with a System Based on Public Safety Risk, qualified for the November 2020 ballot, after being certified by the Secretary of State on January 16, 2019. Qualification of the referendum has the effect of staying SB 10. At this time, the Judicial Council of California has suspended implementation of the legislation, including adoption of California Rules of Court. If you have specific questions, please contact the council’s Criminal Justice Services office:

Criminal Procedure: Proper Use of Pretrial Risk Assessment Information; Review and Release Standards for Pretrial Assessment Services for Persons Assessed as Medium Risk

Item Number: SP18-23

Summary: The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes adoption of two new California Rules of Court: rule 4.10, which sets forth the proper use of pretrial risk assessment information, and rule 4.40, which addresses review and release standards for Pretrial Assessment Services for persons assessed as medium risk. These proposed rules are intended to fulfill the Judicial Council’s obligation under Penal Code section 1320.24(a) to adopt rules and forms, as needed, to implement specific elements of Senate Bill 10.

Deadline to submit comments: Review and submit comments by December 14, 2018

Appellate Procedure: Appeals from Superior Court Decisions in Death Penalty–Related Habeas Corpus Proceedings (PDF, 417 KB)
Item Number: SP18-21

The Proposition 66 Rules Working Group is proposing amendments to an existing rule relating to appeals from decisions in habeas corpus proceedings and the adoption of several new rules and a form specifically addressing appeals from superior court decisions on death penalty–related habeas corpus petitions. These proposed rules and the form are intended to partially fulfill the Judicial Council’s rule-making obligations under Proposition 66 by establishing procedures for this new type of appeal.

Criminal Procedure: Superior Court Procedures for Death Penalty–Related Habeas Corpus Proceedings (PDF, 843 KB)
Item Number: sp18-22

The Proposition 66 Rules Working Group is proposing the adoption of six new rules of court relating to superior court procedures for death penalty–related habeas corpus proceedings. These proposed rules are intended to partially fulfill the Judicial Council’s rule-making obligations under Proposition 66 by establishing procedures for the superior courts’ new responsibility for this type of proceeding.  

Criminal Procedure: Multicounty Incarceration and Supervision (PDF, 176 KB)
Item Number: SP18-19

Senate Bill 670 (Jackson; Stats. 2017, ch. 287) amended Penal Code section 1170(h),1 effective January 1, 2018, to require courts to determine the county or counties of incarceration and supervision for defendants when imposing judgments concurrent or consecutive to another judgment or judgments previously imposed under section 1170(h) in another county or counties. SB 670 also amended section 1170.3, to require the Judicial Council to adopt rules of court providing criteria for trial judges to consider at the time of sentencing when determining the county or counties of incarceration and supervision. This proposal would implement section 1170.3 by amending California Rules of Court, rule 4.452, to guide the second or subsequent court when determining the county or counties of supervision. The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes amendments to rule 4.452 to make it consistent with statutory changes and to incorporate further substantive changes suggested by commenters when this proposal circulated previously.

Rules and Forms: Qualification of Counsel for Appointment in Death Penalty Appeals and Habeas Corpus Proceedings (PDF, 602 KB)
Item Number: SP18-12

The Proposition 66 Rules Working Group is proposing amendments to the rule relating to the qualifications of counsel in death penalty appeals and habeas corpus proceedings, including moving to a new rule the provisions regarding the qualifications of counsel in death penalty– related habeas corpus proceedings. These proposed rule changes are intended to fulfill the Judicial Council’s obligation under Proposition 66 to reevaluate the competency standards for the appointment of counsel in death penalty direct appeals and habeas corpus proceedings

Criminal and Appellate Procedure: Superior Court Appointment of Counsel in Death Penalty–Related Habeas Corpus Proceedings (PDF, 894 KB)
Item Number: SP18-13

The Proposition 66 Rules Working Group is proposing the adoption of two new rules and two new forms relating to the superior court appointment of counsel in death penalty–related habeas corpus proceedings. These proposed rules and forms are intended to partially fulfill the Judicial Council’s rule-making obligations under Proposition 66 by providing procedures for superior courts to determine if an attorney meets the minimum qualifications for counsel in death penalty–related habeas corpus proceedings and to appoint such counsel for indigent persons subject to a judgment of death.

Criminal and Appellate Procedure: Record Preparation in Death Penalty Cases (PDF, 1095 KB)
Item Number: SP18-11

The Proposition 66 Rules Working Group is proposing the adoption of several new rules and amendments to several existing rules relating to preparation of the record on appeal in death penalty cases. The working group is also proposing the adoption of two new mandatory forms and the approval of four new optional forms designed to assist in the record preparation process. These proposed rules and forms are intended to partially fulfill the Judicial Council’s rulemaking obligations under Proposition 66 by making the record preparation process in death penalty cases more efficient.

Criminal Procedure: Multicounty Incarceration and Supervision (PDF, 122 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-12

Senate Bill 670 (Jackson; Stats. 2017, ch. 287) amended Penal Code section 1170(h),1 effective January 1, 2018, requiring courts to determine the county or counties of incarceration and supervision for defendants when imposing judgments concurrent or consecutive to another judgment or judgments previously imposed under section 1170(h) in another county or counties. SB 670 also amended section 1170.3, requiring the Judicial Council to adopt rules of court providing criteria for the consideration of trial judges at the time of sentencing when determining the county or counties of incarceration and supervision. This proposal would implement section 1170.3 by amending California Rules of Court, rule 4.452 to guide the second or subsequent court when determining the county or counties of supervision.

Criminal Procedure: Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (PDF, 191 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-13

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes revisions to the Judicial Council form used by non-capital petitioners to petition for a writ of habeas corpus. This proposal would update the instructions regarding filing in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal to reflect amendments to the appellate rules; replace or add authority that is more recent or more on point for the propositions they support; add language relevant to successive petitions and repetitive claims in item 12 to include the court in which the petition is filed; and add citations as authority for the procedural bars of successiveness and repetitiveness. These changes are in response to a request from members of the California Supreme Court’s Central Criminal Staff.

Criminal Justice Realignment: Petition and Order for Dismissal (PDF, 363 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-14

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes revisions to two Judicial Council forms in response to recent legislation that authorizes dismissal relief for defendants sentenced to state prison for a felony that, if committed after the 2011 Realignment legislation, would have been eligible for sentencing to a county jail under Penal Code section 1170(h)(5). The proposed revisions would incorporate the new statutory basis for relief on both forms.

Criminal Procedure: Petition and Order to Vacate Arrest or Conviction (Human Trafficking Victim) (PDF, 351 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-15

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes two new optional forms, Petition to Vacate Arrest or Conviction (Human Trafficking Victim) (form CR-407) and Order to Vacate Arrest or Conviction (Human Trafficking Victim) (form CR-408) in response to recent legislation1 that establishes a petition process under Penal Code section 236.14 to vacate a conviction or adjudication for a person who has been arrested for, convicted of, or adjudicated a ward of the juvenile court for committing a nonviolent offense while he or she was a victim of human trafficking, and for the sealing and destruction of the petitioner’s arrest and court records.

Criminal Procedure: Confidentiality of Court-Appointed Experts’ Reports in Mental Competency Proceedings (PDF, 95 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-16

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes amending the California rule of court relating to mental competency proceedings in criminal cases. This proposal would amend the rule to make court-appointed experts’ reports on a criminal defendant’s competency to stand trial presumptively confidential, while also including procedures for interested parties to request access to the experts’ reports. The proposal was suggested by a judge of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County.

Criminal Procedure: Determination of Probable Cause Under Penal Code section 1368.1(a)(2) (PDF, 80 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-17

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes the adoption of a California rule of court relating to determinations of probable cause under Penal Code section 1368.1(a)(2). Senate Bill 684 (Bates; Stats. 2017, ch. 246), effective January 1, 2018, amended Penal Code section 1368.1(a)(2) to allow a prosecuting attorney to request a probable cause determination for a defendant who is incompetent to stand trial, if the complaint charges specified offenses and the probable cause determination is sought “solely for the purpose of establishing the defendant is gravely disabled” under Welfare and Institutions Code section 5008(h)(1)(B), commonly referred to as a Murphy conservatorship.

Criminal Procedure: Judicial Council Forms for a Dismissal of a Conviction of a Violation of Penal Code Section 647f (PDF, 151 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-18

Senate Bill 239 (Weiner; Stats. 2017, ch. 537), effective January 1, 2018, invalidates convictions for violations of Penal Code section 647f (felony prostitution) and adds section 1170.22 to the Penal Code, which outlines a petition and application process for the dismissal of section 647f convictions. The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes two optional forms to be used for petitioners/applicants to request the court for relief under Penal Code section 1170.22. Penal Code section 1170.22(i) specifically instructs the Judicial Council to “promulgate and make available all necessary forms to enable the filing of petitions and applications provided in this section.”

Criminal Procedure: Petition to Seal Arrest and Related Records (PDF, 242 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-19

Senate Bill 393 (Lara; Stats. 2017, ch. 680), effective January 1, 2018, added section 851.91 to the Penal Code, which outlines how an individual who suffered an arrest that did not lead to a conviction can file a petition to have the arrest and related records sealed. The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes the development of a petition to seal arrests as directed by Penal Code section 851.91(b)(3), which requires the Judicial Council to furnish forms.

Criminal Procedure: Felony Waiver and Plea Form (PDF, 1556 KB)
Item Number: W18-04

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes revisions to the Judicial Council Plea Form with Explanations and Waiver of Rights—Felony (form CR-101) in response to recent case law that provided guidance regarding trial courts’ determinations whether jury trial waivers were  knowing, intelligent, and voluntary and the information that must be conveyed to defendants to make these determinations. In conjunction with other proposed revisions to form CR-101 that had circulated for public comment, the proposed revisions regarding jury trial waiver were approved by the Judicial Council effective January 1, 2018, without a prior period of public comment but with Judicial Council direction that the committee circulate the proposed jury trial waiver revisions for public comment in the winter 2018 cycle.

Criminal Procedure: Judicial Council Form Under Proposition 63 (PDF, 275 KB)
Item Number: SP17-03

Civil Practice and Procedure: Denial of Request to Remove Name From Shared Gang Database (PDF, 377 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-26

Criminal Procedure: Court-Appointed Expert’s Report in Mental Competency Proceedings (PDF, 155 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-10

Criminal Procedure: Motion and Order to Vacate Conviction or Sentence (PDF, 821 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-11

Criminal Procedure: Felony Waiver and Plea Form (PDF, 908 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-12

Criminal Procedure: Use of Risk/Needs Assessments at Sentencing (PDF, 374 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-27

Criminal Procedure and Juvenile Law: Judicial Council Forms Under Proposition 64 (PDF, 208 KB)
Item Number: W17-01

Criminal Procedure: Transfer Back to Receiving Court for Limited Purpose after Intercounty Transfer (PDF, 41 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-06

Criminal Procedure: Pre-Arraignment Own Recognizance Release Under Court-Operated or Approved Pretrial Programs (PDF, 49 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-05

Criminal Procedure: Multiple County Sentencing Under Penal Code Section 1170(h) (PDF, 47 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-04

Criminal Procedure: Application of Code of Civil Procedure section 1010.6(a) and (b) to Criminal Actions (PDF, 41 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-03

Criminal Procedure: Intercounty Probation and Mandatory Supervision Transfer (PDF, 431 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-12

Criminal Law: Criminal Realignment and Military Service (PDF, 178 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-13

Criminal Procedure: Petition and Order for Dismissal—Deferred Entry of Judgment (PDF, 239 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-14

Traffic and Criminal Procedure: Infraction Procedures Regarding Bail, Fines, and Assessments (PDF, 92 KB)
Item Number: SP16-02

Criminal and Traffic Procedure: Appearance in Court for Infractions Without Deposit of Bail (PDF, 72 KB)
Item Number: SP15-06

Criminal Justice Realignment: Court jurisdiction over supervision revocation; calculation of time during supervision revocation (PDF, 66 KB)
Item Number: LEG15-01

Criminal Procedure: Petition and Order for Dismissal (PDF, 120 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-14

Criminal Procedure: Petition and Order for Dismissal (Military Personnel) (PDF, 154 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-15

Criminal Justice Realignment: Imposition of Mandatory Supervision (PDF, 99 KB)
Item Number: SP14-08

Criminal Justice Realignment: Petitions for Revocation of Supervision (PDF, 164 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-07

Criminal Justice Realignment: Petition and Order for Dismissal (PDF, 283 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-08

Criminal Procedure: Criminal Protective Order Forms (PDF, 968 KB)
Item Number: W14-05

Criminal Justice Realignment: Petitions for Revocation (PDF, 140 KB)
Item Number: SP13-06

Criminal Justice Realignment: Warrants for Supervised Persons (PDF, 72 KB)
Item Number: SP13-04

Juvenile Law and Criminal Law: Order for Restitution and Abstract of Judgment (PDF, 392 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-29

Criminal Cases: Encouraging Local Mental Health Protocols and Adding Stakeholders to Currently Mandated Meetings (PDF, 99 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-16

Proposed Legislation: Criminal Procedure: Intercounty Probation Case Transfers (PDF, 62 KB)
Item Number: LEG13-01

Proposed Legislation: Criminal Procedure: Misdemeanor Contempt by Jurors (PDF, 62 KB)
Item Number: LEG13-02

Criminal Procedure: Petition and Order for Dismissal (PDF, 131 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-15

Criminal Justice Realignment: Minimum Contents of Parole Revocation Reports (PDF, 132 KB)
Item Number: W13-06

Criminal Justice Realignment: Procedure to Revoke Postrelease Community Supervision (PDF, 443 KB)
Item Number: SP12-07

Criminal Justice Realignment: Intercounty Transfer Procedures (PDF, 168 KB)
Item Number: SP12-08

Criminal Justice Realignment: Felony Waiver and Plea Form (PDF, 196 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-15

Criminal Procedure: Transcripts of Notification of Appeal Rights (PDF, 78 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-16

Criminal Justice Realignment: Abstract of Judgment Forms (PDF, 414 KB)
Item Number: W12-05

Criminal Justice Realignment: Postrelease Supervision Revocation Procedure (PDF, 72 KB)
Item Number: SP11-14

Criminal Procedure: Abstract of Judgment Forms (PDF, 742 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-28

Criminal Procedure: Petition and Order for Dismissal (PDF, 476 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-29

Criminal Procedure: Petitions for Writs of Habeas Corpus (PDF, 416 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-30

Criminal Procedure: Criminal Protective Orders (PDF, 555 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-31

Criminal Procedure: Intercounty Probation Transfer Forms (PDF, 609 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-32

Criminal Procedure: Intercounty Probation Transfer Rule (PDF, 407 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-33

Criminal Procedure: Sentencing on Revocation of Probation (PDF, 80 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-23

Criminal Procedure: Imposition of Enhancements (PDF, 74 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-24

Criminal Procedure: Application of Penal Code Section 654 (PDF, 73 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-25

Criminal Law: Intercounty Probation Case Transfer (PDF, 387 KB)
Item Number: W10-05

Criminal Cases: New Advisory Committee Comment to rule regarding jury voir dire (PDF, 47 KB)
Item Number: SP07-21

Criminal Cases: Rules for Felony Sentencing in light of Senate Bill 40 (PDF, 227 KB)
Item Number: SP07-20

Criminal Cases: Rules for Continuances and Calendar Management (PDF, 315 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-36

Criminal Protective Order-Domestic Violence, Criminal Protective Order-Other Than Domestic Violence, and Notice of Termination of Protective Order in Criminal Proceedings (CLETS) (PDF, 203 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-36

Criminal Law: Petition and Order for Expungement (PDF, 363 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-35

Criminal and Juvenile Law: DNA Expungement Forms (PDF, 80 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-34

Criminal Cases: Petitions for Writ of Habeas Corpus (PDF, 95 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-33

Criminal and Juvenile Law: Subpoena Standby Agreement (PDF, 330 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-25

Criminal Law: Felony Plea Form (PDF, 411 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-24

Criminal Law: Petition and Order for Dismissal (PDF, 351 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-23

Criminal Law: Petitions for Writs of Habeas Corpus (PDF, 409 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-22

Criminal Law: Misdemeanor Domestic Violence Plea Form (PDF, 79 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-21

Criminal Law: Deadlines for Filing Pretrial Motions (PDF, 322 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-20

Criminal Law: Felony Notice of Appeal (PDF, 374 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-19

CALCRIM-2024-01 (PDF, 1831 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM-2024-01

Revisions to jury instructions reflecting recent developments in the law and user suggestions.

CALCRIM-2023-02 (PDF, 1554 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM-2023-02

Revisions to user guide and jury instructions reflecting recent developments in the law and user suggestions.

CALCRIM 2023-01 (PDF, 1089 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM-2023-01

New and revised jury instructions reflecting recent developments in the law and user suggestions.

Jury Instructions: Public Access and Publication (PDF, 256 KB)
Item Number: W23-11

Summary: The Rules Committee recommends revising California Rules of Court, rule 2.1050, to express the council’s continued interest in both free public access to the Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) and the Judicial Council of California Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) and having publishers accurately publish the instructions, properly attribute the council as the source of the instructions, and not claim copyright in them. This proposal originated with a suggestion from a nonprofit organization following a change in copyright law that impacts government bodies.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Friday, January 20, 2023 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

CALCRIM 2022-02 (PDF, 1975 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM-2022-02

New and revised jury instructions reflecting recent developments in the law and user suggestions.

Criminal Jury Instructions: Revisions and Additions (PDF, 1742 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM2022-01

New and revised jury instructions, reflecting recent developments in the law and user suggestions.

CALCRIM 2021-02 (PDF, 2895 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM-2021-02

New and revised jury instructions reflecting recent developments in the law and user suggestions.

CALCRIM 2021-01 (PDF, 1495 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM-2021-01

New and revised jury instructions reflecting recent developments in the law and user suggestions.

CALCRIM 2020-02 (PDF, 822 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM-2020-02

New, revised, and revoked jury instructions reflecting recent developments in the law and user suggestions.

CALCRIM 2020-01 (PDF, 2450 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM-2020-01

CALCRIM 2019-02 (PDF, 2103 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM-2019-02

Criminal Jury Instructions - CALCRIM 2019-01 (PDF, 3553 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM-2019-01

Criminal Jury Instructions - CALCRIM 2018-02 (PDF, 1247 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM-2018-02

Criminal Jury Instructions - CALCRIM 2018-01 (PDF, 1316 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM 2018-01

Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) (PDF, 6695 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM-2017-11

Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) (PDF, 1145 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM-17-06

Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) Revisions - CALCRIM 2016-02 (PDF, 771 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM 2016-02

Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) Revisions - CALCRIM 2016-01 (PDF, 1294 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM 2016-01

Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) Revisions (PDF, 519 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM 2015-02

Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) Revisions (PDF, 749 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM S2015

Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) Revisions (PDF, 1421 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM 2014

Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) Revisions (PDF, 447 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM 2014-05

Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) Revisions (PDF, 1095 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM 2013-07

Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) Revisions (PDF, 1197 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM 2013-06

Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) Revisions (PDF, 647 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM 2012-11

Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) Revisions (PDF, 472 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM 2012-06

Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) Revisions (PDF, 602 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM 11-02

Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) Revisions (PDF, 658 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM 11-01

December 2009 Release for Public Comment (PDF, 633 KB)
Item Number: CALCRIM 12-09

Civil Forms: Disability Access Litigation (PDF, 647 KB)
Item Number: W16-03

Civil Practice and Procedure: Tolling of Statutes of Limitations in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF, 382 KB)
Item Number: SP20-01

To protect parties who have a civil cause of action that accrued before or during the state of emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Judicial Council adopted California Rules of Court, emergency rule 9, which tolled statutes of limitations on civil causes of action for the duration of the state of emergency and 90 days thereafter. The chairs of the Judicial Council’s six internal committees now propose that the council amend emergency rule 9 to shorten the time for tolling statutes of limitations for all civil causes of action and to clarify that the tolling applies also to statutes of repose.

Policy for Third-Party Uses of Court Facilities (PDF, 1171 KB)
Item Number: SP23-07

Summary: The Executive and Planning Committee seeks public comment on the proposed Policy for Third-Party Uses of Court Facilities developed by the Real Estate Policies Subcommittee. The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the use of court facilities by third parties including continuous or regularly occurring long-term occupancies, short-term events and activities, and commercial and vendor services.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by October 16, 2023, at 5:00 PM (Pacific).

Draft Revised Courthouse Naming Policy (PDF, 826 KB)
Item Number: SP23-05

Proposed revision to the Judicial Council’s Courthouse Naming Policy reflecting updated practices over time.

Item Number:

Draft California Environmental Quality Act Objectives, Criteria, and Procedures

For Comment: The Court Facilities and Trial Court Facility Modification Advisory Committees welcome comments on the following two draft policies, which the committees approved for public comment at a joint meeting on November 8, 2022:

Draft Building Official Policy: This policy sets forth the role, responsibilities, and qualifications of the Judicial Council’s Building Official as well as establishes the process for appeal of the Building Official’s determinations.

Draft California Environmental Quality Act Objectives, Criteria, and Procedures: This document shall serve as implementing procedures for the Judicial Council pursuant to Public Resources Code § 21082 and California Code of Regulations Title 14, § 15022, which directs California public agencies to adopt objectives, criteria, and procedures for the evaluation of projects and preparation of environmental documents.

Comments Deadline: Submit comments by email to by December 9, 2022.

Use of Air Filtration Devices During Wildfires: Invitation to Comment (PDF, 469 KB)
Item Number: SP21-10

The purpose of this Judicial Council of California policy is to define actions that can be taken by the council during wildfire events to support court facilities, court operations, and court occupants in Judicial Council-owned and Judicial Council-managed buildings. This policy also includes an analysis of the efficacy of air filtration devices.

Draft Guidelines for the Responsibility of Facilities Costs between the Judicial Council and Trial Courts: Invitation to Comment (PDF, 1819 KB)
Item Number:

Draft Update: DRAFT Guidelines for the Responsibility of Facilities Costs between the Judicial Council and Trial Courts

Summary: The Trial Court Facility Modification Advisory Committee welcomes comments on the draft Guidelines for the Responsibility of Facilities Costs between the Judicial Council and Trial Courts. On August 31, 2020, the TCFMAC approved these draft guidelines for review by the Court Executives Advisory Committee (CEAC) and for circulation for public comment. Facilities staff presented this item at CEAC’s Executive Committee meeting on October 28, 2020. The guidelines are intended only to be operating guidelines and as reference to assist the advisory committee and Judicial Council staff in determining responsibility for the funding of various trial court facility projects.

Deadline to submit comments: Submit comments by email to by December 4, 2020

Draft Update to the California Trial Court Facilities Standards: Invitation to Comment (PDF, 10954 KB)
Item Number: SP24-05

Proposed update to the California Trial Court Facilities Standards reflecting various code and best management practice changes over time and since the last version was adopted by the Judicial Council in November 2020.

Redline Version with Edits

Draft Statewide List of Trial Court Capital-Outlay Projects (PDF, 1354 KB)
Item Number: CFAC19-02

The Court Facilities Advisory Committee welcomes comments on the draft Statewide List of Trial Court Capital-Outlay Projects. The draft statewide list has been developed in response to the legislative mandate for the council to reassess and reprioritize its unfunded capital projects. The 2018 Budget Act’s trailer bill language (SB 847) requires that the Judicial Council develop/submit a reassessment of its capital-outlay projects to the legislature by December 31, 2019.

Draft Revision of Prioritization Methodology for Trial Court Capital-Outlay Projects (PDF, 1281 KB)
Item Number: CFAC19-01

The Court Facilities Advisory Committee welcomes comments on the latest update to the draft Revision of Prioritization Methodology for Trial Court Capital-Outlay Projects. The latest update to the draft methodology captures all edits made since it was last reviewed/approved by the advisory committee at its meetings on February 21, 2019, and August 29, 2019. The draft methodology, which is proposed to revise the Judicial Council’s current policy, has been developed in response to the legislative mandate for the council to reassess and reprioritize its unfunded capital projects. The 2018 Budget Act’s trailer bill language (SB 847) requires that the Judicial Council develop/submit a reassessment of its capital-outlay projects to the legislature by December 31, 2019.

Court Facilities Working Group Draft Recommendations (PDF, 12 KB)
Item Number: OCCM12-03

Court Facilities Working Group Draft Recommendations (PDF, 11 KB)
Item Number: OCCM12-02

Court Facilities Working Group Process and Criteria for Selecting SB 1407 Projects to Move Forward (PDF, 102 KB)
Item Number: OCCM12-01

California Trial Court Facilities Standards 2011 (PDF, 13207 KB)
Item Number: OCCM 11-02

Draft Revised Courthouse Naming Policy (PDF, 826 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-05

Comment by email

Proposed revision to the Judicial Council’s Courthouse Naming Policy reflecting updated practices over time.

Facilities Services: Security Systems Program (PDF, 1240 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-03

In an action by email on April 21, the Court Security Advisory Committee agreed to request public comment on the draft proposed Judicial Council Policy on Security Systems Program, with the goal of recommending to the Judicial Council that it adopt the final proposed policy at its September 2023 meeting. Staff presented the draft to the Court Security Advisory Committee in November 2022 to document existing internal procedures, and the committee discussed the benefit of proposing it as a Judicial Council policy at its February 2023 meeting.

Juvenile Law: Racial Justice Act (PDF, 1899 KB)
Item Number: SP24-07

and juvenile courts with claims under the Racial Justice Act. The act prohibits the state from seeking or obtaining a criminal conviction or sentence on the basis of race, ethnicity, or national origin, and applies to adjudications and dispositions in juvenile court. Juvenile courts expect more claims to be filed since recent legislation expanded the retroactive application of the act, enabling more individuals to file claims for relief based on violations of its provisions.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at 5:00 PM (Pacific Time) 


Criminal Law and Family Law: Changes to Form MIL-100 (PDF, 465 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-18

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee and Criminal Law Advisory Committee propose revising form MIL-100, effective January 1, 2025. The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes revising form MIL-100 to implement the requirements of Family Code section 211.5, which was added by Senate Bill 1182 (Stats. 2022, ch. 385). The proposed changes would allow the court to comply with section 211.5 when the form is filed in a family law case involving a person who has military, veteran, reserve, or active status. The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes additional revisions to form MIL-100 to clarify procedures under Penal Code section 858 when the form is filed in a criminal case, and to reference treatment options for pretrial diversion under Penal Code section 1001.80. The committees also propose updating and reformatting the information on the back of the form for improved readability.

Juvenile Law: Harm of Removal (PDF, 1121 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-19

To implement recent legislation creating new factors to be considered by the juvenile court at a detention hearing, the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending three rules and revising one Judicial Council form, effective January 1, 2025. Senate Bill 578 (Ashby; Stats. 2023, ch. 618) amended Welfare and Institutions Code section 319 to require the court to consider the impact on the child when being separated from their parent or guardian at a detention hearing. The proposal would amend rules and revise a form related to the detention hearing to address the new reporting requirements and clarify the court’s role in mitigating harm to the child related to removal from their home.

Juvenile Law: Retention of Jurisdiction and Petitions Requesting Juvenile Case Files of Deceased Children (PDF, 1443 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-20

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending one rule of court to implement Assembly Bill 1756 (Stats. 2023, ch. 478, § 62), which amended Welfare and Institutions Code section 10850.4 to extend the juvenile court’s jurisdiction in cases involving the death of a child or nonminor dependent. The committee also proposes adopting one rule of court, amending two rules of court, adopting a new form, and revising six forms to clarify the different legal standards for petitions seeking disclosure of a living child’s juvenile case file under section 827(a)(3) and a deceased child’s juvenile case file under section 827(a)(2).

Family Law: Adoption Forms (PDF, 1092 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-23

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends adopting one new form and revising six forms to simplify the process for all adopting parents, and their counsel if represented. The committee further recommends revising the adoption request form to conform to a portion of Assembly Bill 1650 (Patterson; Stats. 2023, ch. 76) which requires that the petitioner inform the court, in writing, whether the petitioner has entered, or has agreed to enter, into a postadoption contact agreement.

Family Law: Child Custody Forms and a Standard of Judicial Administration Under Senate Bill 599 (PDF, 756 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-26

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes implementing Senate Bill 599 by amending one standard of judicial administration relating to supervised visitation, approving a new information sheet to include the new statutory definition of virtual visitation, and revising three forms relating to child custody and visitation (parenting time) for cases involving allegations of a parent or parents’ history of abuse or substance abuse under Family Code section

Family and Juvenile Law: Recognition and Enforcement of Tribal Court Child Custody Orders (PDF, 1707 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-36

The Tribal Court–State Court Forum and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee propose that, effective January 1, 2025, the Judicial Council approve two new forms and revise four existing forms to clarify that the requirement to recognize and enforce child custody orders under the provisions of the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (found in sections 3400–3465 of the Family Code) applies to custody orders issued by a tribal court. Tribal court judges report that they have experienced problems having their child custody orders registered and enforced because the existing form refers only to out-of-state custody orders and does not reference tribal court orders.

Child Support: Implementing Amendments to the Family Code (PDF, 2339 KB)
Item Number: SP24-01

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes approving 2 new forms, revising 20 forms, and revoking 3 forms related to child support. This action is necessary to implement changes to the Family Code made by Assembly Bill 207 (Stats. 2022, ch. 573) and Senate Bill 343 (Stats. 2023, ch. 213) to bring California into compliance with federal regulations requiring child support orders be based on evidence of actual income or, where actual income is unknown, the specific circumstances of the obligor parent. The proposed action is also necessary to implement changes made to the Family Code by Assembly Bill 2960 (Stats. 2022, ch. 420), which mandates that local child support agencies provide notice regarding payment of support to parents and the court when they begin and cease to provide child support enforcement services, and Assembly Bill 1148 (Stats. 2023, ch. 565), which increases the time period before child support resumes after an obligor parent has been released from incarceration or confinement

Mental Health Law: CARE Act Rule Amendments and Form Revisions (PDF, 1675 KB)
Item Number: W24-03

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes amending four rules of court and revising seven forms to implement Senate Bill 35 (Stats. 2023, ch. 283), which amended both substantive and procedural aspects of the Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Act. In addition, the statute updated the Judicial Council mandate to adopt rules implementing the policies and provisions of the act to add a requirement that the rules include “communications between the CARE Act court and the juvenile court, if applicable,” and to remove the requirement that the rules include “the clerk’s review of the petition.” The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee joins in proposing the amendment of rule 7.2210 and the revision of form CARE-100 to the extent those proposed changes address communications between the CARE Act court and the juvenile court.

Rules and Forms: Service Forms to Implement Assembly Bill 2791 (PDF, 1387 KB)
Item Number: SP23-06

Summary: The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend adoption of two new forms, Request for Sheriff to Serve Court Papers (form SER-001) and an attachment to that form, Special Instructions to Serve Court Papers (form SER-001A). The proposed forms comply with the statutory mandate in Assembly Bill 2791 that the Judicial Council adopt a form or forms for civil litigants to request that a sheriff’s office service their court papers.
Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Family and Juvenile Law: Implementation of Assembly Bill 2495 (PDF, 881 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-18

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes to amend one rule of the California Rules of Court and revise four forms to conform with recent statutory changes enacted by Assembly Bill 2495 (Patterson; Stats. 2022, ch. 159) regarding various topics related to adoptions, including when to display a child’s preadoption name on adoption request and order forms, procedures for filing a postadoption contact order, and venue for adoption requests. The committee also proposes technical changes to correct errors and respond to partner and stakeholder feedback.

Juvenile Law: Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility Voluntary Admission (PDF, 2688 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-19

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends adopting one rule of the California Rules of Court and adopting six forms to conform to recent statutory changes enacted by Assembly Bill 2317 (Ramos; Stats. 2022, ch. 589) regarding court oversight of the voluntary admission of a child, nonminor, or nonminor dependent to a psychiatric residential treatment facility.

Juvenile Law: Counsel Collections Program Guidelines (PDF, 367 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-20

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending the Guidelines for the Juvenile Dependency Counsel Collections Program (Guidelines), Appendix F of the California Rules of Court, to incorporate by reference Government Code section 68632(b)(1), which addresses eligibility for a court fee waiver, to determine the income level at or below which a responsible person is presumed unable to pay the cost of appointed counsel in a juvenile dependency proceeding. The proposed change would maintain the Judicial Council policy adopted with the original Guidelines in 2012 linking the presumption of a person’s inability to pay the cost of dependency counsel to the income amount in Government Code section 68632(b), which addresses eligibility for a court fee waiver. New legislation recently amended section 68632(b) to increase that amount from 125 percent to 200 percent of the federal poverty Guidelines. 

Juvenile Law: Family Finding and Engagement (PDF, 1541 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-21

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending four rules and one form to conform to recent statutory changes clarifying the due diligence that must be used by a social services agency or probation department in performing its family finding obligation when a child is removed from the home. Senate Bill 384 revises Welfare and Institutions Code sections 309 and 628 to define the obligation of the placing agency to engage in family finding in dependency and juvenile justice (delinquency) cases. The bill defines due diligence, which requires a social worker or probation officer to ask the child in an age-appropriate manner about parents and adult relatives. Due diligence also requires the agency to use a computer-based search engine to identify relatives and kin to provide family support and possible placement for the child. In addition, in the case of an Indian child, the bill also clarifies that the placing agency must contact the Indian child’s tribe to help identify relatives and kin.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Appointment of Guardian ad Litem (PDF, 1389 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-22

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee, the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee, and the Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee propose adopting one form, revising two forms, revising and renumbering one form, and revoking one form to reflect a change in the law and to clarify and modernize the existing forms. The forms in the proposal are used to apply for and order the appointment of a guardian ad litem in a civil action or proceeding, including a family law proceeding, and in a proceeding under the Probate Code.

Child Support: Implementing Amendments to Family Code Section 4007.5 (PDF, 1440 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-33

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes revising several forms in order to provide court users and the public with updated information regarding relief available to incarcerated or involuntarily institutionalized child support obligors. The proposed revisions are necessary to reflect recent amendments made to Family Code section 4007.5. 

Juvenile Law: Transfer of Jurisdiction to Criminal Court (PDF, 1668 KB)
Item Number: W23-09

Summary: The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes to amend one rule and revise one form to implement recent legislative changes requiring that the court find by clear and convincing evidence that a youth is not amenable to rehabilitation while under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court. Assembly Bill 2361 (Bonta; Stats. 2022, ch. 330) amended Welfare and Institutions Code section 707 to include that standard of proof, and to require the court to set forth the basis in an order entered upon the minutes for making that finding.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Friday, January 20, 2023 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Juvenile Law: Sex Offender Registration Termination (PDF, 1300 KB)
Item Number: W23-08

Summary: The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes the adoption of three mandatory forms and the approval of two optional forms to be used to petition the juvenile court for termination of sex offender registration for persons required to register as sex offenders as a result of a juvenile adjudication and commitment to the Division of Juvenile Justice. All five forms are adapted from existing forms that were approved by the council for use in criminal courts and became effective July 1, 2021.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Friday, January 20, 2023 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Juvenile Law: New Disposition for Serious Offenses (PDF, 2070 KB)
Item Number: W23-07

Summary: The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes adopting three rules of court, amending four rules of court, and repealing one rule of court, as well as approving one optional form, revising eight forms, and revoking one form to reflect the closure of the Department of Juvenile Justice and create new procedures to assist courts in using the new secure youth treatment facility disposition. These revisions would become effective on July 1, 2023, to align with the closure of the Division of Juvenile Justice on June 30, 2023.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Friday, January 20, 2023 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Juvenile Law: Secure Youth Treatment Facility Offense-Based Classification Matrix (PDF, 312 KB)
Item Number: SP22-14

Summary: The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes that the Judicial Council adopt a rule of court to implement Welfare and Institutions Code section 875(h), which requires the council to develop and adopt a matrix of offense-based classifications to be used by all juvenile courts when setting baseline terms for youth whose disposition is a commitment to a Secure Youth Treatment Facility (SYTF). The statute calls for the matrix to assign a baseline term of years to each offense for which a youth can be committed to an SYTF. The offenses are to be grouped into offense categories that are linked to a standard baseline term of years for each offense category. The statute was recently amended to allow the standard term to be a range of years as designated by the council. The proposed matrix in the rule would include four total offense categories, and each category is assigned a range of years as the standard baseline term. To assist the court in determining a baseline term for each youth within the range, the rule sets forth criteria for the court to weigh in making its decision.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Friday, November 4, 2022 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Juvenile Law: Restraining Orders (PDF, 2222 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-24

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends repealing one rule and amending three rules of the California Rules of Court, adopting seven forms, and revising seven current forms, to conform to recent statutory changes enacted by Senate Bill 1141 (Rubio; Stats. 2020, ch. 248) and Senate Bill 374 (Min; Stats. 2021, ch. 135) regarding the definition of “disturbing the peace” in restraining order cases; and to conform to recent statutory changes enacted by Senate Bill 320 (Eggman; Stats. 2021, ch. 685) and Assembly Bill 1057 (Petrie-Norris; Stats. 2021, ch. 682) regarding firearms and ammunition prohibitions. The proposal will also provide separate application and order forms relating to restraining orders against a juvenile, and includes one new proof of service form to ensure the juvenile restraining orders are entered into the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) database. At the same time, the committee proposes converting the forms to plain-language forms, so they are consistent with other restraining order forms and are easier to understand, complete, and enforce.

Family Law: Child Custody and Visitation in Cases Involving Abuse by Parent and Child Testimony (PDF, 578 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-09

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending four rules of court and revising three forms to comply with Senate Bill 654 (Stats. 2021, ch. 768). The bill amended Family Code section 3011 by extending the requirement that a court state its reasons when granting sole or joint custody to someone despite allegations of abuse or substance abuse against that person to orders granting unsupervised visitation to someone against whom there are allegations of abuse or substance abuse. The bill also amended Family Code section 3042 regarding child testimony to prohibit allowing the child to testify in front of the parties unless specific findings are made and to require that certain court professionals provide notice if a child changed their choice about addressing the court.

Rules and Forms: Parentage Actions Under Assembly Bill 429 (PDF, 393 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-10

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes the adoption of one new rule of court and a new confidential cover sheet, effective January 1, 2023, to comply with the mandate of Family Code section 7643.5, added by Assembly Bill 429 (Stats. 2021, ch. 52). The new form would be used by the petitioner to identify that the action or proceeding initially filed with the court to determine a parental relationship involves assisted reproduction under Family Code section 7613 or 7630(f), or sections 7960–7962, and provide information regarding the limitations on access to documents in such actions.

Family Law: Recognition of Tribal Court Orders Relating to Division of Marital Assets (PDF, 939 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-11

In 2020 the Legislature passed Assembly Bill 627 (Stats. 2021, ch. 58),1 Judicial Council–sponsored legislation that added section 2611 to the Family Code and revised various provisions of the Tribal Court Civil Money Judgment Act found in the Code of Civil Procedure. The provisions ensure that divorce or dissolution judgments issued by tribal courts that include division of pension assets are effective and, in particular, are recognized as meeting the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). AB 627 mandated that the Judicial Council adopt forms to implement the legislation.

Civil Law and Family Law: Request to Enter Default Forms Under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (PDF, 1402 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-12

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee jointly propose revising six forms to comply with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and reflect the act’s current title and legal citation. The proposed revisions are intended to address concerns by judicial officers that the act requires, but the forms do not include, a declaration as to how the petitioner/plaintiff ascertained the respondent’s/defendant’s nonmilitary status before requesting entry of judgment by way of default in the legal proceeding. The joint proposal would ensure that any changes to civil and family law forms are consistent to the extent appropriate.

Juvenile Law: Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program Placement (PDF, 2220 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-13

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes that the Judicial Council amend three rules and adopt, approve, and revise Judicial Council forms, effective January 1, 2023, to finalize the implementation of Assembly Bill 153 (Stats. 2021, ch. 86). AB 153 implements part IV of the federal Family First Prevention Services Act, which requires participating states to create a process of judicial review for each placement of a foster youth in a congregate care placement. This is the second time the proposal is circulating for public comment. The proposal initially circulated for public comment in spring 2021, before AB 153 was signed into law. Additional requirements created by AB 153 for status review hearings that were not addressed in the previous proposal are incorporated into this proposal.

Appellate Procedure and Juvenile Law: Transfer of Jurisdiction to Criminal Court and Appeal from Transfer Orders (PDF, 1588 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-14

In 2018 the Legislature passed Senate Bill 1391 (Lara; Stats. 2018, ch. 1012), which amended Welfare and Institutions Code section 707 to provide that a minor must be at least 16 years of age to be considered for transfer of jurisdiction to criminal court unless the individual for whom transfer is sought was 14 or 15 at the time of the offense, the offense is listed in section 707(b), and the individual was not apprehended until after the end of juvenile court jurisdiction. The Judicial Council took action to implement these age-related changes in the jurisdiction of the juvenile court in 2019, but revoked that action when a split of authority within the California Courts of Appeal arose as to whether these changes were enacted in a constitutional manner. That split was resolved by the California Supreme Court in 2021 in favor of the constitutionality of the legislation. Additionally, legislation was enacted in 2021 to provide an expedited review on the merits from an order granting a motion to transfer. The Appellate Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee propose adopting a new rule of court, amending several other rules, and revising two forms pertaining to the transfer-of-jurisdiction process and juvenile appeals to reflect both legislative changes to the transfer statutes.

Juvenile Law: Housing and Food Security for Youth Exiting Foster Care (PDF, 2421 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-15

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends revising three forms to conform to recent statutory changes to (1) the information that must be provided to the juvenile court about a youth’s housing plans when exiting foster care, and (2) the information that must be provided to youth approaching 18 years of age enacted by Assembly Bill 546 (Maienschein; Stats. 2021, ch. 519) and Assembly Bill 674 (Bennett; Stats. 2021, ch. 524).

Rules and Forms: Probate Guardianship and Juvenile Dependency Information (PDF, 1815 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-17

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee and the Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee propose adopting one form, approving two forms, and revising three forms to implement Assembly Bill 260 (Stats. 2021, ch. 578). AB 260 amended Government Code section 68511.1 to require that the Judicial Council develop a form explaining the nature of a guardianship; the rights, duties, and obligations of a guardian; and the services and supports available to a probate guardian compared with those available to a caregiver in the child welfare system and a guardian appointed by juvenile court. Implementing this section requires adopting one form for mandatory use, revising two forms and converting them from mandatory to optional use, and approving one form for optional use. The bill also amended Probate Code section 1511 to require that notice of the hearing on a petition to appoint a probate guardian include a copy of the new mandatory information form.

Domestic Violence: Rule and Form Changes to Implement New Laws (PDF, 4566 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-20

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes the adoption of five new Judicial Council forms and the revision of 16 forms to implement new laws enacted by Senate Bill 320 (Rubio; Stats. 2021, ch. 685), Senate Bill 24 (Caballero; Stats. 2021, ch. 129), Assembly Bill 1057 (Petrie-Norris; Stats. 2021, ch. 682), Senate Bill 538 (Rubio; Stats. 2021, ch. 686), Senate Bill 374 (Min; Stats. 2021, ch. 135), and Assembly Bill 277 (Valladares; Stats. 2021, ch. 457). The committee also recommends revoking three forms, as these forms would be combined with other existing forms, and repealing rule 5.495 of the California Rules of Court, which has been codified by SB 320.

Review of the Statewide Uniform Child Support Guideline 2021 (PDF, 3706 KB)
Item Number: SP22-01

Under Family Code section 4054, the Judicial Council periodically reviews the Statewide Uniform Child Support Guideline to recommend to the Legislature any appropriate revisions. Prior to submission to the Legislature, the report is made available for public comment, with any comments received attached as an appendix to the report, so that they can be forwarded to the Legislature for its consideration.

The committee is seeking comments from the public on California’s child support guideline but
is specifically seeking comment on the most significant recommendations from the report which
are to revise the guideline to:

  • Provide that incarceration is not voluntary unemployment;
  • Provide for the consideration of the factors listed in federal regulation when income
  • imputation or presumption is authorized; and
  • Improve the current low-income adjustment (LIA) to ensure protections for low-income
  • parents.

Family Law: Changes to Child Custody Evaluation Rule and Forms (PDF, 568 KB)
Item Number: W22-03

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending one rule and revising four forms relating to child custody evaluations and reports. The proposed revisions are needed to clarify the differences in the statutory requirements for child custody evaluations that are conducted under Family Code section 3111 and Family Code section 3118.1 The committee proposes other technical changes to make the language in the rule and forms consistent with each other.

Juvenile Law: Nonminor Dependents (PDF, 1101 KB)
Item Number: W22-04

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending two rules and adopting two forms to implement recent statutory changes that authorize placing agencies to petition the court on behalf of nonminor dependents who were ineligible for federal funding as children to terminate the nonminors from juvenile dependency or transitional jurisdiction and immediately reenter them to allow a new federal eligibility determination to be undertaken so that federal matching funds can be accessed to cover the costs of their cases.

Collaborative Justice: Updating the Collaborative Justice Courts Advisory Committee’s Area of Focus and Duties (PDF, 294 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-04

The Collaborative Justice Courts Advisory Committee recommends amending rule 10.56 of the California Rules of Court to expand and clarify its areas of focus and duties. This recommendation would allow the advisory committee to better address judicial leadership and court processes impacting collaborative justice courts and similar programs that impact individuals who are moving through the court system and who have mental illnesses, substance use disorders, or co-occurring disorders. These proposed amendments seek to (1) revise the scope of duties to more accurately align with the evolution of collaborative courts, and (2) allow the advisory committee to address diversion and other collaborative programs involving the courts and informed by—or could benefit from—the incorporation of collaborative justice court principles and practices.

Family Law: Changes to Notice Regarding Confidentiality of Child Custody Evaluation Report (PDF, 241 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-09

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes revising the mandatory coversheet for all child custody evaluation reports. The proposed revisions to form FL-328 are needed to reflect the more stringent limitations on access to child custody evaluation reports involving serious allegations of child sexual abuse or child abuse conducted under Family Code section 3118.1.

Family Law: Reenactment of Family Code section 4007.5 (PDF, 1599 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-10

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes revising several forms in order to provide court users and the public with information regarding relief available to incarcerated or involuntarily institutionalized child support obligors. The proposed revisions are needed to reflect new law under recently reenacted Family Code section 4007.5.

Juvenile Law: Sealing of Records (PDF, 1316 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-11

: The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending a rule of court, revising three forms, and approving three new optional forms to implement recent legislative changes concerning the sealing of juvenile records. The legislative changes allow access to sealed records for two additional purposes and expand sealing of records for youth diverted from the juvenile courts.

Juvenile Law: Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program Placement (PDF, 1360 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-12

To coincide with the effective date of a pending budget trailer bill, the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes that the Judicial Council adopt a new rule of the California Rules of Court, amend a rule, adopt five new Judicial Council forms, and revise five Judicial Council forms, effective October 1, 2021. If enacted, the trailer bill would implement part IV of the federal Family First Prevention Services Act, with an expected effective date of October 1, 2021. The trailer bill would create a new court hearing in which the juvenile court will be required to approve or deny any new placement of a child or nonminor dependent in a short-term residential therapeutic program (STRTP) after receiving a report that includes an assessment from a statutorily defined “qualified individual.” While this bill makes its way through the budget process, the committee is concurrently circulating this rules and forms proposal to have implementing rules and forms available if this language is in the enacted budget trailer bill.

Family Law: Implementation of Assembly Bills 677 and 1373 Regarding Adoptions (PDF, 826 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-17

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes the adoption of a new rule of court and revisions to a chapter title in title 5 of the California Rules of Court, in addition to amendments to adoption forms, to implement Assembly Bill 677 (Choi; Stats. 2019, ch. 805) regarding intercountry adoptions. The committee also proposes amendments to adoption forms and the approval of a new, optional form to implement Assembly Bill 1373 (Patterson; Stats. 2019, ch. 192) regarding stepparent adoptions in cases of gestational surrogacy. Both bills became effective January 1, 2020.

Family Law: Changes to Supervised Visitation Standard and Form (PDF, 214 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-18

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes changes to one standard of judicial administration and one form relating to supervised visitation providers to comply with the statutory changes to Family Code section 3200.5, enacted by Assembly Bill 1165 (Bauer-Kahan; Stats. 2019, ch. 823).

Family Law: Changes to Spousal Support and Property Division Forms (PDF, 1740 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-19

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes revising two optional forms (FL-157, FL-343) and approving one new optional form (FL-349) relating to spousal support, as well as revising one optional form (FL-345) relating to property division in family law cases.
Form FL-157 would be revised to reflect the changes made to Family Code section 4320 by Assembly Bill 929 (Rubio; Stats. 2018, ch. 938). The proposed changes to form FL-343 respond to suggestions made specifically about this form by the court in In re the Marriage of Craig and Cynthia Martin. Proposed new form FL-349 responds to the needs of judicial officers who are required to make findings under Family Code section 4320 when issuing or modifying a judgment for spousal or partner support. Proposed revisions to form FL-345 respond to requests made by judicial officers to simplify a specific item relating to the assignment of debts in a judgment.

Family Law: Changes to Child Custody Evaluations Rule and Form (PDF, 248 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-20

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending one rule of court and adopting a new mandatory form to comply with recent statutory changes to Family Code section 3118. The recent amendments enacted by Assembly Bill 1179 (Rubio; Stats. 2019, ch. 127) create new requirements for the confidential written report that is filed with the court and served on the parties following a child custody evaluation, assessment, or investigation in which the court has determined that there is a serious allegation of child sexual abuse or an allegation of child abuse in any other circumstance.

Juvenile Law: Information, Documents, and Services for Youth 16 Years of Age and Older (PDF, 1247 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-21

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends amending three California Rules of Court, adopting three forms, and revising one form to conform to Assembly Bill 718’s statutory mandate that child welfare agencies begin the process of providing key information, documents, and services to youth in foster care beginning at age 16, rather than at the end of juvenile court jurisdiction. (Eggman; Stats. 2019, ch. 438).

Juvenile Law: Nonminor Disposition Hearing–Dependency (PDF, 1231 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-22

To implement recent legislation creating a new disposition hearing for nonminors, the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes the Judicial Council adopt a new rule to the California Rules of Court, amend two rules, and adopt three new Judicial Council forms. The statutory amendments created a process to address a class of youth who were found to be within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court due to abuse or neglect as a child but reached the age of majority before a disposition hearing could be held, and thus ensure their eligibility for extended foster care. This proposal would create a uniform procedure for these nonminor disposition hearings through a new rule of court, two forms for the court’s findings and orders, and a form for the youth to provide the required informed consent to proceed with the nonminor disposition hearing.

Juvenile Law: Access to Sealed Records (PDF, 1276 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-23

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes adopting one new rule of court, revising two existing forms, and approving three new optional forms to assist courts with the implementation of recently enacted statutory provisions concerning the sealing of juvenile records and access to those records by prosecuting attorneys. The proposal would ensure that all forms accurately reflect the current state of the law on fees for sealing petitions, and would create procedures and forms for courts to consider requests for access to sealed records under recently enacted laws concerning prosecutorial duties to disclose favorable information to defendants.

Juvenile Law: Guardianship Rules and Forms (PDF, 309 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-24

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends amending nine rules of court addressing juvenile court proceedings to appoint, terminate, modify, or oversee guardianships and revising two forms used for court orders in those proceedings. The amendments and revisions are required to conform to recent statutory amendments, resolve inconsistencies with existing statutes and rules of court, and make technical corrections.

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA): Remote Appearance by an Indian Child’s Tribe in ICWA Proceedings (PDF, 330 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-31

The Tribal Court–State Court Forum and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend that the Judicial Council amend rules 5.9, 5.482, and 5.531 of the California Rules of Court, effective January 1, 2021, to permit an Indian child’s tribe to participate by telephone or other computerized remote means in any hearing in a proceeding governed by the Indian Child Welfare Act, as required by section 224.2(k) of the Welfare and Institutions Code.

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA): Tribal Information Form (PDF, 472 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-30

The Tribal Court–State Court Forum and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend revising rule 5.522 of the California Rules of Court and approving a new optional form and instructions sheet for that form, effective January 1, 2021, to be used by an Indian child’s tribe to provide information to the court on issues where consultation with the child’s tribe is required by the Indian Child Welfare Act, and the tribe’s position on these issues in cases governed by the Indian Child Welfare Act. This proposal originated with comments from tribal advocates and attorneys.

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA): Consent to Temporary Custody of an Indian Child (PDF, 488 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-29

The Tribal Court–State Court Forum and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend effective January 1, 2021, amending rule 5.514 and adopting a new mandatory form to be used to have a judge witness the consent of an Indian parent or custodian to the temporary custodial placement of an Indian child in accordance with section 1913 of title 25 of the United States Code, 25 Code of Federal Regulations parts 23.125–23.127, and Welfare and Institutions Code section 16507.4(b)(3).

Juvenile Law: Educational Rights Holders (PDF, 1298 KB)
Item Number: W20-08

Summary: The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends amending California Rules of Court, rule 5.649 (Right to make educational or developmental-services decisions); revising Order Designating Educational Rights Holder (form JV-535) and its attachment (form JV-535(A)); and adopting form JV-535-INFO to clarify requirements, alleviate confusion, and provide more guidance on service of process. The committee considers this proposal a matter of some urgency because it has received several comments about and requests for improvements to forms JV-535, JV-535(A), and rule 5.649 from court clerks, attorneys, and judges primarily expressing confusion about what the rule requires, inadequate guidance on service requirements, and a lack of clarity and insufficient information on the forms. This proposal details suggested amendments to the rule, revisions to the forms, and the adoption of a new form, JV-535-INFO, to further clarify the procedural requirements regarding educational rights holders.
Deadline to Submit comments: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at 5:00 pm.

Juvenile Law: Psychotropic Medication Information Release (PDF, 1256 KB)
Item Number: W20-07

Summary: The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends adopting one rule of court and amending one rule of court, and approving three forms and amending three forms, to conform to recent statutory changes regarding children for whom the juvenile court has approved requests for prescription of psychotropic medications, which were enacted by Senate Bill 377 (McGuire; Stats. 2019, ch. 547).
Deadline to Submit comments: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at 5:00 pm.

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA): Implementation of AB 3176 for Indian Children, SPR19-42 (PDF, 1727 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-42

The Tribal Court–State Court Forum (forum) and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend adopting a new rule of court, amending several other California Rules of Court, and revising several forms for Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and juvenile court dependency proceedings to comply with statutory changes in Assembly Bill 3176 (Waldron; Stats. 2018, ch. 833) as well as changes to governing federal regulations and guidelines. The proposal also addresses technical amendments and corrections, and responds to several appellate court decisions regarding ICWA rules and forms.

Juvenile Law: Legal Accuracy of Forms, SPR19-22 (PDF, 293 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-22

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends revising three forms to comply with recent statutory changes reforming juvenile justice and out-of-home case processes:

  • Form JV-618, to comply with Senate Bill 190 (Mitchell; Stats. 2017, ch. 678), which rescinded the requirement that the family of a child who has been declared a delinquent ward pay certain fees associated with probation conditions and out of home placement of a child;
  • Form JV-364, the dependency dismissal form, to include the necessary title IV-E findings.
  • Form JV-180, to comply with permanency goals established by Continuum of Care Reform (CCR), to include a check box for resumption of reunification services

Juvenile Law: Out-of-County Placements, SPR19-23 (PDF, 895 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-23

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends amending one rule and revising one form, to conform to recent statutory changes regarding (1) the circumstances that allow waiving the requirement for notice of the child welfare agency’s intent to place a child out of county; and (2) the time frame for notice of, and objection to, the agency’s intent to move a foster child to a different county, if that child is transitioning from a temporary placement facility.

Juvenile Law: Competency, SPR19-24 (PDF, 157 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-24

The Collaborative Justice Courts Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend amending and renumbering one rule, and amending one rule, to conform to recent statutory changes regarding a minor who is the subject of a petition filed under Welfare and Institutions Code sections 601 or 602, when the court has a doubt as to the minor’s competency to understand the court proceedings.

Juvenile Law: Transfer of Jurisdiction to Criminal Court, SPR19-25 (PDF, 378 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-25

Recent changes in the law on the transfer of jurisdiction to a criminal court for children 14 and 15 years of age require rule and form changes to be consistent with the new provisions. Senate Bill 1391 (Lara; Stats. 2018, ch. 1012) amends Welfare and Institutions Code section 707 to provide that a child must be at least 16 years of age to be considered for transfer of jurisdiction to criminal court unless the individual for whom transfer is sought was 14 or 15 at the time of the offense, the offense is listed in section 707(b), and the individual was not apprehended until after the end of juvenile court jurisdiction. To implement these age-related changes in the jurisdiction of the juvenile court, the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending three rules of court and one form pertaining to the transfer-of-jurisdiction process and an informational form to reflect the new provisions.

Juvenile Law: Sealing of Records, SPR19-26 (PDF, 257 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-26

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending one rule of court and revising one information form so that they conform to recently enacted statutory provisions concerning the sealing of juvenile records. The proposal would update the recently adopted rule and form, which implement sealing of records for cases sealed under Welfare and Institutions Code section 786 to include changes to that section that went into effect on January 1, 2019.

Family Law: Rule and Forms for Minor to Marry or Establish a Domestic Partnership, SPR19-27 (PDF, 338 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-27

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes adopting a new rule, approving a new form, and revising two forms to implement the requirements of Senate Bill 273 (Hill; Stats. 2018, ch. 660) relating to minors who seek a court order to marry, establish a domestic partnership, or both.

Family Law: Changes to Continuance Rules and Forms, SPR19-28 (PDF, 942 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-28

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes changes to four rules of court and three forms, and the adoption of one new rule of court and two new forms and an information sheet to implement new procedures for rescheduling (continuing) a hearing in family court. The new procedures would (1) respond to the concerns raised by court professionals following the September 1, 2017, publication of the amended rule and revised forms relating to continuing hearings in family court, and (2) specify when a party can and cannot file a request to reschedule a hearing without first notifying and serving the other party.

Family Law: Certification of Statewide Uniform Guideline Support Calculators, SPR19-29 (PDF, 279 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-29

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending California Rules of Court, rule 5.275, to require guideline child support calculators to display the low-income adjustment range on the first page of the calculator results printout, if applicable per Family Code section 4055(b)(7), and to delete the requirement to submit an application form and fee for certification.

Family Law: Duty of Judge Hearing Matter Under Family Code Sections 4521(a), 4252(b)(7), SPR19-30 (PDF, 284 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-30

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amendments to rule 5.305(b) governing the circumstances under which a judge may hear a title IV-D matter when exceptional circumstances prevent a child support commissioner from doing so. The amendments would more clearly define the roles of the judge and the court at the hearing, as authorized in the Family Code.

Family Law: Registration of Support Order, SPR19-31 (PDF, 1998 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-31

Origin The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes a new form, Request for Hearing Regarding Registration of California Support Order (form FL-445), and revisions to Notice of Registration of Out-of-State Support Order (form FL-570) and Request for Hearing Regarding Registration of Support Order (form FL-575) to make the forms suitable for use by all parties to the action and to correct inadvertent omissions.

Family Law: Changes to Parentage Rules and Forms, SPR19-32 (PDF, 5351 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-32

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending rules 5.350 and 5.635 and revising forms FL-100, FL-120, FL-170, FL-200, FL-220, FL-230, FL-235, FL-250, FL-260, FL-270, FL-272, FL-273, FL-274, FL-276, FL-278, FL-280, FL-281, FL-285, FL-290, FL-300-INFO, FL-600, FL-610, FL-615, FL-686, and FL-694. The revisions are necessary to comply with amendments to the Family Code made by Assembly Bill 2684 (Bloom; Stats. 2018, ch. 876) that replaced the word “paternity” with “parentage” and made statutes gender neutral when possible.

Family Law: Legislative Addition of New Category of Child Custody Evaluator, SPR19-33 (PDF, 970 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-33

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes to amend rule 5.225 of the California Rules of Court and two Judicial Council forms, FL-325 and FL-326, for use in family law custody proceedings. Changes are needed to conform to new legislation, Assembly Bill 2296 (Stats. 2018, ch. 389), which adds to Family Code section 3110.5(c)(5) an additional category of licensed child custody evaluator to those qualified to provide court-connected and private child custody evaluations.

Juvenile Law: Guardianship Information - W19 - 07 (PDF, 1197 KB)
Item Number: W19 - 07

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes revising one form and revising and renumbering another form to update legal information for prospective guardians of children in juvenile court proceedings, in language and a format easily understood by a person not trained in law. The proposal is needed to comply with an ongoing statutory mandate. Revisions were suggested both informally and through the spring 2018 comment cycle by child welfare departments, county counsel’s offices, juvenile courts, and the Judicial Council’s Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee.

Family Law: Changes to Continuance Rule and Forms (PDF, 1075 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-20

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes changes to one rule of court and three forms relating to the procedure for continuing a hearing as described in that rule. In addition, the committee proposes two new information sheets—one that explains the process associated with form FL-306 and another that describes the options for rescheduling a hearing. The changes are intended to respond to the concerns raised by courts that form FL-306, revised effective September 1, 2017, is not being used by attorneys and parties for the limited purpose intended by the Judicial Council and to provide general information to litigants about rescheduling hearings.

Family Law: Income and Expense Declaration (PDF, 794 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-21

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends making time-sensitive revisions to Income and Expense Declaration (form FL-150) to implement the recent changes to the tax treatment of alimony (spousal support) under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, which becomes effective January 1, 2019. In addition, the committee recommends changes to update the reference to a military housing allowance acronym which may lead to confusion. The committee is considering proposing more substantial revisions to the FL-150 in the future and welcomes additional suggestions for the form.

Family Law: Transfer of Jurisdiction (PDF, 81 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-22

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes the adoption of a new rule of court to implement the requirements of Assembly Bill 712 (Bloom; Stats. 2017, ch. 316). The legislation requires the council to adopt a rule of court to establish time frames for the transfer and receipt of jurisdiction over family law actions.

Juvenile Law: Decriminalization of Convictions Under Penal Code Section 647f (PDF, 792 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-23

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes approving two new forms to comply with Senate Bill 239 (Wiener; Stats. 2017, ch. 537), which decriminalizes convictions based on Penal Code section 647f and requires the Judicial Council to promulgate forms to implement the legislation. The proposed forms would allow those who are eligible for relief to request that their Penal Code 647f conviction be vacated and dismissed, and that they be resentenced, if appropriate.

Juvenile Law: Vacatur of Convictions Related to Human Trafficking and Preservation of Extended Foster Care Eligibility (PDF, 1186 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-24

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending three rules and adopting one new rule of the California Rules of Court, revising eight Judicial Council forms, and approving two new Judicial Council forms to implement Assembly Bill 604 (Gipson; Stats. 2017, ch. 707), which clarified that extended foster care benefits are available to young people who have adjudications that are eligible for vacatur pursuant to Penal Code section 236.14. The committee further proposes revising form JV-462 to include certain changes necessitated by recent legislation. The committee also proposes making a technical change to form JV-462, and revising form JV-367 to reflect how the form is typically used. Finally, the committee proposes amending rules 5.903 and 5.906 to clarify who may attend status review hearings for former wards who have become nonminor dependents.

Juvenile Law: Electronic Filing and Service in Juvenile Court Matters (Implementation of AB 976) (PDF, 462 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-25

To implement Assembly Bill 976 (Stats. 2017, ch. 319), the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending 15 of the California Rules of Court, adopting one new rule, and revising seven Judicial Council forms. Assembly Bill 976 authorizes electronic filing and service in juvenile matters, pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 1010.6. The bill extends the ability to conduct electronic filing and service to all juvenile matters, with some important exceptions and conditions designed to protect the confidential information of minors and to preserve paper notice of specified proceedings. The bill also requires affirmative consent to electronic service for unrepresented parties as of January 1, 2019. These legal changes require the modifications to rules and forms proposed in the Invitation to comment.

Juvenile Law: School Notification of Delinquency Court Adjudication (PDF, 227 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-26

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes revising Judicial Council form JV-690 to provide clarity and conformity with Welfare and Institutions Code section 827(b) on what information is disseminated to a school when a child has committed certain criminal offenses.1 The current form contains inaccuracies in the listed offenses and has been reported as confusing in terms of whether only the offenses on the form can be communicated to the school. The proposed changes reflect closely the language of section 827(b) and give the court the option to indicate the specific code section of the offense that was adjudicated. In addition, it is proposed that the form be revised to include more specific information for the school on how the form may be disseminated, to enhance confidentiality and help avoid situations in which the form is disseminated incorrectly. Finally, the committee recommends removing offenses from the form that are no longer eligible as felonies or misdemeanors.

Juvenile Law: Dependency Hearings—Continued Condensing of the Rules of Court (PDF, 230 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-27

In title 5 of the California Rules of Court, the rules that provide the procedures to be followed during dependency court hearings from the initiation of the case through each of the status review hearings repeat statutory text, which makes the rules more cumbersome and necessitates frequent amendments whenever the underlying statutes are amended. During the 2017 legislative session, four bills were enacted that require amendments to the existing rules of court. This proposal would delete some of these unnecessary sections in the rules or replace them with references to the relevant code sections to enhance the brevity and accuracy of the rules.

Juvenile Law: Intercounty Placements (PDF, 828 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-28

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends amending one rule and repealing and adopting one rule of the California Rules of Court, and approving two forms, to conform to recent statutory changes regarding who a child welfare agency must notice when moving a foster child to a different county.

Juvenile Law: Guardianship Information (PDF, 819 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-29

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes revising two forms to update legal information covering the establishment, supervision, modification, and termination of guardianships in juvenile court proceedings in language and a format easily understood by a person not trained in law. The proposal is needed to comply with an ongoing statutory mandate. Revisions were also suggested by child welfare departments, county counsel’s offices, juvenile courts, and the Judicial Council’s Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee.

Juvenile Delinquency: Information for Parents (PDF, 923 KB)
Item Number: W18-05

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends revising three Judicial Council forms to inform parents whose children are the subject of juvenile court wardship proceedings about recent changes to the law that affect their rights and the rights of those children.

Juvenile Law: Sealing of and Access to Records (PDF, 369 KB)
Item Number: W18-06

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes new and amended rules and new and revised forms to conform to recently enacted statutory provisions concerning the sealing of juvenile records. The proposal would update recently adopted rules and forms to implement sealing of records under Welfare and Institutions Code section 7861 to include changes to that section that go into effect on January 1, 2018; modify forms to reflect the authority of the court to seal records for section 707(b) offenses; and adopt a new rule and optional form for use by probation to seal records under newly enacted section 786.5.

Juvenile Law: Presumptive Transfer of Specialty Mental Health Services (PDF, 1012 KB)
Item Number: W18-07

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes the adoption of two California Rules of Court and four juvenile law (JV) forms, including an information sheet. These rules and forms implement a procedural framework for a juvenile court review hearing created by recent legislation involving foster children’s access to specialty mental health services under federal Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment services. When a foster child or nonminor is moved to a different county, the responsibility for providing and arranging for specialty mental health services is presumptively transferred to the new county unless certain exceptions apply. Assembly Bill 1299 (Ridley-Thomas; Stats. 2016, ch. 603), provides certain individuals the right to request a hearing to challenge a placing agency’s determination regarding that transfer. The proposed rules and forms are intended to provide procedural clarity for this unique hearing. The committee also recommends renumbering a JV form to keep the JV forms related to this proposal in sequential order with forms related to the administration of a foster child’s psychotropic medications.

Review of Statewide Uniform Child Support Guideline 2017 (PDF, 10182 KB)
Item Number: SP17-05

Civil Practice and Procedure: Denial of Request to Remove Name From Shared Gang Database (PDF, 377 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-26

Juvenile Law: Title IV-E Findings and Orders (PDF, 2052 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-13

Juvenile Law: Court Appointed Special Advocate (PDF, 245 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-14

Juvenile Law: Psychotropic Medication (PDF, 1156 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-15

Indian Child Welfare Act: Amend Rule 5.552 to Allow Indian Child’s Tribe Access to Court Records Consistent with Welfare and Institutions Code Section 827 (PDF, 224 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-16

Family Law & Juvenile Law: Stepparent Adoption and Contact After Adoption Revisions and Amendments (PDF, 951 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-17

Family Law: Transfers of Title IV-D Child Support Cases Between State and Tribal Court (PDF, 189 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-18

Family Law: Summary Dissolution Forms (PDF, 164 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-19

Criminal Procedure and Juvenile Law: Judicial Council Forms Under Proposition 64 (PDF, 208 KB)
Item Number: W17-01

Juvenile Law: Implementation of Proposition 57, the Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act of 2016 (PDF, 769 KB)
Item Number: W17-02

Juvenile Law: Commitment to Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (PDF, 188 KB)
Item Number: W17-03

Juvenile Law: Sealing of Records (PDF, 666 KB)
Item Number: W17-04

Family Law: Simplifying Limited Scope Representation (PDF, 749 KB)
Item Number: W17-05

Family Law: Request to Continue Hearing and Declaration Regarding Notice of Request for Temporary Emergency Orders (PDF, 636 KB)
Item Number: W17-06

Juvenile Law: Electronic Filing and Service in Juvenile Proceedings (PDF, 126 KB)
Item Number: LEg16-08

Child Support: Statutory Relief for Incarcerated/Involuntarily Institutionalized Obligors (PDF, 476 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-16

Family Law: Child Support Forms; Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (PDF, 939 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-17

Family Law: Simplifying Limited Scope Representation Procedures (PDF, 694 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-18

Juvenile Law: Termination of Jurisdiction Over Nonminor (PDF, 169 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-19

Juvenile Law: Dependency Hearings (PDF, 993 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-20

Juvenile Law: Intercounty Transfers (PDF, 174 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-21

Juvenile Law: Psychotropic Medication (PDF, 1313 KB)
Item Number: W16-06

Juvenile Law: Sealing of Records (PDF, 790 KB)
Item Number: W16-07

Juvenile Dependency Petition § 300(b) Allegations for Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) (PDF, 128 KB)
Item Number: W16-08

Juvenile Law: Delinquency Defense Attorney Qualifications (PDF, 202 KB)
Item Number: W16-09

Juvenile Law: Notice of Juvenile Hearings by E-Mail (Implementation of AB 879) (PDF, 550 KB)
Item Number: W16-10

Family Law: Special Immigrant Juvenile Findings (PDF, 209 KB)
Item Number: W16-11

Family Law: Changes to Petition and Response (PDF, 901 KB)
Item Number: W16-12

Family Law: Signatures by Local Child Support Agencies on Electronically Filed Pleadings (Implementation of AB 1519) (PDF, 196 KB)
Item Number: W16-13

Domestic Violence—Request to Modify or Terminate Domestic Violence Restraining Orders; Family Law—Changes to Request for Order Rules and Forms (PDF, 1072 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-16

Family and Juvenile Law: Juvenile Court Final Custody Orders (PDF, 1145 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-18

Family Law: New Form and Revisions to Forms for Stepparent and Additional-Parent Adoptions (PDF, 283 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-19

Juvenile Law: Sealing of Records (PDF, 858 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-20

Juvenile Law: Extended Foster Care (PDF, 1065 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-21

Juvenile Delinquency: Documenting Wobbler Determination (PDF, 98 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-22

Juvenile Law: Proceedings Before a Referee (PDF, 84 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-23

Juvenile Law: Detention (PDF, 140 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-24

Juvenile Law: Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities and Placement (PDF, 615 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-25

Juvenile Law: Sibling Visitation (PDF, 183 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-26

Family and Juvenile Law: Transfers of Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) proceedings to Tribal Court (PDF, 694 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-27

Special Immigrant Juvenile Predicate Findings (PDF, 274 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-28

Family Law: Petition and Response for Dissolution, Legal Separation, and Nullity of Marriage and Domestic Partnership (PDF, 978 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-09

Family Law: Uniform Standards of Practice for Providers of Supervised Visitation (PDF, 204 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-10

Family and Juvenile Law: Parentage (PDF, 705 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-11

Juvenile Law: Instructions to Seal Juvenile Records (PDF, 312 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-12

Juvenile Dependency: Information Form for Parents (PDF, 524 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-13

Juvenile Dependency: Attorney Training (PDF, 132 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-14

Juvenile Law: Intercounty Transfers and Extended Foster Care (PDF, 424 KB)
Item Number: W14-10

Juvenile Law: Electronic Filing (PDF, 283 KB)
Item Number: W14-11

Family Law: Changes to Request for Order Rules and Forms (PDF, 1252 KB)
Item Number: W14-12

Proposed Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Funding Methodology (PDF, 113 KB)
Item Number: SP13-05

Family Law: Revisions to Family Law Summons (PDF, 77 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-34

Family Law: Approval of New Form Declaration of Supervised Visitation Provider (PDF, 96 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-19

Family Law: Clarification of Rules Regarding Service and Posting of a Summons and Forms of Pleading (PDF, 86 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-20

Family Law: Ex Parte Application to Terminate Earnings Assignment Order (PDF, 82 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-21

Family Law: Improvements to Request for Order Rules and Forms (PDF, 346 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-22

Family Law: New Rule for Title IV-D Case Transfers to Tribal Court (PDF, 112 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-17

Juvenile Dependency: Revoke Information Forms to be Replaced by Information Pamphlets (PDF, 1050 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-23

Juvenile Law: Access to Services for Children, Nonminors, and Nonminor Dependents (PDF, 710 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-24

Juvenile Law: Extended Foster Care (PDF, 688 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-25

Juvenile Law: Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children Regulation Changes (PDF, 102 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-26

Juvenile Law: Minor Changes for Statutory Compliance (PDF, 103 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-27

Juvenile Law: Psychotropic Medications (PDF, 160 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-18

Juvenile Law: Restraining Orders (PDF, 274 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-28

Juvenile Law and Criminal Law: Order for Restitution and Abstract of Judgment (PDF, 392 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-29

Family Law: Adoption of New Rule and Form for Adoptions Under the Hague Adoption Convention and Revisions to Adoption Forms (PDF, 304 KB)
Item Number: W13-07

Juvenile Law: Indian Child Welfare Act in Delinquency Cases (PDF, 147 KB)
Item Number: W13-08

Family Law: Revision to Declaration of Disclosure Forms (PDF, 308 KB)
Item Number: W13-09

Family Law: Amend Forms for Dissolution of Domestic Partnership or Marriage to Correct Substantive Omissions and Other Issues (PDF, 140 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-17

Family Law: Revisions to Adoption Forms (PDF, 249 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-18

Juvenile Law: Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (PDF, 207 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-19

Juvenile Law: Access to Services (PDF, 328 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-20

Juvenile Dependency: Counsel Collections Program (PDF, 3579 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-21

Juvenile Law: Extending Juvenile Court Jurisdiction—Nonminor Foster Youth (PDF, 404 KB)
Item Number: W12-06

Family Law: Domestic Partnerships and Same Sex Marriages (revise forms FL-103, FL-123, FL-800, FL-810, FL-910, and FL-915) (PDF, 466 KB)
Item Number: SP11-16

Appellate Procedure: When to Use Initials to Identify Parties in Juvenile Proceedings (PDF, 198 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-11

Juvenile Law: Ensuring Tribal Receipt of Appellate Records (PDF, 152 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-12

Appellate Procedure: Premature or Late Notice of Intent to File Writ Petition in Juvenile Dependency Proceeding (PDF, 188 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-13

Family Law: Attorney Fees and Costs (PDF, 182 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-35

Family Law: New, Restructured, and Revised Family Law Rules of Court (PDF, 1043 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-36

Family Law: Counsel Appointed to Represent a Child in Family Law Proceedings (PDF, 213 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-37

Family Law: Request for Order in Lieu of Notice of Motion or Order to Show Cause and Witness List for Use in Family Law Proceedings (PDF, 779 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-38

Family Law: Child Custody Information Sheets (PDF, 236 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-39

Family Law: Information Sheet (PDF, 172 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-40

Family Law: Revise Domestic Partnership Forms to Include Dissolution, Legal Separation, or Nullity of Same-Sex Marriage (PDF, 261 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-41

Family Law: Proof of Service by Publication or Posting (PDF, 144 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-42

Family Law: Summary Dissolution (PDF, 565 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-43

Family Law: Postjudgment Address Verification and Governmental Motions for Modifying or Enforcing Child Support (PDF, 576 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-44

Family Law: Default and Uncontested Judgment Checklist and Related Forms (PDF, 452 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-45

Family and Juvenile Rules: Family Centered Case Management Rule and Forms (PDF, 152 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-46

Juvenile Law: Juvenile Delinquency Forms Proposed Revisions and New Forms (PDF, 604 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-47

Juvenile Law: Qualifications for Experts Evaluating Child's Competency to Stand Trial (PDF, 121 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-48

Juvenile Law: Disclosure of Information Forms (PDF, 146 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-49

Juvenile Law: Extending Juvenile Court Jurisdiction–Nonminor Foster Youth (PDF, 1003 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-50

Juvenile Law: Appearance of Parties in Juvenile Court Proceedings (PDF, 402 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-51

Domestic Violence – Family Law: Stipulated Judgment of Parentage in Domestic Violence Prevention Act Cases (PDF, 339 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-52

Juvenile Law: Restraining Orders (PDF, 876 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-54

Tribal Court Protective Orders: Registration and Enforcement (PDF, 124 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-53

Family Law - Domestic Violence: adopt rule of court regarding modification of child custody and visitation orders and revise, approve, adopt, and revoke forms used in Domestic Violence Prevention Act cases (PDF, 3827 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-55

Family and Juvenile Rules: Live testimony at hearings and Declarations (PDF, 81 KB)
Item Number: W11-06

Child Support: Revised Forms to Implement Changes to the Family Code and Improve Administration of Title IV-D Cases (PDF, 265 KB)
Item Number: W11-05

Juvenile Law: Sibling Visitation (PDF, 308 KB)
Item Number: W11-04

Juvenile Law: Tribal Customary Adoption (PDF, 308 KB)
Item Number: W10-06

Juvenile Law: Consideration of Parent's Incarceration or Institutionalization in Extending Services (PDF, 111 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-36

Juvenile Law: Eligibility for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (PDF, 84 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-35

Juvenile Law: Family Finding and Engagement (PDF, 714 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-34

Family, Juvenile, and Probate Law: Enactment of the Federal Indian Child Welfare Act as California Law in the Family, Probate, and Welfare and Institutions Codes (PDF, 1734 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-33

Juvenile: Proposed Modification to Psychotropic Medication Forms and Rule 5.640 (PDF, 1967 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-32

Child Support: Administration of Title IV-D Child Support Cases (PDF, 7239 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-31

Juvenile Law: Caregiver Notice and Right to Be Heard (PDF, 809 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-30

Juvenile and Family Law: Miscellaneous Rule and Form Changes (PDF, 782 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-29

Juvenile Law: Ensuring Foster Children's Educational and Disability Rights (PDF, 1239 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-28

Family Law: Child Custody Information Sheet (PDF, 582 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-27

Family Law: Forms to Assist in Completing Dissolutions (PDF, 699 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-26

Family Law: Rules Regarding Counsel Appointed to Represent a Child in Family Law Proceedings Under Family Code Section 3150 (PDF, 822 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-25

Family Law: Sibling Contact After Adoption (PDF, 765 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-24

Juvenile Dependency Court Performance Measures (PDF, 71 KB)
Item Number: W08-06

Implementation Guide to Juvenile Dependency Court Performance Measures (PDF, 299 KB)
Item Number: SP08-05

Juvenile Law: Juvenile Dependency Court Performance Measures (PDF, 95 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-41

Juvenile Law: Confidentiality of Records (PDF, 167 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-40

Juvenile Law: Miscellaneous Rule and Form Changes (PDF, 241 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-39

Family Law: Miscellaneous Forms (PDF, 195 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-38

Child Support: Compliance with Federal Mandate Related to Automated Child Support Calculation Program and Improvement of Access to Justice for Non-English Speaking Self-Represented Litigants (PDF, 149 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-37

Juvenile Law: Affidavit under Penalty of Perjury (PDF, 74 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-40

Juvenile Law: Nondiscrimination in the Appointment of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) (PDF, 61 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-39

Juvenile Law: Required Information for Child Attaining Age of Majority (PDF, 82 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-38

Juvenile Law: Request to Change Court Order (PDF, 73 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-37

Juvenile Law: Presence and Participation of Child at Hearings (PDF, 65 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-36

Juvenile Law: Prisoner's Telephonic Participation at Hearing Affecting Parental Rights (PDF, 116 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-35

Juvenile Law: Review and Permanency Hearings in Dependency Proceedings (PDF, 195 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-34

Juvenile Law: Deferred Entry of Judgment (PDF, 82 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-33

Child Support: Revoke Redundant Child Support Order Form (PDF, 335 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-26

Child Support: Protection of Obligor Social Security Number (PDF, 94 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-27

Child Support: Notice of Change in Case Management Responsibility in Title IV-D Cases (PDF, 106 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-28

Family Law: Spousal and Domestic Partner Support (PDF, 121 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-29

Family Law: Disclosure Requirements (PDF, 73 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-30

Family Law: Appearance, Stipulations, and Waivers (PDF, 105 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-31

Family Law: Child Custody Evaluators (PDF, 201 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-32

Juvenile Law: Family Finding and Engagement (PDF, 731 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-33

Juvenile Law: Findings and Orders After Hearing and Termination of Juvenile Court Jurisdiction (PDF, 714 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-34

Juvenile Law: Eligibility for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (PDF, 84 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-35

Juvenile Law: Consideration of Parent's Incarceration or Institutionalization in Extending Services (PDF, 111 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-36

Child Support: Revised Forms to Implement Changes to the Family Code and Improve Administration of Title IV-D Cases (PDF, 397 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-32

Family Law: Child Custody Evaluations (PDF, 96 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-31

Family Law: Summary Dissolution Forms (PDF, 939 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-15

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends revising two family law summary dissolution forms, which are mandated by Family Code section 2400, to reflect an increase in the California Consumer Price Index. The committee also proposes additional changes to the forms to respond to issues raised by court professionals that would help joint petitioners more accurately complete and file the forms needed to request a summary dissolution judgment.  

Family Law: Child Custody and Visitation Orders Involving Gender-Affirming Health Care (PDF, 337 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-16

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending one rule of court, effective January 1, 2024, to implement Senate Bill 107 (Stats. 2022, ch. 810). SB 107 amends Family Code sections 3421 and 3424 and adopts a new public policy in Family Code section 3453.5 that supports a parent’s ability to seek gender-affirming health care and gender-affirming mental health care for a child in the state of California without penalty. The proposed amendments to the rule would provide procedures for situations in which a parent seeks emergency child custody orders in family court because the laws of another state prohibit that parent from providing gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care for their child. 

Trial Courts: Standard 2.2 Diversion Reporting (PDF, 427 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-01

The Court Executives Advisory Committee proposes that the Judicial Council amend standard 2.2 of the California Standards of Judicial Administration, which gives guidance to trial courts on the types of matters that remove a case from court control for purposes of calculating computation of time. The standard calls out cases in drug diversion programs under Penal Code section 1000 et seq. but is unclear as to whether other types of diversion programs should be treated similarly. The issue was raised to the committee’s Judicial Branch Statistical Information System Subcommittee by a court seeking clarity on whether the time reporting guidelines for drug diversion programs under Penal Code 1000 et seq. were intended to apply to other types of diversion programs. Revising the language in the standard is intended to increase clarity and help ensure consistent data reporting.

Judicial Administration: Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 811 KB)
Item Number: SP24-03

The Advisory Committee on Audits and Financial Accountability for the Judicial Branch (Audit Committee) proposes revising the Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (JBCM), in response to recommendations from the California State Auditor’s Office to add fraud reporting requirements that are substantially similar to State Administrative Manual section 20080. The Audit Committee invites public comment regarding these proposed revisions.

Judicial Administration: Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 2584 KB)
Item Number: SP22-06

At the Judicial Council’s business meeting on August 26, 2011, the council adopted the Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (JBCM) effective October 1, 2011, the operative date of substantive requirements of the California Judicial Branch Contract Law. The council adopted revisions to the JBCM in December 2011, April 2012, August 2012, December 2013, June 2015, June 2016, July 2017, July 2018, September 2019, September 2020, and October 2021. Additional revisions to the JBCM are proposed below in tracked changes format, and staff invites public comment regarding the proposed revisions.

Judicial Branch Administration: Data and Information Governance Advisory Committee (PDF, 263 KB)
Item Number: SP21-12

The chairs of the Executive and Planning Committee and the Technology Committee recommend adoption of proposed California Rules of Court, rule 10.68 to establish a data and information governance advisory committee. The committees also propose the repeal of rule 10.66 because the duties and responsibilities of the new proposed advisory body will include those of the Workload Assessment Advisory Committee established by that rule.

Judicial Council Administration: Amendment to Judicial Council Conflict of Interest Code (PDF, 436 KB)
Item Number: SP21-06

This proposal would adopt an amendment to the Conflict of Interest Code for the Judicial Council of California (Code) and amend the Code to include the classification of Construction Inspector. The Construction Inspector classification performs the same duties as the Engineering Specialist and should therefore be included on the Code as a classification required to disclose its statement of economic interest.

In accordance with Government Code sections 87303 and 87306, the Code must be updated “when change is necessitated by changed circumstances, including the creation of new positions”. The council must review the proposed amendment to the Code and approve the Code as amended or direct that it be further revised and resubmitted for approval.

Judicial Administration: Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 228 KB)
Item Number: SP21-04

At the Judicial Council’s business meeting on August 26, 2011, the council adopted the Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (JBCM) effective October 1, 2011, the operative date of substantive requirements of the California Judicial Branch Contract Law.1 The council adopted revisions to the JBCM in December 2011, April 2012, August 2012, December 2013, June 2015, June 2016, July 2017, July 2018, September 2019, and September 2020. Additional revisions to the JBCM are proposed below in tracked changes format, and staff invites public comment regarding the proposed revisions.

Judicial Administration: Court’s Duty to Prevent Bias (PDF, 353 KB)
Item Number: SP21-03

The Work Group to Enhance Administrative Standards Addressing Bias in Court Proceedings recommends amendments to California Standards of Judicial Administration, standard 10.20 (Court’s duty to prohibit bias), to support the integrity and impartiality of the judicial system and to promote a courtroom environment free of bias or the appearance of bias. The work group was appointed by Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye to identify improvements and propose amendments to standard 10.20. The work group was charged with ensuring that the standard, last substantively amended in 1997, reflects current law and current understandings regarding the elimination of bias and provides a framework for courts to work with their local communities to address these important issues. Comments must be submitted by Friday, June 25, 2021, at 5:00 PM (Pacific)

Contracting Manual: Revise the Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 1775 KB)
Item Number: SP20-02

At the Judicial Council’s business meeting on August 26, 2011, the council adopted the Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (JBCM) effective October 1, 2011, the operative date of substantive requirements of the California Judicial Branch Contract Law. The council adopted revisions to the JBCM in December 2011, April 2012, August 2012, December 2013, June 2015, June 2016, July 2017, July 2018, and September 2019. Additional revisions to the JBCM are proposed in tracked changes format, and staff invites public comment regarding the proposed revisions.

Judicial Administration: Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 704 KB)
Item Number: SP19-02

At the Judicial Council’s business meeting on August 26, 2011, the council adopted the Judicial Branch Contracting Manual effective October 1, 2011, the operative date of substantive requirements of the California Judicial Branch Contract Law. The council adopted revisions to the manual in December 2011, April 2012, August 2012, December 2013, June 2015, June 2016, July 2017, and July 2018. Additional revisions to the manual are proposed, and staff invites public comment regarding the proposed revisions.

Telephonic Appearances: Change in the Fee Amount (PDF, 183 KB)
Item Number: SP18-18

Judicial Council: Judicial Branch Budget Committee (PDF, 102 KB)
Item Number: SP18-16

Amendment to the Judicial Council Conflict of Interest Code (PDF, 933 KB)
Item Number: SP18-14

In accordance with Government Code sections 87303 and 87306, the Judicial Council Conflict of Interest Code must be updated “when change is necessitated by changed circumstances.” (Gov. Code, § 87306.) The council must review proposed amendments to the Code and approve the Code as amended or direct that it be further revised and resubmitted for approval.

Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 742 KB)
Item Number: SP18-10

Judicial Administration: Public Disclosure of Setlement Agreements (PDF, 712 KB)
Item Number: SP18-09

On April 10, 2018, Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye asked the Judicial Council to take immediate action to revise court rules on public records to ensure that all levels of the state court system be required to disclose the names of judicial officers who entered into settlement agreements to resolve sexual harassment and discrimination complaints. She created a working group to develop the rule changes required to achieve this goal. The working group recommends that the Judicial Council amend California Rules of Court, rule 10.500, on public access to judicial administrative records, to clarify that settlement agreements must be disclosed in response to public records requests and that the names of judicial officers must not be redacted from settlement agreements produced in response to these requests.

Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 741 KB)
Item Number: SP18-01

Court Administration: Judicial Sabbaticals (PDF, 196 KB)
Item Number: W18-01

Judicial sabbaticals are addressed in the Government Code and the California Rules of Court. Current law and practices provide for only unpaid sabbaticals on approval of the Judicial Council. The council’s Executive and Planning Committee proposes amending rule 10.502 to make it consistent with current law and practices and to eliminate outdated provisions on paid sabbaticals The amendments would also eliminate the role of the Judicial Sabbatical Review Committee.

Judicial Council: Advisory Committee Membership and Terms (PDF, 390 KB)
Item Number: SP17-07

The Judicial Council’s Rules and Projects Committee (RUPRO) proposes amending several rules of court relating to memberships on advisory committees. The amendments would amend rule 10.31, the general rule on memberships, to clarify the terms of the chairs, members, and advisory members. It would also amend the rules relating to four specific advisory committees to add new or modify existing categories of membership.

Judicial Council Administration: Rule for the Advisory Committee on Audits and Financial Accountability for the Judicial Branch (PDF, 182 KB)
Item Number: SP17-02

Judicial Administration: Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 878 KB)
Item Number: SP17-01

Judicial Administration: Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 1727 KB)
Item Number: SP16-05

Court Records: Records Sampling and Destruction (PDF, 698 KB)
Item Number: SP16-01

Court Records: Records Sampling and Destruction (PDF, 215 KB)
Item Number: W16-16

Judicial Administration: Revision of the Conflict of Interest Code for the Judicial Council (PDF, 217 KB)
Item Number: SP15-08

Trial Court Management: Public Access to Administrative Decisions of Trial Courts (PDF, 112 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-30

Trial Courts: Permanent Authorization for Remote Video Proceedings in Traffic Infraction Cases (PDF, 198 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-31

Rules Modernization Project: Modernize the Rules of Court to Facilitate E-Business, E-Filing, and E-Service Executive Summary and Origin (PDF, 882 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-32

Judicial Branch Administration: Changes to Replace the Names “Administrative Office of the Courts” and “AOC” (PDF, 670 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-33

Judicial Administration: Rule for Advisory Committee on Financial Accountability and Efficiency for the Judicial Branch (PDF, 59 KB)
Item Number: SP15-03

Judicial Administration: Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 1424 KB)
Item Number: SP15-01

Judicial Branch Education: Court Executive Officers Education (PDF, 127 KB)
Item Number: W15-04

Trial Courts: Reporting of Reciprocal Assignment Orders (PDF, 1039 KB)
Item Number: W15-05

Temporary Judges: Reporting on Use of Attorneys as Court-Appointed Temporary Judges (PDF, 118 KB)
Item Number: W15-06

Judicial Administration: Changes to Delegations in Rules of Court (PDF, 253 KB)
Item Number: W15-07

Judicial Administration: Revision of the Conflict of Interest Code for the Judicial Council (REV. 11/23/14) (PDF, 378 KB)
Item Number: SP14-09

Judicial Administration: Rule for Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee (PDF, 119 KB)
Item Number: SP14-06

Judicial Administration: Rules for Advisory Groups (PDF, 355 KB)
Item Number: SP14-07

Judicial Administration: Membership of Appellate Advisory Committee (PDF, 59 KB)
Item Number: SP14-01

Judicial Administration: Meetings of Judicial Council Advisory Bodies (PDF, 200 KB)
Item Number: SP13-12

Judicial Branch Education: Trial Court Employee Education (PDF, 83 KB)
Item Number: W14-08

Judicial Branch Education: AOC Employee Education (PDF, 293 KB)
Item Number: W14-09

Judicial Administration: Rules for Advisory Groups (PDF, 153 KB)
Item Number: SP13-10

Judicial Branch Administration: Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 1334 KB)
Item Number: SP13-08

Judicial Administration: Rules for Advisory Groups (PDF, 218 KB)
Item Number: SP13-07

Subordinate Judicial Officers: Complaints and Notice Requirements (PDF, 115 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-31

Attorney Misconduct: Notification to State Bar (PDF, 73 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-30

Trial Court Presiding Judges Advisory Committee: Chair Nomination Process (PDF, 59 KB)
Item Number: SP13-03

Trial Court Security: Petitions under Government Code section 69926 (PDF, 68 KB)
Item Number: SP12-09

Judical Branch Administration: Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 1481 KB)
Item Number: SP12-06

Judicial Branch Administration: Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 1558 KB)
Item Number: SP12-02

Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 1500 KB)
Item Number: SP11-12

Court-Appointed Temporary Judges: Recruitment and Appointment (PDF, 120 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-56

Judicial Branch Education: Amendments to the Education Rules Resulting from Evaluation of the Implementation of the Education Rules for the First Three-Year Period (PDF, 275 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-34

Judicial Administration: Authority and Duties of Presiding Judge and Court Executive Office (PDF, 136 KB)
Item Number: W11-07

Judicial Branch Education: Minimum Education Requirements, Expectations, and Recommendations (PDF, 625 KB)
Item Number: SP07-01

Judicial Administration: Court Self-Help Center (PDF, 913 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-35

Judicial Branch Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy (PDF, 57 KB)
Item Number: W08-03

Court Security Plans (PDF, 125 KB)
Item Number: W08-02

Judicial Branch Education: Minimum Education Requirements and Expectations-Justices' and Judges' Individual Recording and Reporting Form (PDF, 95 KB)
Item Number: SP08-06

Advisory Commission on Civil Fees in the Courts (PDF, 76 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-46

Court Security Plans (PDF, 376 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-32

Judicial Branch Education: Minimum Ethics Education Requirements for Trial Court Executive Officers (PDF, 103 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-37

Court Administration: Modernize Rules on Trial Court Records (PDF, 39 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-38

Authority and duties of the presiding judge: setting and modifying executive officer total compensation (PDF, 87 KB)
Item Number: W10-02

Reporting Subordinate Judicial Officers to the Commission on Judicial Performance (PDF, 89 KB)
Item Number: W10-03

Public Access to Judicial Administrative Records (PDF, 301 KB)
Item Number: SP09-07

Judicial Branch Administration: Procedures for Submitting Contentions Regarding Administration of the Courts of Appeal (PDF, 262 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-01

The Administrative Presiding Justices Advisory Committee is proposing a new rule to establish procedures for submitting to administrative presiding justices contentions that an administrative presiding justice or presiding justice has not properly addressed or managed an important matter related to the administration of a Court of Appeal or a division of a Court of Appeal. This proposal is based on a recommendation from the Appellate Caseflow Workgroup and would advance the efficient, effective, and just administration of the Courts of Appeal.

Trial Courts: Exceptional Criminal Case Reporting (PDF, 350 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-02

The Court Executives Advisory Committee proposes that the Judicial Council amend standard 2.2 of the California Standards of Judicial Administration to repeal subdivision (m). Standard 2.2(m) recommends that trial courts report exceptional criminal case aging in the Judicial Branch Statistical Information System (JBSIS). Currently, most courts do not follow this recommendation, because JBSIS does not allow for such reports. Because the resources required to ensure courts could follow the standard would be substantial, and potential gains of doing so appear to be limited, the committee proposes that the subdivision should be repealed.

Appellate Procedure: Remote Appearances at Oral Argument in the Appellate Division (PDF, 303 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-04

The Appellate Advisory Committee proposes updating the rules regarding oral argument in the appellate division to reflect modern videoconferencing technology and facilitate remote appearances. The current rules narrowly provide for videoconferencing at different courts to accommodate appellate division judges who would have to travel to attend oral argument in the same location. Parties are required to appear in person at the court that issued the order or judgment being appealed unless a local rule or appellate division order permits otherwise. This proposal would replace the videoconferencing provisions with broader authorization for remote appearances. The proposal originated with a suggestion from a committee member.

Judicial Administration: Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (PDF, 1282 KB)
Item Number: SP23-04

At the Judicial Council’s business meeting on August 26, 2011, the council adopted the Judicial Branch Contracting Manual (JBCM) effective October 1, 2011, the operative date of substantive requirements of the California Judicial Branch Contract Law. The council adopted revisions to the JBCM in December 2011, April 2012, August 2012, December 2013, June 2015, June 2016, July 2017, July 2018, September 2019, September 2020, October 2021, and October 2022. Additional revisions to the JBCM are proposed below in tracked changes format, and staff invites public comment regarding the proposed revisions.

Jury Instructions: Public Access and Publication (PDF, 256 KB)
Item Number: W23-11

Summary: The Rules Committee recommends revising California Rules of Court, rule 2.1050, to express the council’s continued interest in both free public access to the Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) and the Judicial Council of California Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) and having publishers accurately publish the instructions, properly attribute the council as the source of the instructions, and not claim copyright in them. This proposal originated with a suggestion from a nonprofit organization following a change in copyright law that impacts government bodies.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Friday, January 20, 2023 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Judicial Branch Administration: Judicial Branch Data and Information Governance Policy Concepts (PDF, 682 KB)
Item Number: SP20-09

In 2018, the Judicial Council of California’s Information Technology Advisory Committee began work to develop and recommend for the judicial branch a data analytics strategy that included branchwide data and information governance policy. The preliminary result of that work is the attached report, Proposed Judicial Branch Data and Information Governance Policy Concepts. The Information Technology Advisory Committee is seeking public input at this early stage in the policymaking process to encourage public dialogue about these concepts and to incorporate feedback before the committee submits its report on the policy concepts to the Judicial Council. 

SP19-10 Judicial Branch Administration: Policies on Workplace Conduct (PDF, 166 KB)
Item Number: SP19-10

To promote improvement and greater consistency in how judicial branch entities prevent and address harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and inappropriate workplace conduct based on a protected classification, the Rules and Projects Committee (RUPRO) proposes a new rule of court to establish standardized baseline requirements for court policies on the prevention, reporting, and resolution of these types of complaints. This proposal originated from recommendations made by the Work Group for the Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment, appointed by Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye. Those recommendations, including a recommendation to adopt a rule on these issues, were approved by the Judicial Council on July 19, 2019.

Judicial Branch Education: Rules Review and Modernization (PDF, 528 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-07

The Center for Judicial Education and Research (CJER) Advisory Committee recommends amending nineteen and repealing one rule of court governing judicial branch education. The amendments are required to recognize new and developing education delivery methods and priorities, adopt current adult education terminology, provide court staff and judicial officers a greater degree of authority and flexibility in meeting their education requirements, resolve education disparities between the appellate and trial courts and between judicial officers and court staff in certain assignments and positions, adopt gender-neutral language, and clarify and simplify existing language in the rules and make other grammatical and typographical corrections.

Judicial Branch Education: Extension of Judicial College Deadline (PDF, 292 KB)
Item Number: SP21-07

Due to the state of emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Judicial Council adopted rule 10.492 of the California Rules of Court in November 2020, extending deadlines by 12 months to complete mandatory judicial education programs. The Center for Judicial Education and Research (CJER) Advisory Committee recommends amending rule 10.492 to extend the rule’s temporary extension for the B. E. Witkin Judicial College by an additional 12 months to avoid the inability to comply with rule 10.462(c)(1)(C) amongst new judicial officers. The CJER Advisory Committee also proposes amending the rule’s expiration date in light of the ongoing nature of the pandemic.

Judicial Branch Education: Mandatory Judicial Training Requirement for Prevention of Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Inappropriate Workplace Behavior, and Unconscious Bias (PDF, 300 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-06

Based on the recommendations of the Work Group on the Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment, and with input from other Judicial Council advisory bodies, the CJER Advisory Committee proposes to amend rule 10.469 of the California Rules of Court to make education on unconscious bias, as well as the prevention of discrimination and harassment, mandatory for judicial officers.

Language Access: Language Services in Noncourtroom Programs and Services - W19 - 09 (PDF, 264 KB)
Item Number: W19 - 09

The Judicial Council has charged the Language Access Plan Implementation Task Force with overseeing and ensuring implementation of the Strategic Plan for Language Access in the California Courts (LAP). The plan provides a comprehensive and systematic approach to expanding language access in the California courts, in fulfillment of the courts’ obligations under title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Task Force proposes a new rule of court and three optional forms to satisfy a series of LAP recommendations focusing on the provision of language services outside the courtroom.

Strategic Plan for Language Access in the California Courts (PDF, 698 KB)
Item Number: SP14-05

Executive Summary, Español 

Judicial Council–Sponsored Legislation: Juror and Prospective Juror Oaths Using Plain Language (PDF, 264 KB)
Item Number: SP24-06

The Court Executives Advisory Committee (CEAC) and Jury Administration and Management Subcommittee (JAMS) propose amending the oaths administered to jurors and prospective jurors in Cal. CCP § 232 to use plain language.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Friday, July 12, 2024, at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Judicial Council–Sponsored Legislation: Authorization for Remote Appearances and Expansion of Defendant Personal Presence Provisions in Criminal Proceedings (PDF, 410 KB)
Item Number: LEG21-01

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends that the Judicial Council sponsor legislation to provide statutory authority for remote appearances in criminal proceedings, provide statutory authority for courts to order the personal presence of a misdemeanor defendant, and expand waiver of the defendant’s right to be personally present in a felony case.

Judicial Council–Sponsored Legislation: Vendor Storage of Exhibits and Evidence in Electronic Format (PDF, 343 KB)
Item Number: LEG21-02

The Information Technology Advisory Committee recommends the Judicial Council sponsor legislation to authorize courts to use vendors for storage of exhibits and evidence in electronic format. The purpose of the proposal is to facilitate the use of electronic exhibits and electronic evidence in courts. The proposal originates with recommendations from the Information Technology Advisory Committee’s Digital Evidence Workstream

Proposal for Judicial Council–Sponsored Legislation: Notification of Reduced or Dismissed Convictions for Probation Transfer Cases (PDF, 306 KB)
Item Number: LEG20-01

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends that the Judicial Council sponsor legislation to amend Penal Code sections 1203.425, 1203.9, and 13151 to require notification between receiving courts and transferring courts of reductions of felonies to misdemeanors and dismissals of convictions in probation transfer cases.

Proposal for Judicial Council–Sponsored Legislation: Remote Video Appearances in All Civil Actions and Proceedings (PDF, 237 KB)
Item Number: LEG20-02

The Civil and Small Claims, Family and Juvenile Law, and Information Technology Advisory Committees recommend the Judicial Council sponsor legislation to provide statutory authority for courts to permit remote video appearances in any civil actions or proceedings including trials and evidentiary hearings. The proposal originates with recommendations included in reports from the Commission on the Future of California’s Court System and the Information Technology Advisory Committee’s Remote Video Appearances Workstream.

Proposal for Judicial Council–Sponsored Legislation (Family Law): Recognition of Tribal Court Orders Relating to the Division of Marital Assets (PDF, 303 KB)
Item Number: LEG20-03

As a result of comments from tribal court judges and advocates, the California Tribal Court–State Court Forum (Forum) and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee (Committee) recommend that the Judicial Council, effective January 1, 2022, sponsor legislation to add section 2611 to the Family Code and add subsection 1736(c) to the Code of Civil Procedure to ensure that valid divorce or dissolution judgments issued by tribal courts that include division of pension assets are effective and in particular are recognized as meeting the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).

Judicial Council–Sponsored Legislation: Consistent Fee Provisions with Electronic Filing and Service; Signatures on Electronically Filed Documents Not Signed Under Penalty of Perjury, LEG19-01 (PDF, 149 KB)
Item Number: LEG19-01

The Information Technology Advisory Committee recommends the Judicial Council sponsor legislation to amend Code of Civil Procedure section 1010.6, which governs electronic filing and service in civil matters. The purpose of the   proposal would be twofold: (1) to create consistency in the fee provisions by allowing courts to recover no more than their actual costs regardless of whether electronic filing and service is permitted by local rule, required by court order, or required by local rule; and (2) to account for signatures made not under penalty of perjury by persons other than the filer. The proposal originated with Judicial Council staff.

Deadline to Submit comments: Friday, June 7, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.

Judicial Council–Sponsored Legislation: Electronic Delivery of Documents Currently Required to Be Mailed Following Conviction, LEG19-02 (PDF, 147 KB)
Item Number: LEG19-02

The Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) recommends the Judicial Council sponsor legislation to amend Penal Code section 1203.01 to allow for electronic delivery of documents currently required to be mailed following conviction. The proposal originated with a recommendation of the Judicial Council Data Exchange Working Group, which is made up of court participants and justice partners and is working to develop standardized data exchanges.

Deadline to Submit comments: Friday, June 7, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.

Judicial Council–Sponsored Legislation: Temporary Emergency Gun Violence Restraining Order, LEG19-03 (PDF, 142 KB)
Item Number: LEG19-03

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee, at the suggestion of several courts, proposes that the Judicial Council sponsor legislation amending Penal Code section 18140, which currently requires that a law enforcement officer who requests a temporary emergency gun violence restraining order (emergency GVRO) “[f]ile a copy of the order with the court as soon as practicable after issuance.” (Pen. Code, § 18140(c).) The proposal would add a time frame of no later than three court days to ensure that the court receives the emergency GVRO with sufficient time to set and notice a hearing within 21 days, as required by newly enacted Penal Code section 18148.

Deadline to Submit comments: Friday, June 7, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.

Judicial Council–Sponsored Legislation: Civil Adjudication of Vehicle Code Infractions, LEG19-04 (PDF, 422 KB)
Item Number: LEG19-04

At the direction of the Chief Justice, the Futures Traffic Working Group was charged with developing a proposal to implement and evaluate a civil model for adjudication of minor vehicle infractions. This proposal includes recommendations for statutory changes as well as appropriate standardized processes to free up court and law enforcement resources and simplify procedures for defendants. The proposal was informed by input from law enforcement, the Department of Motor Vehicles, organizations representing the interests of low-income Californians, and other stakeholders. The working group explored, evaluated, and now recommends options for online processing of all phases for all Vehicle Code infraction violations. This proposal provides an alternative to the current system of criminal adjudication of several million traffic infractions each year.

Deadline to Submit comments: Monday, July 8, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.

Judicial Council–Sponsored Legislation (Telephonic Appearances): Court Fees Collected from Telephone Appearance Revenue, LEG19-05 (PDF, 166 KB)
Item Number: LEG19-05

The Judicial Branch Budget Committee proposes statutory changes for telephone appearance service fees to update and improve the formula to reflect current revenue allocation standards in the courts. The committee also proposes amending the statutes that prescribe the method for transmitting fees to reflect current fiscal practices in the courts. This proposal has no impact on the fee charged to individuals for telephone appearance services. The proposal is based on a suggestion from a vendor of telephone appearance services.

Deadline to Submit comments: Friday, June 7, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.

Judicial Council –Sponsored Legislation: Civil Discovery Tiers (PDF, 186 KB)
Item Number: SP18-17

Amend Government Code section 68560.5(a) and Code of Civil Procedure section 116.550 (PDF, 68 KB)
Item Number: LEG17-07

Proposed Legislation (Appellate Procedure) Authorizes Fees for Electronic Filing and Service (PDF, 148 KB)
Item Number: LEG17-01

Proposed Legislation (Appellate Procedure): Content of the Record in Certain Juvenile Appeals (PDF, 172 KB)
Item Number: LEG17-02

Proposed Legislation: Temporary Emergency Gun Violence Restraining Orders (PDF, 156 KB)
Item Number: LEG17-03

Proposed Legislation (Criminal Procedure): Electronic Arrest Warrants (PDF, 149 KB)
Item Number: LEG17-04

Proposed Legislation (Technology): Electronic Service (PDF, 174 KB)
Item Number: LEG17-05

Proposed Legislation (Traffic): Uniform Hourly Rate for Community Service in Lieu of Infraction Fine (PDF, 140 KB)
Item Number: LEG17-06

Subordinate Judicial Officers: Court Commissioners as Magistrates (PDF, 49 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-01

Court Records: Retention of Original Wills and Codicils and of Court Records in Gun Violence Cases (PDF, 61 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-02

Criminal Procedure: Application of Code of Civil Procedure section 1010.6(a) and (b) to Criminal Actions (PDF, 41 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-03

Criminal Procedure: Multiple County Sentencing Under Penal Code Section 1170(h) (PDF, 47 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-04

Criminal Procedure: Pre-Arraignment Own Recognizance Release Under Court-Operated or Approved Pretrial Programs (PDF, 49 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-05

Criminal Procedure: Transfer Back to Receiving Court for Limited Purpose after Intercounty Transfer (PDF, 41 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-06

Small Claims: Provision of Court Interpreters (PDF, 85 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-07

Juvenile Law: Electronic Filing and Service in Juvenile Proceedings (PDF, 126 KB)
Item Number: LEg16-08

Probate: Electronic Service of Notices and Other Papers in Probate, Guardianship, Conservatorship, and Other Protective Proceedings (PDF, 182 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-09

Technology: Electronic Filing, Service, and Signatures (PDF, 114 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-10

Court Records: Records Sampling and Destruction (PDF, 215 KB)
Item Number: W16-16

Judicial Council–Sponsored Legislation: Competency under Welfare and Institutions Code Section 709 (PDF, 150 KB)
Item Number: LEG15-04

Criminal Justice Realignment: Court jurisdiction over supervision revocation; calculation of time during supervision revocation (PDF, 66 KB)
Item Number: LEG15-01

Probate: Statements of Decision in Probate Proceedings (PDF, 68 KB)
Item Number: LEG15-02

Timing of Electronic Service (PDF, 58 KB)
Item Number: LEG15-03

Proposed Legislation (Civil Practice and Procedure): Evidentiary Objections in Summary Judgment Proceedings (PDF, 66 KB)
Item Number: LEG14-02

Proposed Legislation (Criminal Justice Realignment): Recalling Sentences under Penal Code section 1170(d)(1) (PDF, 58 KB)
Item Number: LEG14-03

Proposed Legislation (Jurors): Monetary Sanctions under Code of Civil Procedure section 177.5 (PDF, 59 KB)
Item Number: LEG14-04

Proposed Legislation (Criminal Procedure): Appeals of the Imposition or Calculation of Fines and Fees (PDF, 60 KB)
Item Number: LEG14-05

Proposed Legislation (Criminal Justice Realignment): Parole Holds and Deadline to File Petitions to Revoke Supervision (PDF, 76 KB)
Item Number: LEG14-06

Proposed Legislation (Criminal Justice Realignment): Sentencing Report Deadlines (PDF, 60 KB)
Item Number: LEG14-07

Judicial Council-Sponsored Legislation: Amend Restraining Order Statutes to Clarify Procedures for Continuance of Hearings (PDF, 88 KB)
Item Number: LEG14-01

Judicial Council-Sponsored Legislation: Amend Restraining Order Statutes to Clarify Procedures for Continuance of Hearings (PDF, 82 KB)
Item Number: LEG13-08

Proposed Legislation: Criminal Procedure: Intercounty Probation Case Transfers (PDF, 62 KB)
Item Number: LEG13-01

Proposed Legislation: Criminal Procedure: Misdemeanor Contempt by Jurors (PDF, 62 KB)
Item Number: LEG13-02

Proposed Legislation: Tribal Access to Confidential Juvenile Court Files (PDF, 80 KB)
Item Number: LEG13-03

Proposed Legislation: Conservatorship for Gravely Disabled Persons: Conservatorship Investigator Report (PDF, 63 KB)
Item Number: LEG13-04

Proposed Legislation: Joinder of Probation in Mental Health Cases (PDF, 68 KB)
Item Number: LEG13-05

Proposed Legislation: Outpatient Status for Mentally Disordered and Developmentally Disabled Offenders (PDF, 114 KB)
Item Number: LEG13-06

Provisional Qualification for American Sign Language Court Interpreters and Other Updates to Evidence Code Section 754 (PDF, 75 KB)
Item Number: LEG13-07

Probate Guardianships: Referral of Proposed Ward in a Guardianship Proceeding to County Child Welfare Department for an Investigation of the Ward's Status as a Dependent Child Under the Juvenile Court Law (PDF, 248 KB)
Item Number: LEG12-03

Proposed Legislation: Modernization and Improvement of Statutes on Trial Court Records Retention and Management (PDF, 141 KB)
Item Number: LEG12-02

Criminal Justice Realignment: Supervision Revocation Procedure (PDF, 104 KB)
Item Number: LEG12-01

Proposed Legislation for Recognition and Enforcement of Tribal Court Civil Judgments (PDF, 115 KB)
Item Number: LEG11-04

Proposed Legislation for Recognition and Enforcement of Tribal Court Civil Judgments (Code of Civ. Proc. §§ 1730 –1739) (PDF, 343 KB)
Item Number: LEG11-03

Probate: Notice to Creditors in Decedents’ Estates (PDF, 76 KB)
Item Number: LEG11-02

Civil Law: Proposed Clean-Up Legislation on the Discovery of Electronically Stored Information (PDF, 189 KB)
Item Number: LEG11-01

CACI Release for Public Comment - Summer 2010 (PDF, 1262 KB)
Item Number: CACI 10-02

Probate Guardianship Venue: Proposed Legislation (PDF, 349 KB)
Item Number: LEG10-05

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Judicial Arbitration Statutes (PDF, 28 KB)
Item Number: LEG10-04

Civil Cases: Vexatious Litigants (PDF, 35 KB)
Item Number: LEG10-03

Criminal Procedure: Thumbprints at Arraignment (PDF, 85 KB)
Item Number: LEG10-02

Criminal Procedure: Dismissals in the Interests of Justice (PDF, 145 KB)
Item Number: LEG10-01

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Judicial Arbitration Statutes (PDF, 30 KB)
Item Number: LEG10-06

Small Claims: Appearance by Declaration or Telephone (PDF, 284 KB)
Item Number: LEG07-06

Small Claims Post-Judgment Fees (PDF, 281 KB)
Item Number: LEG07-05

Local Rules: Increase Time for Filing With the Judicial Council From 30 to 60 Days (PDF, 285 KB)
Item Number: LEG07-04

Trial Preference: Updating Outmoded Statutory Language (PDF, 356 KB)
Item Number: LEG07-03

Governmental Fee Exemption (PDF, 278 KB)
Item Number: LEG07-02

Juvenile Court Purpose Clause (PDF, 313 KB)
Item Number: LEG07-01

Management of Trial Court Records: Proposed Legislation (amend Gov. Code, §§ 68150 and 68151) (PDF, 110 KB)
Item Number: LEG09-02

Proposed Legislation on Electronic Service of Documents: Amend Code of Civil Procedure section 1010.6 (PDF, 399 KB)
Item Number: LEG09-01

Mandatory Form for Notification of a Party’s Military Status (PDF, 466 KB)
Item Number: W20-06

Summary: The Collaborative Justice Courts Advisory Committee proposes revising Notification of Military Status (form MIL-100), which informs the court that a party in a court case is or was in the military, to change the form from optional to mandatory and require those individuals who choose to disclose military status to do so with the proposed form. The revisions to the current form will enable courts to improve early identification of court litigants in all case types who have a military affiliation, and will assist courts in complying with Penal Code section 858 requirements.
Deadline to Submit comments: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at 5:00 pm.

Rules and Forms: Mandatory Form for Notification of a Party’s Military Status, SPR19-14 (PDF, 230 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-14

The Collaborative Justice Courts Advisory Committee proposes revising Notification of Military Status (form MIL-100), which informs the court that a party in a court case is or was in the military and changing the form from optional to mandatory. The revisions to the current form will enable courts to provide improved identification of court litigants in all case types who have a military affiliation.

Military Service: Notification of Military Status (PDF, 998 KB)
Item Number: W15-08

Early Draft Open Meeting Rule (PDF, 127 KB)
Item Number: SP13-11

Probate Conservatorship: Care Plan (PDF, 600 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-28

To implement recent legislation, the Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes adopting one form and revising one form for mandatory use by a conservator of the person to prepare and file the care plan required, effective January 1, 2025, by Probate Code section 2351.2.

Probate Conservatorship: Confidential Declaration Forms (PDF, 1229 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-29

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes adopting one form, revising one form, and revoking one form related to probate conservatorships. The new form for mandatory use would be used to certify that a conservatee, proposed conservatee, or person alleged to lack capacity is medically unable to attend a hearing that they would otherwise be required to attend. The revised form—also for mandatory use—would (1) expand the scope of the existing capacity declaration to allow the assessing clinician to provide additional information needed by the court to make the legal determinations at issue, and (2) incorporate other capacity determinations related to a conservatee’s treatment for a major neurocognitive disorder, such as dementia. The existing attachment form with the major neurocognitive disorder capacity determinations would be revoked as no longer necessary. The proposal is part of the committee’s project to update the conservatorship forms to conform to recent legislation promoting self-determination for persons
subject to protective proceedings, including conservatorships.

Probate Guardianship: Participation of a Minor Ward in Court (PDF, 371 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-30

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes amending rule 7.1016 of the California Rules of Court to conform to recent legislation that amended Family Code section 3042. The legislation changed the conditions under which a minor child participates or testifies in court in a child custody or visitation proceeding, including a probate guardianship of the person. The committee also proposes amending the rule to conform more closely to statute by narrowing the scope of its application and expanding the protections afforded to wards who are parties, as well as to clarify its requirements and simplify its language.

Mental Health Law: CARE Act and Related Proceedings (PDF, 936 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-37

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes approving an optional form for the court’s use to order the county agency to provide information to the respondent’s attorney—in specified related proceedings—that a petition to commence proceedings under the Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Act has been filed on the respondent’s behalf. This form would facilitate the process required by recommended rule 7.2210(e) of the California Rules of Court in response to statutory amendments and input from courts and counties.

Mental Health Law: CARE Act Rule Amendments and Form Revisions (PDF, 1675 KB)
Item Number: W24-03

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes amending four rules of court and revising seven forms to implement Senate Bill 35 (Stats. 2023, ch. 283), which amended both substantive and procedural aspects of the Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Act. In addition, the statute updated the Judicial Council mandate to adopt rules implementing the policies and provisions of the act to add a requirement that the rules include “communications between the CARE Act court and the juvenile court, if applicable,” and to remove the requirement that the rules include “the clerk’s review of the petition.” The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee joins in proposing the amendment of rule 7.2210 and the revision of form CARE-100 to the extent those proposed changes address communications between the CARE Act court and the juvenile court.

Civil Practice and Procedure: Appointment of Guardian ad Litem (PDF, 1389 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-22

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee, the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee, and the Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee propose adopting one form, revising two forms, revising and renumbering one form, and revoking one form to reflect a change in the law and to clarify and modernize the existing forms. The forms in the proposal are used to apply for and order the appointment of a guardian ad litem in a civil action or proceeding, including a family law proceeding, and in a proceeding under the Probate Code.

Probate Conservatorship: Less Restrictive Alternatives (PDF, 995 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-23

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes amending three rules of court and revising one form in response to changes to conservatorship law enacted by recent legislation. The rule amendments would implement legislation that requires education on alternatives to conservatorship for judicial officers assigned to probate, probate staff attorneys, probate examiners, court investigators, and counsel appointed in probate conservatorship proceedings. Revisions to the form would implement legislation that requires the supplemental information provided by the petitioner or proposed conservator to specify clearly and discuss in detail the less restrictive alternatives to a conservatorship that were considered or tried before the filing of the petition. Additional revisions to the form would identify the person completing the form, clarify the structure of information to be provided about the reasons for conservatorship, and solicit information about the proposed conservatee’s knowledge and opinion of the conservatorship.

Trial Courts: Report of Determinations Affecting Voting Rights (PDF, 1005 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-24

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee and the Criminal Law Advisory Committee propose one rule of court and two forms to implement recent legislation requiring the trial courts to report to the Secretary of State judicial determinations under Elections Code sections 2208–2211 disqualifying a person from voting or restoring a person’s right to register to vote. The legislation expressly required the Judicial Council to adopt rules and forms, including a mandatory form for the courts to use to furnish the required reports.

Probate Conservatorship and Guardianship: Eligibility for County Payment of Cost of Appointed Counsel (PDF, 316 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-25

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes amending the Guidelines for Determining Financial Eligibility for County Payment of the Cost of Counsel Appointed by the Court in Proceedings Under the Guardianship-Conservatorship Law (Guidelines), Appendix E of the California Rules of Court, to update the criteria for establishing presumptive eligibility for county payment of the cost of court-appointed counsel. The proposal would maintain the Judicial Council’s policy of basing presumptive eligibility for county payment in part on the conditions for granting an initial court fee waiver under Government Code section 68632(a)–(c) by adjusting the criteria in the Guidelines to conform to recent amendments to that statute.

Rules and Forms: Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment Act (PDF, 2346 KB)
Item Number: W23-10

Summary: The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes eleven rules of court and eleven forms to implement requirements in the Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Act. The CARE Act establishes a new, noncriminal proceeding that authorizes a court—in response to a petition and after determining by clear and convincing evidence that the subject of the petition meets the necessary statutory criteria—to order the county behavioral health agency to work with the subject to engage in treatment and determine whether a CARE agreement can be reached or, if those efforts are unsuccessful, to develop a CARE plan. Once the court has approved a CARE agreement or ordered a CARE plan, the court must hold regular hearings to review the progress of the subject and the county behavioral agency with the services ordered in the agreement or plan. The act requires the Judicial Council to develop a mandatory petition form, any other forms necessary for the court process, and rules of court to implement the act’s procedural provisions.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Friday, January 27, 2023 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Rules and Forms: Guardianship Objection (PDF, 877 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-18

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes approving one form for optional use by parents, relatives, and other interested persons to object to a petition to appoint a probate guardian of a child. In guardianship proceedings, most parties and interested persons are self-represented. The petitions, forms GC-210 and GC-210(P), provide a framework for petitioners to specify their requests and allegations in appropriate categories. There is currently no Judicial Council form for objecting to a guardianship petition. Courts and self-help centers have indicated that the lack of a simple, standard form places objectors at a disadvantage and often leaves courts unable to discern the bases for the objections. The proposed form is intended to address these concerns.

Rules and Forms: Small Estate Disposition (PDF, 1195 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-16

Assembly Bill 473 (Stats. 2019, ch. 122) added section 890 to the Probate Code. Section 890 requires the Judicial Council, beginning April 1, 2022, and every three years thereafter, to adjust the statutory amounts of the property values used to determine eligibility for various procedures to succeed to a decedent’s interest in property without administration. The council must determine the amount of each adjustment based on a statutory formula based on the change in the United States Consumer Price Index over a period of three years ending with the December immediately preceding the adjustment. In addition, after adjusting the amounts, the council must publish a list of the newly effective amounts with the date of the next scheduled adjustment. The Judicial Council adopted and revised the forms in this proposal to fulfill these legislative mandates and otherwise bring the forms into conformity with current law and form standards. Because the December 2021 Consumer Price Index was not released until January 12, 2022, form DE-300 was adopted and forms DE-305, DE-310, and DE-315 were revised before circulation for comment to take effect on April 1, 2022, as required by Probate Code section 890. The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee is now circulating the new and revised forms for comment, and will recommend further revisions, if appropriate, based on comments received.

Rules and Forms: Probate Guardianship and Juvenile Dependency Information (PDF, 1815 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-17

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee and the Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee propose adopting one form, approving two forms, and revising three forms to implement Assembly Bill 260 (Stats. 2021, ch. 578). AB 260 amended Government Code section 68511.1 to require that the Judicial Council develop a form explaining the nature of a guardianship; the rights, duties, and obligations of a guardian; and the services and supports available to a probate guardian compared with those available to a caregiver in the child welfare system and a guardian appointed by juvenile court. Implementing this section requires adopting one form for mandatory use, revising two forms and converting them from mandatory to optional use, and approving one form for optional use. The bill also amended Probate Code section 1511 to require that notice of the hearing on a petition to appoint a probate guardian include a copy of the new mandatory information form.

Rules and Forms: Probate Conservatorships (PDF, 1360 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-19

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes adopting one rule of court, amending three rules, repealing three rules, revising two forms, and revoking one form to implement requirements in Assembly Bill 1194 (Stats. 2021, ch. 417), which revised the procedural and substantive law governing the establishment, court oversight, and termination of probate conservatorships. Amendment of one rule and revision of one form are expressly mandated by statute.

Collaborative Justice: Updating the Collaborative Justice Courts Advisory Committee’s Area of Focus and Duties (PDF, 294 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-04

The Collaborative Justice Courts Advisory Committee recommends amending rule 10.56 of the California Rules of Court to expand and clarify its areas of focus and duties. This recommendation would allow the advisory committee to better address judicial leadership and court processes impacting collaborative justice courts and similar programs that impact individuals who are moving through the court system and who have mental illnesses, substance use disorders, or co-occurring disorders. These proposed amendments seek to (1) revise the scope of duties to more accurately align with the evolution of collaborative courts, and (2) allow the advisory committee to address diversion and other collaborative programs involving the courts and informed by—or could benefit from—the incorporation of collaborative justice court principles and practices.

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA): Implementation of AB 3176 in Probate Guardianships and Conservatorships (PDF, 1257 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-13

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee and the Tribal Court–State Court Forum (forum) recommend amending four rules of court and revising two forms to clarify the procedures required in probate guardianship and conservatorship proceedings involving an Indian child to which the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) may or does apply. The proposed amendments and revisions would update the rules and forms to conform to the requirements of the 2016 federal ICWA regulations, California statutory changes, and recent amendments to the California Rules of Court governing ICWA proceedings generally.

Rules and Forms: Compromise of Claim for Minor or Person With a Disability (PDF, 887 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-25

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee recommends amending six rules of court and revising eight forms used in proceedings to approve the compromise of a claim or action or the disposition of proceeds of a judgment for a minor or person with a disability. The proposed amendments and revisions are needed (1) to clarify that the petitioner must completely disclose the effect of the compromise on the statutory and contractual lien rights of all parties, insurers, and medical service providers; (2) to clarify that a blocked account for the deposit of the proceeds of the compromise or judgment must be opened in the name of the petitioner in the petitioner’s capacity as representative of the minor or person with a disability; (3) to clarify that an adult claimant who has the capacity to consent to orders approving a compromise or disposition and does not have a conservator of the estate must give express consent to those orders; and (4) to make technical and clarifying revisions to the forms’ titles, language, and format. These revisions are needed to improve access to the courts, protect the interests of minors and persons with disabilities, and allow prompt and secure distribution of the proceeds of settlements and judgments in favor of minors and persons with disabilities.

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA): Implementation of AB 3176 for Indian Children, SPR19-42 (PDF, 1727 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-42

The Tribal Court–State Court Forum (forum) and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend adopting a new rule of court, amending several other California Rules of Court, and revising several forms for Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and juvenile court dependency proceedings to comply with statutory changes in Assembly Bill 3176 (Waldron; Stats. 2018, ch. 833) as well as changes to governing federal regulations and guidelines. The proposal also addresses technical amendments and corrections, and responds to several appellate court decisions regarding ICWA rules and forms.

Probate Conservatorship and Guardianship: Accounting, SPR19-34 (PDF, 988 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-34

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee recommends amending one rule of court to clarify the procedure for submitting original statements in support of a conservatorship or guardianship accounting when those statements are generated and issued electronically, and to require information about the personal residence of a conservatee or ward to be submitted in support of a request for a court order excusing an otherwise required accounting. The committee also proposes approving one form for optional use by a conservator or guardian to request an order excusing the filing of an otherwise required accounting. The recommendations are needed to facilitate implementation of existing statutory accounting requirements and to protect a conservatee’s or ward’s personal residence from loss or foreclosure by ensuring that the fiduciary is exercising ordinary care and diligence.

Rules and Forms: Graduated Filing Fee in Estate Administration Proceedings, SPR19-35 (PDF, 325 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-35

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee recommends amending one rule of court and repealing one rule of court to remove the remaining references to a graduated filing fee from the probate rules. The statute that imposed a graduated filing fee in estate administration proceedings based on the value of the estate was held unconstitutional in 2008. The Judicial Council repealed two other rules implementing the graduated filing fee scheme, effective January 1, 2015, but did not repeal the rules addressed in this proposal.

Rules and Forms: Notices of Hearing in Probate Proceedings,: SPR19-36 (PDF, 986 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-36

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee recommends adopting one mandatory notice form and revising one mandatory notice form to give the information and advisements required by statute in (1) a notice of a petition filed under section 850 of the Probate Code and (2) a notice of hearing on a report of status of estate administration under section 12201 of that code. These revisions have been requested by courts and stakeholders. They are needed to conform to existing law, to promote access to the courts, and to allow timely distribution of the proceeds of decedents’ estates.

Probate Conservatorship and Guardianship: Qualifications and Education of Appointed Counsel - W19 - 08 (PDF, 1307 KB)
Item Number: W19 - 08

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes repealing one rule of court and adopting five new rules of court to clarify and amend the minimum qualifications and education requirements for counsel appointed to represent wards and conservatees in guardianship, conservatorship, and other proceedings under division 4 of the Probate Code. The committee also proposes revising two forms for mandatory use by attorneys to certify that they meet the requirements for appointment. The amendments and revisions were suggested by courts, stakeholders, and disability rights advocates to clarify the existing requirements, resolve inconsistencies with statute, promote more effective representation, and simplify the certification process.

Probate Conservatorship: Major Neurocognitive Disorder (PDF, 998 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-31

The Probate & Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes revising eight forms to implement recent legislation that replaced the term “dementia” with “major neurocognitive disorder” to conform to current usage in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Guardianship and Conservatorship: Court-Appointed Counsel (PDF, 839 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-33

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes amending one rule of court that establishes minimum qualifications for court-appointed counsel in guardianship and conservatorship proceedings under the Probate Code. The committee also proposes revising two mandatory forms used by attorneys to certify that they meet the requirements for appointment. The rule amendments, in response to apparent inconsistencies with statute that were pointed out by courts, stakeholders, and disability rights advocates, would resolve any inconsistencies with statute, protect the rights of wards and conservatees by promoting more effective advocacy, and simplify the process of complying with the requirements.

Probate Guardianship: Response to Petition (PDF, 958 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-32

The Probate & Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes revising five forms to improve notice of the legal consequences of the appointment of a guardianship of the person and to provide a meaningful opportunity for parents and other interested persons to respond to a petition for appointment of a guardian. The proposal responds to concerns raised by committee members, courts, and attorneys that the effects of the appointment of a guardian were not clear to petitioners, parents, and other persons interested in a proposed ward’s health, safety, and welfare.

Probate Conservatorships: Interstate Transfer (PDF, 762 KB)
Item Number: W18-08

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee recommends approving four Judicial Council forms for optional use to transfer conservatorship proceedings into and out of California under the California Conservatorship Jurisdiction Act (CCJA). The CCJA provides the exclusive basis for determining whether a California court, as opposed to a court of another state, has jurisdiction to appoint a probate conservator.

Probate Law: Appointment of Counsel (PDF, 673 KB)
Item Number: W18-09

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee recommends approving a form for optional use to apply for and order the appointment of counsel for a ward, a proposed ward, a conservatee, or a proposed conservatee, including a limited conservatee, in a proceeding under division 4 (beginning with section 1400) of the Probate Code, which includes the Guardianship-Conservatorship Law. Probate courts and other stakeholders have indicated that appointment of counsel early in a proceeding would promote more efficient and informed case management and better protect the legal rights of persons subject to guardianship or conservatorship.

Probate: Electronic Service of Notices and Other Papers in Probate, Guardianship, Conservatorship, and Other Protective Proceedings (PDF, 182 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-09

Probate Conservatorships: Notice of the Conservatee’s Death (PDF, 233 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-23

Probate: Revision of Forms Used in Decedent Estate Proceedings and in a Substitute for Those Proceedings (PDF, 248 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-24

Probate Guardianships: A New Guardianship for Wards 18 to 21 Years Old and Extension of Existing Guardianships Beyond the Wards’ 18th Birthday (PDF, 170 KB)
Item Number: W16-14

Probate Conservatorships: Conservatees’ Capacity to Vote (Rev. 2016-01-15) (PDF, 210 KB)
Item Number: W16-15

Probate: Statements of Decision in Probate Proceedings (PDF, 68 KB)
Item Number: LEG15-02

Special Immigrant Juvenile Predicate Findings (PDF, 274 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-28

Probate Conservatorship: Judicial Council forms to implement the California Conservatorship Jurisdiction Act (PDF, 1158 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-29

Court fee waivers in decedent estates, guardianships, and conservatorships and for wards and conservatees participating in civil actions (PDF, 362 KB)
Item Number: SP15-02

Probate Conservatorship and Guardianship: Accounting Schedules for Gains and Losses on Sales of Assets in Guardianships and Conservatorships (PDF, 80 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-15

Probate, Decedents’ Estates: Waiver of Bond by Heirs or Beneficiaries of Decedents’ Estates (PDF, 134 KB)
Item Number: SPR14-16

Probate Guardianship: Eligibility of a Ward for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Under Federal Immigration Law (PDF, 107 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-33

Probate Conservatorships and Guardianships: Guidelines to Assist in Determining Financial Eligibility for County Payment of the Cost of Counsel Appointed by the Court in Proceedings Under the Guardianship-Conservatorship Law (PDF, 263 KB)
Item Number: SP12-04

Probate Guardianships: Communications Between California Courts on Guardianship Venue Issues (PDF, 161 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-22

Probate Guardianships: Testimony of (Proposed) Wards and Other Children in Guardianship Cases (PDF, 144 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-23

Probate: Notice to Creditors in Decedents’ Estates (PDF, 135 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-24

Probate: Substitutes for Decedent Estate Administration (PDF, 202 KB)
Item Number: W12-07

Probate: Notice to Creditors in Decedents’ Estates (PDF, 76 KB)
Item Number: LEG11-02

Court Fee Waivers in Probate Proceedings (PDF, 194 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-57

Delayed Certificates of Death, Birth, and Marriage (PDF, 176 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-58

Instructions concerning the Indian Child Welfare Act in probate guardianship proceedings (PDF, 183 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-59

Probate Conservatorships: Determination of Conservatee's Appropriate Level of Care (PDF, 124 KB)
Item Number: W11-08

Qualifications and Continuing Education of Paralegals Eligible for Compensation From Estates of Decedents, Conservatees, and Wards (PDF, 55 KB)
Item Number: W10-07

Probate: Statement of Duties and Responsibilities of Conservators (PDF, 90 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-41

Probate Guardianships: Continuing Education Requirements for Counsel Appointed for Minors in Guardianships of the Person (PDF, 105 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-40

Orders Appointing and Directing the Actions of Court Investigators in Probate Conservatorships (PDF, 190 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-39

Probate: Ex Parte Communications in Proceedings Under the Probate Code and the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act (PDF, 107 KB)
Item Number: SP07-17

Probate: Judicial Council forms for standard and simplified accountings by conservators and guardians and a rule of court to govern their use (PDF, 381 KB)
Item Number: SP07-16

Probate: Notice of Filing Inventory and Appraisal, Instructions on Objecting to an Inventory and Appraisal, and Objections to an Inventory and Appraisal (PDF, 140 KB)
Item Number: SP07-15

Probate: Standards for Determining Compensation of Conservators and Guardians and Standards of Conduct for Conservators and Guardians of Estates (PDF, 110 KB)
Item Number: SP07-14

Probate: Notices of Changes of Residence of Conservatees and Wards (PDF, 105 KB)
Item Number: SP07-13

Probate: Surety bonds in conservatorships and guardianships (PDF, 68 KB)
Item Number: SP07-12

Probate: Standards for the Good Cause Exception to Notice of Hearing of a Petition for Appointment of a Temporary Guardian or Conservator (PDF, 87 KB)
Item Number: SP07-11

Probate: Statement of Conservatee's Rights (PDF, 88 KB)
Item Number: SP07-10

Probate: Education of Judicial Officers Regularly Assigned to Hear Probate Matters; Qualifications and Education of Probate Department Court Staff and Attorneys Appointed in Conservatorships and Guardianships (PDF, 272 KB)
Item Number: SP07-09

Probate and Mental Health: Qualifications for Membership on the Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee (PDF, 1652 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-34

Changes in the Petition for Appointment of Temporary Conservator or Guardian and the Order Appointing Probate Conservator (PDF, 147 KB)
Item Number: W08-05

Graduated Filing Fee in Decedents' Estates (PDF, 154 KB)
Item Number: W08-04

Qualifications of Counsel for Appointment in Conservatorships and Guardianships (PDF, 323 KB)
Item Number: SP08-01

Probate-Guardianships and Conservatorships: Appointment of Temporary Guardians and Temporary Conservators (PDF, 196 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-45

Probate-Guardianships and Conservatorships: Responsibility of Institutions and Financial Institutions to Notify the Court Concerning Assets, Accounts, and Safe Deposit Boxes of Wards and Conservatees (PDF, 185 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-44

Probate-Guardianships and Conservatorships: Court-appointed Counsel (PDF, 136 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-43

Probate-Decedents' Estates: Advice to Creditors of Decedents (PDF, 80 KB)
Item Number: SPR08-42

Changes in Conservatorship and Guardianship Forms to Reflect 2008 Legislation and the Professional Fiduciaries Act (PDF, 262 KB)
Item Number: W09-04

Probate Conservatorships: Authorization to Disclose a Conservatee's or Proposed Conservatee's Protected Health Information to Court Investigators (PDF, 83 KB)
Item Number: W09-03

Guidelines for Probate Examiners and Court Investigators to Assist Them in Reviewing Accountings of Conservators and Guardians and Detecting Fraud (PDF, 192 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-44

Probate Conservatorships and Guardianships: Value of estate property for purposes of setting the amount of the surety bond for the cost of recovery on the bond (PDF, 91 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-43

Juvenile Law: Restraining Orders (PDF, 1162 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-22

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends amending several rules of the California Rules of Court and revising several forms to conform to recent statutory changes enacted by Assembly Bill 1621 (Gipson; Stats. 2022, ch. 76) and Assembly Bill 92 (Stats. 2023, ch. 232). AB 1621 redefines “firearm precursor parts” and AB 92 specifies that a person who is prohibited from possessing firearms is also prohibited from possessing, owning, or buying body armor. The committee also proposes a new notice of hearing form that is separate from the temporary restraining order forms and a new rule clarifying the requirement that the juvenile court that has jurisdiction of a child or youth must hear requests for restraining orders initiated by or brough against the child or youth.

Protective Orders: Rule and Form Changes to Implement Senate Bill 459 (PDF, 2713 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-24

To implement Senate Bill 459 (Stats. 2023, ch. 874), the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes adopting a number of domestic violence restraining order forms to allow either party to request to change or end a domestic violence restraining order. The proposal also recommends changes to existing family law forms and a family law rule of court to reflect the new proposed process. The proposed changes would help parties, attorneys, and court professionals understand the changes in the procedures when a party wants to ask the court to change or end orders made in a domestic violence restraining order.

Protective Orders: Changes to Domestic Violence Forms to Implement New Laws SB 599 and AB 92 (PDF, 2260 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-25

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends the approval and revision of a number of domestic violence restraining order forms to comply with new requirements for child custody and visitation orders (Senate Bill 599), and include body armor prohibitions (Assembly Bill 92).

Protective Orders: Revisions to Civil Forms to Implement New Law (PDF, 5283 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-31

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes the revision of numerous protective order forms. These revised forms implement three significant changes to the law. First, changes are needed to all the restraining order form series, including the Gun Violence, Civil Harassment, Elder Abuse, Workplace Violence, and Private Post-Secondary School Violence forms addressed in this proposal to implement a new law prohibiting the possession of body armor by those who are prohibited from possessing firearms. Second, further changes are needed to gun violence restraining order forms to reflect a new law that permits the acquisition of body armor to be considered as evidence in determining whether to issue such a restraining order. Finally, the proposal also implements new laws concerning workplace violence restraining orders that add harassment as a basis for orders, permit collective bargaining representatives to petition for orders, and allow the employee who suffered the harassment, violence, or threat of violence to opt out of being named in orders.

Rules and Forms: Service Forms to Implement Assembly Bill 2791 (PDF, 1387 KB)
Item Number: SP23-06

Summary: The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend adoption of two new forms, Request for Sheriff to Serve Court Papers (form SER-001) and an attachment to that form, Special Instructions to Serve Court Papers (form SER-001A). The proposed forms comply with the statutory mandate in Assembly Bill 2791 that the Judicial Council adopt a form or forms for civil litigants to request that a sheriff’s office service their court papers.
Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Protective Orders: Updated Law Enforcement Information Form and New Request Forms for Continuances (PDF, 1233 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-26

Together, the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend revising form CLETS-001 to make needed updates and adopting new forms to be used when a request to renew has been filed in a protective order proceeding and the court or a party wishes to continue a hearing. 

Rules and Forms: Service Form to Implement Assembly Bill 2791 (PDF, 541 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-27

Together, the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend adoption of a new form, Request for Sheriff to Serve Court Papers (form SER-001). The proposed new form complies with the statutory mandate in Assembly Bill 2791 (Stats. 2022, ch. 417) that the Judicial Council adopt a form for civil litigants to request that a sheriff’s office serve their court papers.  

Protective Orders: Revisions to Gun Violence Restraining Order Forms (PDF, 2739 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-28

The Civil and Small Claim Advisory Committee recommends the adoption and revision of numerous gun violence restraining order forms. These new and revised forms (1) implement a new law permitting additional categories of individuals to petition for gun violence restraining orders, (2) bring the language describing firearm parts on gun violence restraining order forms in line with other protective order forms, (3) include new forms that can be used to request continuance of a hearing to renew a gun violence protective order, and (4) clarify that no additional proof of service is required if the respondent attends the hearing where the order was issued remotely.

Domestic Violence: Form Changes to Implement New Laws (PDF, 2008 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-29

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends revising 14 domestic violence restraining order forms to implement Assembly Bill 2369, Senate Bill 935, and Assembly Bill 1621. The committee also recommends adopting two new forms that would be used to continue a hearing on a request to renew a restraining order.

Protective Orders: Service Requirements After Remote Appearances (PDF, 3927 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-30

Together, the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend approving two rules of court and revising notice and order forms to clarify the service requirements for respondents who appear remotely in protective order proceedings.

Criminal Procedure: Criminal Protective Orders and Firearm Relinquishment Orders (PDF, 604 KB)
Item Number: SP22-11

Summary: The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revisions to two mandatory Judicial Council criminal protective orders to (1) reflect statutory changes to the definition of firearm in Penal Code section 16520(b), with an impact on Penal Code section 136.2 and Code of Civil Procedure section 527.9; (2) reflect statutory changes adding “reproductive coercion” as an example of “coercive control” in Family Code section 6320; (3) be consistent with similar provisions in the civil protective orders; and (4) improve the forms’ useability and accuracy. The committee circulated proposed revisions to the two mandatory criminal protective orders from April to May 2022 and is now proposing further revisions to those forms in light of the recent statutory changes. The committee also recommends revisions to a mandatory Judicial Council order to surrender firearms in domestic violence criminal cases to reflect statutory changes to the definition of firearms as described above and to be consistent with previously circulated proposed revisions to the criminal protective orders.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time) 

Protective Orders: Civil Protective Order Forms Implementing (PDF, 8435 KB)
Item Number: SP22-09

Summary: Summary: The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee is proposing revisions to 30 Judicial Council civil restraining orders forms. Many of the forms in this proposal were circulated for comment between April and May 2022 to update the information on the forms related to interpreters, disability and court accommodations, and the priority of enforcement among protective orders. After the comment period closed, the Legislature enacted Assembly Bill 1621 (Stats. 2022, ch. 76), which took effect immediately on June 30, 2022. The new legislation prohibits persons restrained under these restraining orders from possessing firearm parts (in addition to the already prohibited firearms). This proposal recommends additional revisions to 12 previously circulated forms and recommends revisions to 18 forms that were not previously circulated to reflect the new law.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Protective Orders: Elder Abuse Forms Implementing Assembly Bill 1621 (PDF, 3038 KB)
Item Number: SP22-10

Summary: The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee is proposing revisions to nine Judicial Council elder or dependent adult restraining orders forms. Most of the forms in this proposal were circulated for comment between April and May 2022 to implement the statutory changes in Assembly Bill 1243 (Stats. 2021, ch. 273) and to make other updates. After the comment period closed, the Legislature enacted Assembly Bill 1621 (Stats. 2022, ch. 76), which took effect immediately on June 30, 2022. The new legislation prohibits persons restrained under elder or dependent adult restraining orders from possessing firearm parts (in addition to the already prohibited firearms). This proposal recommends additional revisions to seven previously circulated forms and recommends revisions to two forms that were not previously circulated to reflect the new law.

Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at, 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

Protective Orders: Elder Abuse Forms Implementing Assembly Bill 1243 (PDF, 2786 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-21

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommends the adoption, approval, and revision of 18 forms to implement statutory changes in Assembly Bill 1243 (Stats. 2021, ch. 273) and to make other necessary changes to accurately reflect current law. AB 1243 make two substantial changes to the laws governing protective orders for elder or dependent adults. First, it creates a new cause of action whereby an order can be issued allowing contact between an elder or dependent adult and an individual who meets certain statutory requirements. Second, the bill allows courts to issue findings related to specific debts incurred as the result of financial abuse of an elder or dependent adult. The proposal incorporates these new provisions into the council’s elder abuse forms and makes other minor updates to those forms.

Juvenile Law: Restraining Orders (PDF, 2222 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-24

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends repealing one rule and amending three rules of the California Rules of Court, adopting seven forms, and revising seven current forms, to conform to recent statutory changes enacted by Senate Bill 1141 (Rubio; Stats. 2020, ch. 248) and Senate Bill 374 (Min; Stats. 2021, ch. 135) regarding the definition of “disturbing the peace” in restraining order cases; and to conform to recent statutory changes enacted by Senate Bill 320 (Eggman; Stats. 2021, ch. 685) and Assembly Bill 1057 (Petrie-Norris; Stats. 2021, ch. 682) regarding firearms and ammunition prohibitions. The proposal will also provide separate application and order forms relating to restraining orders against a juvenile, and includes one new proof of service form to ensure the juvenile restraining orders are entered into the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) database. At the same time, the committee proposes converting the forms to plain-language forms, so they are consistent with other restraining order forms and are easier to understand, complete, and enforce.

Criminal Procedure: Criminal Protective Orders (PDF, 1114 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-08

The Criminal Law Advisory Committee recommends revisions to two mandatory Judicial Council criminal protective orders to (1) increase readability through design changes and the use of clearer language; (2) reflect changes to Family Code section 6320; (3) be consistent with the fields in the California Restraining and Protective Order System (CARPOS) database; (4) change references to “sex” to “gender,” and include a gender nonbinary option; (5) replace the three year expiration default; (6) include prohibitions on firearm precursor parts; (7) clarify the scope of specified provisions; (8) add a limited contact option to reflect Penal Code section 136.2(a)(1)(G)(i); (9) revise warnings and notices; (10) add a new law enforcement instruction section; (11) add a provision for the court to indicate that it finds that the victim’s family members have been targeted or harmed by the defendant (for postconviction orders issued under Penal Code section 136.2(i)(1)); (12) add a provision for the court to indicate that it finds that a percipient witness has been harassed by the defendant (for postconviction orders issued under Penal Code1 section 136.2(i)(2)); (13) delete the ammunition prohibition on form CR-161; (14) delete the provision on recording of prohibited communications on form CR-161; and (15) delete the federal punishment reference on form CR-161.

Domestic Violence: Rule and Form Changes to Implement New Laws (PDF, 4566 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-20

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes the adoption of five new Judicial Council forms and the revision of 16 forms to implement new laws enacted by Senate Bill 320 (Rubio; Stats. 2021, ch. 685), Senate Bill 24 (Caballero; Stats. 2021, ch. 129), Assembly Bill 1057 (Petrie-Norris; Stats. 2021, ch. 682), Senate Bill 538 (Rubio; Stats. 2021, ch. 686), Senate Bill 374 (Min; Stats. 2021, ch. 135), and Assembly Bill 277 (Valladares; Stats. 2021, ch. 457). The committee also recommends revoking three forms, as these forms would be combined with other existing forms, and repealing rule 5.495 of the California Rules of Court, which has been codified by SB 320.

Protective Orders: Updating Civil Protective Order Forms (PDF, 6693 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-22

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommends revising several Judicial Council civil protective order forms to update the information they contain relating to interpreters, disability accommodations, and priority of enforcement.

Protective Orders: Gun Violence Forms Implementing Assembly Bill 1057 and Senate Bill 538 (PDF, 2834 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-23

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommends the revision of 18 of the council’s Gun Violence forms to implement statutory changes in Assembly Bill 1057 (Stats. 2021, ch. 682) and Senate Bill 538 (Stats. 2021, ch. 686) and to make other necessary changes to accurately reflect current law. Assembly Bill 1057 amends the definition of “firearms” for the purpose of gun violence restraining orders to include certain firearm parts. Senate Bill 538 permits parties and witnesses to attend hearings on gun violence restraining orders remotely. The proposal incorporates these new provisions into the council’s forms and makes other minor changes to gun violence protective order forms.

Domestic Violence: Revising Forms to Implement New Laws (PDF, 4631 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-14

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends revising five forms in the domestic violence restraining order series to implement new laws enacted by Senate Bill 1141 (Rubio; Stats. 2020, ch. 248) and Assembly Bill 2517 (Gloria, Stats. 2020; ch. 245), and to make the forms easier to understand and enforce.

Protective Orders: Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Prevention Forms (PDF, 763 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-26

Assembly Bill 1396 (Obernolte; Stats. 2019, ch. 628) provides that a court, when issuing an order for elder or dependent adult abuse prevention, may, if appropriate, also issue an order requiring the restrained party to attend mandatory clinical counseling or anger management courses. The legislation also requires the Judicial Council to revise or adopt forms to do so. The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommends revising three mandatory elder or dependent adult abuse prevention forms to implement this legislation.

Protective Orders: Duration and Categories of Petitioners for Gun Violence Restraining Orders; Relinquishment of Firearm Rights (PDF, 2740 KB)
Item Number: W20-10

Summary: The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommends adopting 1 new gun violence restraining order (GVRO) form and revising 18 existing forms. These changes are needed to implement recent amendments in the Penal Code: Assembly Bill 12 allows an officer to file a GVRO in the name of the officer's law enforcement agency and extends the duration of a GVRO to a maximum of five years; Assembly Bill 61 allows an employer, coworker, or school administrator or teacher of a person believed to be dangerous to file a petition requesting a GVRO; and Assembly Bill 1493 authorizes a person who is the subject of a GVRO to submit a form to the court voluntarily relinquishing his or her firearm rights.
Deadline to Submit comments: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at 5:00 pm

Protective Orders: Forms and Procedures for Protecting Minors’ Information (PDF, 1899 KB)
Item Number: W20-09

Summary: Current law provides that a minor or minor’s legal guardian may ask the court to make certain information regarding the minor confidential in a domestic violence or civil harassment restraining order proceeding. Assembly Bill 925 (Stats. 2019, ch. 294) changes the penalty associated with misuse or disclosure of a minor’s confidential information, provides circumstances in which the confidential information may be disclosed, and allows a third-party to request release of confidential information under limited circumstances.

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee and the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee jointly recommend amending rules of court, adopting eight forms (a set of four in the Domestic Violence Prevention series and a set of four in the Civil Harassment Prevention series), and revising several forms, in order to implement the provisions in AB 925.
Deadline to Submit comments: Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at 5:00 pm

Protective Orders: Revisions to Continuance Forms, SPR19-37 (PDF, 1654 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-37

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee and Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee jointly recommend revising twelve protective order forms (the request and order on continuance for each of the CH, DV, EA, GV, SV, and WV series forms). Changes are needed to the order forms to ensure that these protective orders are properly entered into the California Law Enforcement Telecommunication System (CLETS), a California protective order database. Revisions are also needed to the domestic violence and gun violence series to implement recent changes in the law, Assembly Bill 2694 (Stats. 2018, ch. 219) and Senate Bill 1200 (Stats. 2018, ch. 898).

Protective Orders: New INFO Form on Protecting Minor’s Information, SPR19-38 (PDF, 457 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-38

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee and Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee jointly recommend adopting two information sheets to help litigants understand a new law that enables courts to make confidential certain information regarding a minor in civil harassment and domestic violence restraining order proceedings. The new law went into effect on January 1, 2018, under Assembly Bill 953 (Stats. 2017, ch. 384).

Protective Orders: Alternative Service in Domestic Violence Prevention Act Cases, SPR19-39 (PDF, 394 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-39

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends adopting one form, approving one information sheet, and revising one information sheet to implement the provisions in Assembly Bill 2694 (Stats. 2018, ch. 219). The bill allows for alternative service for domestic violence restraining order requests when, after diligent efforts, personal service has not been accomplished and there is reason to believe that the person to be served is evading service.

Protective Orders: Entry of Interstate and Tribal Protective Orders, Canadian Protective Orders, and Gun Violence Restraining Orders into CLETS; Registration of Canadian Domestic Violence Protective Orders; rule to add Gun Violence Restraining Orders (PDF, 872 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-34

The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes amending rule 1.51 of the California Rules of Court to include the registration of (1) interstate and tribal court protective orders, under Family Code section 6404; and (2) Canadian protective orders, under Family Code section 6454, as protective orders that must be submitted to the court with a completed Confidential CLETS Information form. The committee also proposes the adoption of a new mandatory form to implement the requirements of Senate Bill 204 that allow domestic violence protection orders issued in a Canadian civil court to be registered and enforced in California under Family Code sections 6450–6460.

The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes amending two rules relating to protective orders. It proposes amending rule 1.51 to add a reference to Penal Code sections 118100―18205, the gun violence restraining order statutes that became operative January 1, 2016, as protective orders that must be submitted to the court with a completed Confidential CLETS Information form. In addition, it proposes amending rule 2.503(c) to add records in gun violence prevention proceedings to the list of electronic court records that are accessible only at the courthouse and are not available remotely.

Protective Orders: Protecting Information of People Under 18 Years Old (PDF, 1167 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-35

The Family and Juvenile Law Committee and Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee jointly recommend adopting rules of court, adopting eight forms (a set of four in the Domestic Violence Prevention series and a set of four in the Civil Harassment Prevention series), and revising two forms, in order to implement the provisions in Assembly Bill 953 (Stats. 2017, ch. 384) that seek to protect information relating to minors in domestic violence and civil harassment restraining orders.

Protective Orders: Modification and Termination (PDF, 413 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-22

Protective Orders: Response and Firearms Relinquishment Exemption (PDF, 431 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-23

Protective Orders: Requests for Immediate Orders (PDF, 320 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-24

Protective Orders: Requests for the Possession and Protection of Animals (PDF, 387 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-22

Request to Continue Hearing Date and Extend Temporary Restraining Order in Domestic Violence, Family Law, Juvenile Law, Civil Harassment, Elder Abuse, Private Postsecondary School Violence, and Workplace Violence Cases (PDF, 887 KB)
Item Number: W16-04

Domestic Violence Restraining Orders: New and Updated Forms to Reflect Recent Legislative Changes (PDF, 672 KB)
Item Number: W16-05

Protective Orders: Notice of New Hearing and Order on Reissuance (PDF, 300 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-25

Protective Orders: Emergency Protective Order Form (PDF, 122 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-26

Criminal Procedure: Criminal Protective Orders (PDF, 555 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-31

Juvenile Law: Restraining Orders (PDF, 876 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-54

Tribal Court Protective Orders: Registration and Enforcement (PDF, 124 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-53

Family Law - Domestic Violence: adopt rule of court regarding modification of child custody and visitation orders and revise, approve, adopt, and revoke forms used in Domestic Violence Prevention Act cases (PDF, 3827 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-55

Protective Orders: Forms To Be Used in Proceedings to Prevent Civil Harassment, Elder Abuse, Private Postsecondary School Violence, and Workplace Violence (PDF, 7797 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-60

Protective Orders: Rule Changes to Reflect and Implement Recent Legislation (PDF, 258 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-61

Protective Orders: School Site and Workplace Violence Prevention Forms (PDF, 1363 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-43

Protective Orders: Confidentiality of Information on California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) Information Form (PDF, 75 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-42

Rules and Forms: Request for Disability Accommodation (PDF, 473 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-27

The Advisory Committee on Providing Access and Fairness recommends the revision of the Disability Accommodation Request (form MC-410) and the approval of a new information sheet titled How to Request a Disability Accommodation for Court (form MC-410-INFO) to accompany the request form. The request form would be edited for plain language, and redesigned to include visual elements, additional white space to increase readability, an increased font size, and screen reader accessibility to comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. The new information sheet would include a description of the process for requesting an accommodation, instructions to accompany form MC-410 questions, and help with understanding the court’s response.

Civil Remote Proceedings: When a Judicial Officer May Preside Remotely (PDF, 294 KB)
Item Number: SP24-02

The Code of Civil Procedure requires the Judicial Council to adopt a rule that includes “standards for when a judicial officer, in limited situations and in the interest of justice, may preside over a remote court proceeding from a location other than a courtroom.” (Code Civ. Proc., § 367.10). The Trial Court Presiding Judges Advisory Committee recommends adoption of proposed rule 3.674 of the California Rules of Court to satisfy the statutory mandate.

The proposed rule applies only in civil cases subject to Code of Civil Procedure section 367.75. The rule therefore does not apply in criminal proceedings, juvenile justice proceedings, or proceedings in matters identified in Code of Civil Procedure section 367.76 (civil commitments and other specified proceedings). The rule also does not apply when a judicial officer presides in person over a remote proceeding. 

Civil Practice and Procedure: Remote Appearances (PDF, 2620 KB)
Item Number: SP21-08

The Ad Hoc Committee on Civil Remote Appearance Rules recommends that the Judicial Council adopt rules of court and forms to implement new Code of Civil Procedure section 367.75, enacted in Senate Bill 241 (Stats. 2021, ch. 214). That statute, which goes into effect January 1, 2022, authorizes remote proceedings in all civil cases, with special requirements applicable to juvenile dependency actions. The statute also mandates that the council adopt rules regarding certain deadlines and procedures, which are reflected in this proposal. In addition, the committee recommends forms to facilitate parties and courts in conducting proceedings remotely. The committee also recommends amending the current telephone appearance rules, to suspend them in part while these rules are in place, and revoking the current telephone appearance forms, which will be replaced by the new forms proposed here.

Strategic Evaluation Committee Report (PDF, 2578 KB)
Item Number: SP12-05

The Strategic Evaluation Committee (SEC) was appointed by Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye in March 2011 to conduct an in-depth review of the AOC with a view toward promoting transparency, accountability, and efficiency.The Chief Justice received the report and recommendations on May 25. At its meeting on June 21, 2012, the Judicial Council accepted the report and directed that it be posted for public comment for 30 days. Comments received will be considered public and posted by name and organization under the Comments Received link below. The Judicial Council is the policy-making body for the judicial branch. References to specific cases, and judges, attorneys, parties, and others involved in a specific case may be redacted from posted comments on the SEC report.

Comments Received

June 21, 2012, Audiocast of Judicial Council Meeting SEC Report Public Comments, Presentation, and Discussion:

Items G and H: Report and Recommendations from SEC and Next Steps for SEC Recommendations
Discussion of Items G and H and Council Action

Proposed Amended Conflict of Interest Code for Designated Employees of the Supreme Court of California (PDF, 170 KB)
Item Number: SP23-11

The Political Reform Act of 1974 (Gov. Code, § 81000 et seq.) requires public agencies to adopt conflict of interest codes for their officers and employees.  (Gov. Code, § 87300.)  A conflict of interest code is a document that states the rules and procedures by which designated officers and employees of a public agency must disclose certain personal financial interests and to disqualify themselves from certain decisions in order to identify and prevent conflicts of interest.  The financial interests required to be disclosed are those that foreseeably could be materially affected by decisions that these officers or employees are authorized to make or influence within the agency.  (Gov. Code, § 87302, subd. (a).)

Government Code section 87302 specifies that a conflict of interest code must:

  • Designate the classifications of officers or employees who make or influence certain financial decisions (“designated classifications”);
  • Identify the categories of financial interests that foreseeably may be affected by such decisions (“disclosure categories”);
  • Require officers and employees to file periodic reports of their financial interests (“statements”); and
  • Require officers and employees to disqualify themselves from decisions affecting matters in which they have a financial interest.

In addition, a conflict of interest code must be maintained and updated as necessary to ensure that the code’s list of designated classifications reflect all officers and employees within the agency whose duties require them to make decisions that could foreseeably have a material effect on certain economic interests.  (Gov. Code, § 87306, subd. (a).)  When such revisions are necessary, the proposed amendments to a conflict of interest code must be developed in a manner that allows officers and employees of the agency and members of the general public “adequate notice and a fair opportunity to present their views.”  (Gov. Code, § 87311.5, subd. (a).) Following receipt of this input and any further amendments to the proposed amended conflict of interest code that may then occur, the proposed amended code must be presented to the agency’s “code reviewing body” for approval.  (Gov. Code, §§ 87303, 87306.)

In accordance with the above requirements, the Supreme Court of California invites public comment on a proposed amended Conflict of Interest Code for Designated Employees of the Supreme Court of California for the eventual consideration and approval by the Chief Justice of California, who serves as the code reviewing body for this code.  (Gov. Code, § 82011, subd. (g).)  This code does not establish the disclosure and filing requirements for the justices of the Supreme Court, who are instead governed by the requirements of Government Code section 87200 et seq.

Appendix A of the attached proposed amended code lists, by job classification, those proposed employees who make or participate in the making of decisions within the court that may foreseeably have a material effect on certain economic interests and assigns each classification to one or more relevant disclosure categories.   Appendix B describes each disclosure category assigned in Appendix A.  Appendix C of the proposed amended code contains the instructions for how and when designated employees should disclose and file their statements of economic interests.

Comments may be submitted via email to  Any comments submitted will not be deemed confidential, but please indicate whether you wish your personal information, such as your name and email address, to be kept confidential.  The deadline to submit comments is January 11, 2024, 11:59 p.m. PST.

SP19-04 Proposed Amendments to Commentary Following Canon 2B of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 223 KB)
Item Number: SP19-04

The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Code of Judicial Ethics seeks public comment on whether to add new commentary to canon 2B addressing two different issues. First, proposed commentary would state that a judge who “likes,” rates, or comments on a product, service, or business on social media may violate the canon’s prohibition against lending the prestige of judicial office to advance the pecuniary interests of others, even if the judge is not identified as a judge in the post. It would also state that a judge may not “dislike,” rate negatively, or submit negative comments about a product, service, or business on the Internet. Second, proposed commentary would add a cross-reference to canon 4C(3)(d)(iv), which allows a judge to be a speaker, guest of honor, or recipient of an award for public or charitable service at a fundraising event. After receiving and reviewing comments on these proposals, the committee will make recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding the proposed amendments.

SP19-05 Proposed Amendments to Canon 3B(9) and Commentary of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 214 KB)
Item Number: SP19-05

The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Code of Judicial Ethics proposes amendments to canon 3B(9) and its commentary that would allow a judge to comment publicly about a pending case that formed the basis of criticism of a judge during an election or recall campaign, provided the comment would not reasonably be expected to affect the outcome or impair the fairness of the proceeding. The proposed commentary would advise that it may be preferable for a third party, rather than the judge, to respond or issue statements in connection with the allegations concerning the decision. After receiving and reviewing comments on this proposal, the committee will make recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding the proposed amendments.

SP19-06 Proposed Amendments to Canon 4C(3)(d)(i) of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 211 KB)
Item Number: SP19-06

The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Code of Judicial Ethics proposes amendments to canon 4C(3)(d)(i) and its commentary. These proposed amendments would allow a judge to solicit funds for an organization from retired judges who are not serving in the Temporary Assigned Judges Program, practicing law, or providing alternative dispute resolution services. Currently, a judge may solicit funds only from family members or “other judges,” but not from subordinate judicial officers, temporary judges, or any retired judges. After receiving and reviewing comments on this proposal, the committee will make recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding the proposed amendments.

SP19-07 Proposed Amendment to Canon 4E(1) of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 156 KB)
Item Number: SP19-07

The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Code of Judicial Ethics proposes amending canon 4E(1) to allow a judge to act as a health care representative for a person whose preexisting relationship with the judge would prevent the judge from hearing a case involving that person. Currently, the canon prohibits a judge from acting as a fiduciary except for family members. After receiving and reviewing comments on this proposal, the committee will make recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding the proposed amendment.

SP19-08 Proposed Amendments to Commentary Following Canon 5A of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 155 KB)
Item Number: SP19-08

The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Code of Judicial Ethics proposes amendments to the commentary following canon 5A. The canon prohibits a judge from publicly endorsing or opposing a candidate for nonjudicial office. The commentary states that a judge, however, may publicly endorse a judicial candidate because judges are uniquely qualified to assess a judicial candidate’s suitability for judicial office. The proposed amendment would also allow a judge to publicly oppose a judicial candidate. After receiving and reviewing comments on this proposal, the committee will make recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding the proposed amendments.

SP19-09 Proposed Amendment to Commentary Following Canon 5B(4) of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 214 KB)
Item Number: SP19-09

The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Code of Judicial Ethics proposes amending the commentary following canon 5B(4) to add a cross-reference to Government Code section 8314. That statute prohibits elected officials from using public resources, including buildings, telephones, and state-compensated time, for a campaign activity. After receiving and reviewing comments on this proposal, the committee will make recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding the proposed amendment.

SP18-08 Proposed Amendments to Canon 5 of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 482 KB)
Item Number: SP18-08

SP18-07 Proposed Adoption of New Canon 4D(6)(i) of the Code of Judicial Ethics—“Nominal Gift” Exception (PDF, 393 KB)
Item Number: SP18-07

SP18-06 Proposed Amendments to Canon 4D(6) and 4D(7) of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 360 KB)
Item Number: SP18-06

SP18-05 Proposed Amendment to Commentary Following Canon 3D(2) of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 368 KB)
Item Number: SP18-05

SP18-04 Proposed Amendments to Canon 3B(7)(a) and Commentary of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 272 KB)
Item Number: SP18-04

SP18-03 Proposed Amendments to Canons 2C, 3B(5), 3B(6), 3C(1), and 3C(3) and the Commentary Following Canon 2C of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 471 KB)
Item Number: SP18-03

SP18-02 Proposed Amendment to Commentary Following Canon 2A of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 371 KB)
Item Number: SP18-02

Attorney Admissions: Disclosure of Applicant and Examination Information (PDF, 77 KB)
Item Number: SP16-11

Supreme Court Invites Public Comment on Proposed Amendments to the Membership and Leadership Rules Governing the Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions (PDF, 120 KB)
Item Number: SP 15-07

Publication of Appellate Opinions: Publication Status and Citation of Opinions When the Supreme Court Grants Review (PDF, 151 KB)
Item Number: SP15-05


1. 1979 proposal:

2. 1985 proposal:

3. 1986 proposal:

4. 1988 proposal:

Citation Procedure: Copies of Unpublished Decisions and Decisions Only Available in Computerized Databases (PDF, 55 KB)
Item Number: W14-01

Item Number: CJEO 2013-003 and CJEO 2013-004

The California Supreme Court Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions invites comment on two draft judicial ethics advisory opinions.  One draft opinion answers questions posed to the committee about the disqualification requirements for judges who have received aggregated or law firm campaign contributions that exceed $1,500 (CJEO 2013-004).  The second draft opinion discusses how judges can ensure that disclosures are made on the record when there is no court reporter or electronic recording of the proceedings (CJEO 2013-003).  Both draft opinions provide guidance under the California Code of Judicial Ethics, which establishes standards for ethical conduct for state judges on and off the bench and for candidates for judicial office.

To submit comments online, please visit the committee’s website.

Supreme Court Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions (CJEO Draft Opinion 2013-002) (PDF, 253 KB)
Item Number: CJEO 2013-002

Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions Draft Formal Opinion 2012-001; Requesting Assistance from Attorneys in Pursuit of the Improvement of the Administration of Justice (PDF, 240 KB)
Item Number: CJEO 2012-001

This draft opinion addresses two questions: (1) May a judge invite partners of law firms in the county to attend a meeting at which the judge makes a presentation concerning potential budget cuts and asks that the attorneys to help the court in whatever way they believe is appropriate?; and (2) May a judge at the same meeting ask attorneys to write or meet with legislators in Sacramento on the court’s behalf?  The draft opinion analyzes the applicable canons and provides guidance on proper judicial conduct under circumstances related to these questions.

View comments received.

Proposed Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions Internal Operating Rules and Procedures (PDF, 88 KB)
Item Number: SP11-13

Proposed Amendments to the Terminology Section of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 116 KB)
Item Number: SP11-06

Proposed Amendments to Canon 2 of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 90 KB)
Item Number: SP11-07

Proposed Amendments to Canon 3 of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 226 KB)
Item Number: SP11-08

Proposed Amendments to Canon 4 of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 152 KB)
Item Number: SP11-09

Proposed Amendments to Canon 5 of the Code of Judicial Ethics (PDF, 119 KB)
Item Number: SP11-10

Citation Procedure: Copies of Decisions Only Available in Computerized Databases (PDF, 57 KB)
Item Number: SP11-03

Court Technology: Minimum Standards for Courtroom Technology to Permit Remote Participation in Court Proceedings (Senate Bill 133) (PDF, 300 KB)
Item Number: SP23-10

Senate Bill 133 (Stats. 2023, ch. 34) requires the Judicial Council to adopt by April 1, 2024, and the trial courts to implement by July 1, 2024, minimum standards for courtroom technology necessary to permit remote participation in court proceedings. The Information Technology Advisory Committee recommends adoption of these proposed standards to satisfy the statutory mandate.

Technology: Final Findings & Recommendations of Advancing the Hybrid Courtroom (PDF, 1206 KB)
Item Number: SP23-08

The Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) is responsible for making recommendations for improving the administration of justice through the use of technology and for fostering cooperative endeavors to resolve common technological issues with other stakeholders in the justice system. In 2021, the ITAC initiated a workstream to work on a framework for courtrooms that are optimized for proceedings involving any number of physical or remote participants. After assessing and reviewing the current implementation of hybrid courtrooms, the workstream now requests your input on the draft of the Final Findings & Recommendations for developing standards for hybrid courtrooms. 

Tactical Plan for Technology 2023–2024 (PDF, 1430 KB)
Item Number: SP23-02

As part of its annual agenda, the Information Technology Advisory Committee initiated a workstream to update the Tactical Plan for Technology. After analyzing the updated Strategic Plan for Technology,1 evaluating existing and new tactical initiatives, the Tactical Plan Workstream now requests your input on the proposed Tactical Plan for Technology 2023–2024. 

Strategic Plan for Technology 2023-2026 (PDF, 1496 KB)
Item Number: SP22-07

The Judicial Council Technology Committee (JCTC) is responsible for judicial branch technology strategic planning. In 2021, the JCTC initiated a workstream to update the Strategic Plan for Technology 2019-2022. As part of the Judicial Council’s technology governance model, the Strategic Plan for Technology is updated every four years. After analyzing and reviewing the existing goals, branch business drivers, objectives, as well as evaluating the benefits and outcomes and looking at what changed, the workstream now requests your input on the initial draft of the updated Strategic Plan for Technology 2023-2026.

Rules: Remote Access to Criminal Electronic Records (PDF, 12652 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-27

The Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) proposes the Judicial Council amend rule 2.519 of the California Rules of Court1 to authorize trial courts to provide private criminal defense attorneys broader remote access to criminal electronic records. The proposal originates with the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, an advocacy organization comprised of criminal defense lawyers and associated professionals.

Rules: Remove Reporting Requirement for Courts With Mandatory Electronic Filing (PDF, 289 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-25

The Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) proposes the Judicial Council amend rule 2.253 of the California Rules of Court to remove a requirement that a trial court with mandatory electronic filing by local rule submit reports about its electronic filing program to the Judicial Council. ITAC proposes removing the requirement because the reports are no longer needed.

Rules: Remote Access to Electronic Records by Appellate Appointed Counsel Administrators, Courts of Appeal, and the Habeas Corpus Resource Center (PDF, 346 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-26

The Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) proposes the Judicial Council amend rules 2.515, 2.521, 2.523, and 2.540 of the California Rules of Court1 to authorize trial courts to provide remote access to electronic records by administrators contracted to run appellate appointed counsel programs, the Courts of Appeal, and the Habeas Corpus Resource Center. The proposal originated with a recommendation from Sixth District Appellate Program staff.

Rules: Lodged Electronic Exhibits (PDF, 314 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-15

The Information Technology Advisory Committee recommends the Judicial Council amend rules 2.251, 2.252, 2.253, 2.255, 2.258, and 2.259 of the California Rules of Court. The purpose of the proposal is to meet Penal Code section 690.5’s requirement that the Judicial Council adopt rules for the electronic filing and service of documents in criminal cases in the trial courts.

Rules: Electronic Filing and Service in Criminal Cases (PDF, 368 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-16

The Information Technology Advisory Committee recommends the Judicial Council amend rules 2.251, 2.252, 2.253, 2.255, 2.258, and 2.259 of the California Rules of Court. The purpose of the proposal is to meet Penal Code section 690.5’s requirement that the Judicial Council adopt rules for the electronic filing and service of documents in criminal cases in the trial courts.

Recommended Guidelines and Minimum Specifications for Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) for Spoken Language Interpreted Events (PDF, 515 KB)
Item Number: SP21-01

Summary:  The Judicial Council of California’s Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) seeks public comment on the Recommended Guidelines and Minimum Specifications for Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) for Spoken Language Interpreted Events. The revised guidelines were adapted from the Strategic Plan for Language Access in the California Courts, which was adopted by the Judicial Council on January 22, 2015. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, courts have implemented remote video solutions to ensure access to justice and protect the health and safety of court staff, court users, and judicial officers. The VRI guidelines for spoken language have been updated to support VRI in both physical and virtual courtrooms, and to provide guidance to courts and the public to ensure remote interpreting allows limited English proficient (LEP) court users to fully and meaningfully participate in court proceedings. Following approval by the Judicial Council, the Guidelines will be published on the Language Access website. 

Tactical Plan for Technology 2021-2022 (PDF, 1425 KB)
Item Number: SP20-12

As part of its 2020 Annual Agenda, the Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) initiated a workstream to update the Tactical Plan for Technology. After analyzing the Strategic Plan for Technology 2019-2022 goals, evaluating existing initiatives, and incorporating new initiatives, the workstream now requests your input on the initial draft of the updated Tactical Plan for Technology 2021-2022.

Judicial Branch Technology: Electronic Filer Need Not Consent to Electronic Service (PDF, 318 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-28

The Information Technology Advisory Committee recommends the Judicial Council amend rule 2.255 of the California Rules of Court. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to require an electronic filing service provider to allow an electronic filer to proceed with an electronic filing even if the electronic filer does not consent to receive electronic service. The proposal originated with comments received from the Superior Court of Orange County and the Joint Rules Subcommittee of the Trial Court Presiding Judges Advisory Committee and Court Executives Advisory Committee.

Rules and Forms: Electronic Filing and Service, SPR19-40 (PDF, 117 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-40

The Information Technology Advisory Committee recommends the Judicial Council amend rules 2.251, 2.255, and 2.257 of the California Rules of Court. The purpose of the proposed amendments to rules 2.251 and 2.255 is to (1) specify how notice of consent to electronic service is to be given, (2) provide example language for consent, and (3) require electronic filing service providers and electronic filing managers to transmit a person’s consent to the court. The proposed amendments to rules 2.251 and 2.255 originated with comments received from the Superior Court of San Diego County. The purpose of the proposed amendments to rule 2.257 is to reduce the reliance on paper for signatures on electronically filed documents and include other persons in addition to parties within the scope of the rule. The proposed amendments to rule 2.257 originated with comments received from the Department of Child Support Services and Judicial Council staff.

Rules and Forms: Remote Access to Electronic Records by Government Entities, SPR19-41 (PDF, 131 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-41

The Information Technology Advisory Committee recommends that the Judicial Council amend rule 2.540 of the California Rules of Court to add “county public administrator” and “county public conservator” to the list of government entities that may be granted remote access to certain electronic records, and make a minor amendment to the good cause provision of the rule. The purpose of the proposal is to make the rule clearer and more comprehensive based on comments received when the rule was originally circulated for public comment in 2018.

Tactical Plan for Technology 2019-2020 (PDF, 704 KB)
Item Number: SP19-01

As part of its 2018 Annual Agenda, the Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) initiated a workstream to update the Tactical Plan for Technology 2017-2018. After analyzing the Strategic Plan for Technology 2019-2022 updated goals, evaluating existing initiatives, and incorporating new initiatives, the workstream now requests your input on the initial draft of the updated Tactical Plan for Technology 2019-2020.

Court Technology: Strategic Plan for Technology 2019-2022 (PDF, 486 KB)
Item Number: SP18-15

Technology: Rules Modernization Project (PDF, 230 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-36

As part of the Rules Modernization Project, the Information Technology Advisory Committee recommends amending several rules related to electronic service and electronic filing. The purpose of the proposal is to conform the rules to the Code of Civil Procedure, clarify and remove redundancies in rule definitions, and ensure indigent filers are not required to have a payment mechanism to create an account with electronic filing service providers (EFSPs). The proposal includes amendments required by statute and suggested by the public.

Technology: Remote Access to Electronic Records (PDF, 335 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-37

The proposal makes limited amendments to rules governing public access to electronic trial court records and creates a new set of rules governing remote access to such records by parties, parties’ attorneys, court-appointed persons, authorized persons working in a legal organization or qualified legal services project, and government entities. The purpose of the proposal is to facilitate existing relationships and provide clear authority to the courts.

The project to develop the new rules originated with the California Judicial Branch Tactical Plan for Technology, 2017–2018. Under the tactical plan, a major task under the “Technology Initiatives to Promote Rule and Legislative Changes” is to develop rules “for online access to court records for parties and justice partners.” (Judicial Council of Cal., California Judicial Branch Tactical Plan for Technology, 2017–2018 (2017), p. 47.)

Technology: Rules Modernization Project Proposed Rules (PDF, 150 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-38

As part of the Rules Modernization Project, the Information Technology Advisory Committee and Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommend adopting a new form for withdrawal of consent to electronic service. The purpose of the proposal is to comply with Code of Civil Procedure section 1010.6(a)(6), which requires the Judicial Council to create such a form by January 1, 2019.

Technology: Rules Modernization Project (PDF, 279 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-25

Tactical Plan for Technology 2017-2018 (Deadline extended) (PDF, 603 KB)
Item Number: SP16-14

Juvenile Law: Electronic Filing and Service in Juvenile Proceedings (PDF, 126 KB)
Item Number: LEg16-08

Probate: Electronic Service of Notices and Other Papers in Probate, Guardianship, Conservatorship, and Other Protective Proceedings (PDF, 182 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-09

Technology: Electronic Filing, Service, and Signatures (PDF, 114 KB)
Item Number: LEG16-10

Appellate Procedure: Ensure Consistency Between E-filing Rules and Court Practices (PDF, 154 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-06

Technology: Modernization of the Rules of Court (Phase II of the Rules Modernization Project) (PDF, 336 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-25

Technology: Modernization of the Appellate Rules of Court (Phase II of the Rules Modernization Project) (PDF, 2058 KB)
Item Number: SPR16-26

Judicial Administration: Implementation of Court Technology Governance and Strategic Plan (PDF, 300 KB)
Item Number: SP15-04

Court Technology Governance and Strategic Plan (PDF, 5166 KB)
Item Number: SP14-04

Mandatory E-Filing: Draft Uniform Rules To Implement Assembly Bill 2073 (PDF, 730 KB)
Item Number: W13-05

Adopt Advancing Access to Justice Through Technology: Principles for Judicial Branch Initiatives (PDF, 315 KB)
Item Number: SP11-15

Court Technology: Electronic Filing and Service in the Supreme Court and the Courts of Appeal (PDF, 195 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-27

Proposed Orders: Electronic Submission of Proposed Orders (PDF, 44 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-21

Electronic Service: Rule Amendments to Authorize Electronic Service by Notice and Hyperlink; Revision of Forms on Electronic Filing and Service (PDF, 428 KB)
Item Number: SPR10-22

Appellate Procedure: Electronic Filing Pilot Program in the Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District (PDF, 172 KB)
Item Number: W10-04

Electronic Filing and Service: Changes to the Rules (PDF, 171 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-26

Forms for Electronic Service: Consent to Electronic Service and Change of Electronic Notification Address (PDF, 103 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-27

Forms for Electronic Service: Proof of Service (PDF, 120 KB)
Item Number: SPR09-28

Electronic Filing and Service and Service by Fax (PDF, 707 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-22

Public Access to Electronic Records: Records in Proceedings to Prevent Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse or Workplace Violence (PDF, 530 KB)
Item Number: SPR07-23

Traffic: Officer’s Declaration in Trial by Written Declaration (PDF, 411 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-32

The Traffic Advisory Committee proposes changes to form TR-235, Officer’s Declaration, used in trials by written declaration for certain traffic infractions. The committee proposes to revise the form to state that an officer should verify that the current version of the engineering and traffic survey (ETS) is on file with the court before checking a box that states the ETS is on file. The committee also proposes to amend an out-of-date reference to the length of validity of an ETS and other minor updates to the form.

Traffic: Mandatory Reminder Notices—Traffic Procedures (PDF, 313 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-33

The Traffic Advisory Committee proposes revising a rule of court to clarify the procedures for a court to follow for sending infraction notices. The committee proposes exceptions to the notice procedures when a court does not have a litigant’s address or the information necessary (or the technological capability) to send a notice electronically. Additionally, the proposal includes revisions to improve readability and changes to comply with current law.

Traffic: Instructions for Notice to Appear and Related Forms (PDF, 5621 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-34

The Traffic Advisory Committee proposes revising form TR-INST for clarification. Form TRINST provides a manual of instructions for the notice to appear and related forms that include forms TR-100, TR-106, TR-108, TR-115, TR-120, TR-130, and TR-140. The proposal addresses technical amendments and corrections and responds to several suggestions from forms users.

Traffic: Ability-to-Pay Request Form and Court Order (PDF, 704 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-35

Several courts have requested changes to form TR-320/CR-320, Can’t Afford to Pay Fine: Traffic and Other Infractions, and to form TR-321/CR-321, Can’t Afford to Pay Fine: Traffic and Other Infractions (Court Order). They have specifically requested that these forms provide an option for a litigant to enter a plea on the form itself, so that litigants would not be required to appear in court to enter a guilty or no-contest plea in traffic and other infraction cases. Stakeholders have also requested the types of public benefits listed on the form be expanded. The Traffic Advisory Committee proposes changes that would make the forms conform with the options currently offered through the court’s online ability-to-pay tool, MyCitations.

Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules: 2024 Edition (PDF, 2986 KB)
Item Number: SP23-09

The Traffic Advisory Committee proposes revisions to the Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules, 2024 Edition, effective January 1, 2024. The 2024 proposal includes: (1) recommendations based on legislation, as required under Vehicle Code section 40310 and Penal Code section 1269b, (2) recommended changes and additions proposed by courts and justice system partners, and (3) miscellaneous technical changes.

Traffic and Criminal Law: Notice to Appear Forms (PDF, 1676 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-31

The Traffic Advisory Committee recommends amending a rule of court, revising and revoking notice to appear forms (commonly known as a “citation” or “traffic ticket”), revising the notice to correct violation, and revising the related instruction forms. These changes are recommended to reflect recent statutory changes, improve litigant understanding of the citation, and avoid redundant form requirements.

Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules: 2023 Edition (PDF, 2770 KB)
Item Number: SP22-15

Please review and respond by October 26, 2022

Traffic: Repeal Outdated Rule on Remote Video Proceedings and Related Forms (PDF, 2348 KB)
Item Number: SP22-05

The Traffic Advisory Committee proposes repealing California Rules of Court, rule 4.220 (Remote video proceedings in traffic infractions), and revoking the forms based on that rule, effective May 13, 2022. Penal Code section 1428.5, which became effective on January 1, 2022, authorizes remote proceedings for all infraction cases, and authorizes the council to adopt rules regarding such proceedings. Rule 4.220, adopted before the new Penal Code section, is more restrictive than permitted under the new statute and is inconsistent with how courts have conducted remote proceedings for infractions under emergency rules 3 and 5. Because those rules will sunset on June 20, 2022, if current rule 4.220 is not repealed before that date, it may restrict remote proceedings of infractions by requiring witnesses to testify at a designated public location only, and access to justice will be severely limited. As Judicial Council forms TR-500-INFO, TR-505, and TR-510 are based on rule 4.220, the committee recommends revoking them as well.

Traffic: Confidentiality of Financial Information Submitted Electronically as Part of an Ability-to-Pay Determination (PDF, 319 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-28

The Traffic Advisory Committee recommends amendments to California Rules of Court, rule 4.336, to keep confidential financial information submitted electronically for ability-to-pay determinations through online options, including the Judicial Council’s online tool for requesting a fine reduction called MyCitations.

Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules: 2022 Edition (PDF, 3087 KB)
Item Number: SP21-09

Please review and respond by November 15, 2021

Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules: 2021 Edition (PDF, 3173 KB)
Item Number: SP20-08

Please review and respond by October 28, 2020 

Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules: 2020 Edition (PDF, 2840 KB)
Item Number: SP19-11

Please review and respond by November 8, 2019

Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules: 2019 Edition (PDF, 2674 KB)
Item Number: SP18-20

Please review and respond by October 26, 2018

Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules: 2018 Edition (PDF, 2566 KB)
Item Number: SP17-06

Traffic and Criminal Procedure: Forms and Rule on Ability to Pay in Traffic and Other Infraction Cases - SP17-04 (PDF, 1089 KB)
Item Number: SP17-04

Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules, 2017 Edition (PDF, 2421 KB)
Item Number: SP16-12

Traffic and Criminal Procedure: Infraction Procedures Regarding Bail, Fines, Fees, and Assessments; Mandatory Courtesy Notices; and Ability to Pay Determinations (PDF, 329 KB)
Item Number: SP16-08

Traffic: Installment Payment of Bail Forfeiture and Traffic Violator School Fees (PDF, 371 KB)
Item Number: SP16-09

Traffic: Online Installment Payment of Bail Forfeiture and Traffic Violator School Fees (PDF, 395 KB)
Item Number: SP16-10

Traffic and Criminal Procedure: Infraction Procedures Regarding Bail, Fines, and Assessments (PDF, 92 KB)
Item Number: SP16-02

Traffic: Installment Payment of Bail Forfeiture and Traffic Violator School Fees (PDF, 162 KB)
Item Number: SP16-03

Traffic: Online Installment Payment of Bail Forfeiture and Traffic Violator School Fees (PDF, 187 KB)
Item Number: SP16-04

Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules: 2016 Edition (PDF, 871 KB)
Item Number: SP15-10

Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules: 2015 Edition (PDF, 904 KB)
Item Number: SP14-11

Traffic and Criminal Law: Notice to Appear Forms (PDF, 762 KB)
Item Number: SP14-10

SP13-09 Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules, 2014 Edition (PDF, 896 KB)
Item Number: SP13-09

Traffic: Automated Traffic Enforcement System Notice to Appear (PDF, 622 KB)
Item Number: W13-10

2013 Bail and Penalty Schedule (PDF, 756 KB)
Item Number: SP12-11

Traffic and Criminal Law: Notice to Appear Forms (PDF, 427 KB)
Item Number: SPR12-27

2012 Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules (PDF, 1045 KB)
Item Number: SP11-17

Procedures and eligibility criteria for attending traffic violator school (PDF, 344 KB)
Item Number: SP11-01

2010 Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules (PDF, 538 KB)
Item Number: SP09-08

2008 Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules (revise schedules) (PDF, 462 KB)
Item Number: SP07-24

2009 Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules (PDF, 681 KB)
Item Number: SP08-08

Traffic Infractions: Installment Payment of Bail Forfeitures and Traffic Violator School Fees (PDF, 136 KB)
Item Number: SP08-02

Family and Juvenile Law: Recognition and Enforcement of Tribal Court Child Custody Orders (PDF, 1707 KB)
Item Number: SPR24-36

The Tribal Court–State Court Forum and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee propose that, effective January 1, 2025, the Judicial Council approve two new forms and revise four existing forms to clarify that the requirement to recognize and enforce child custody orders under the provisions of the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (found in sections 3400–3465 of the Family Code) applies to custody orders issued by a tribal court. Tribal court judges report that they have experienced problems having their child custody orders registered and enforced because the existing form refers only to out-of-state custody orders and does not reference tribal court orders.

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA):Discretionary Tribal Participation (PDF, 450 KB)
Item Number: SPR23-32

The Tribal Court–State Court Forum and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee propose that, effective January 1, 2024, the Judicial Council amend California Rules of Court, rules 5.482 and 5.530, and approve Request for Tribal Participation (form ICWA-042). These rules and this form clarify the process and set standards consistent with California statutes for the court’s exercise of discretion to permit the participation of a tribe in juvenile cases involving a child affiliated with the tribe, despite no statutory right to participate or intervene under the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and section 224.4 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. As discussed in more detail below, although California law set out in the Welfare and Institutions Code protects the relationship between tribes and their children beyond the scope of ICWA and permits tribal participation in juvenile cases in various situations where ICWA does not apply,
tribal leaders and other advocates report that courts often decline to permit tribes to participate in juvenile cases if ICWA does not apply.

Family Law: Recognition of Tribal Court Orders Relating to Division of Marital Assets (PDF, 939 KB)
Item Number: SPR22-11

In 2020 the Legislature passed Assembly Bill 627 (Stats. 2021, ch. 58),1 Judicial Council–sponsored legislation that added section 2611 to the Family Code and revised various provisions of the Tribal Court Civil Money Judgment Act found in the Code of Civil Procedure. The provisions ensure that divorce or dissolution judgments issued by tribal courts that include division of pension assets are effective and, in particular, are recognized as meeting the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). AB 627 mandated that the Judicial Council adopt forms to implement the legislation.

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA): Implementation of AB 3176 in Probate Guardianships and Conservatorships (PDF, 1257 KB)
Item Number: SPR21-13

The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee and the Tribal Court–State Court Forum (forum) recommend amending four rules of court and revising two forms to clarify the procedures required in probate guardianship and conservatorship proceedings involving an Indian child to which the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) may or does apply. The proposed amendments and revisions would update the rules and forms to conform to the requirements of the 2016 federal ICWA regulations, California statutory changes, and recent amendments to the California Rules of Court governing ICWA proceedings generally.

Proposal for Judicial Council–Sponsored Legislation (Family Law): Recognition of Tribal Court Orders Relating to the Division of Marital Assets (PDF, 303 KB)
Item Number: LEG20-03

As a result of comments from tribal court judges and advocates, the California Tribal Court–State Court Forum (Forum) and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee (Committee) recommend that the Judicial Council, effective January 1, 2022, sponsor legislation to add section 2611 to the Family Code and add subsection 1736(c) to the Code of Civil Procedure to ensure that valid divorce or dissolution judgments issued by tribal courts that include division of pension assets are effective and in particular are recognized as meeting the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA): Consent to Temporary Custody of an Indian Child (PDF, 488 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-29

The Tribal Court–State Court Forum and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend effective January 1, 2021, amending rule 5.514 and adopting a new mandatory form to be used to have a judge witness the consent of an Indian parent or custodian to the temporary custodial placement of an Indian child in accordance with section 1913 of title 25 of the United States Code, 25 Code of Federal Regulations parts 23.125–23.127, and Welfare and Institutions Code section 16507.4(b)(3).

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA): Tribal Information Form (PDF, 472 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-30

The Tribal Court–State Court Forum and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend revising rule 5.522 of the California Rules of Court and approving a new optional form and instructions sheet for that form, effective January 1, 2021, to be used by an Indian child’s tribe to provide information to the court on issues where consultation with the child’s tribe is required by the Indian Child Welfare Act, and the tribe’s position on these issues in cases governed by the Indian Child Welfare Act. This proposal originated with comments from tribal advocates and attorneys.

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA): Remote Appearance by an Indian Child’s Tribe in ICWA Proceedings (PDF, 330 KB)
Item Number: SPR20-31

The Tribal Court–State Court Forum and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend that the Judicial Council amend rules 5.9, 5.482, and 5.531 of the California Rules of Court, effective January 1, 2021, to permit an Indian child’s tribe to participate by telephone or other computerized remote means in any hearing in a proceeding governed by the Indian Child Welfare Act, as required by section 224.2(k) of the Welfare and Institutions Code.

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA): Implementation of AB 3176 for Indian Children, SPR19-42 (PDF, 1727 KB)
Item Number: SPR19-42

The Tribal Court–State Court Forum (forum) and the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommend adopting a new rule of court, amending several other California Rules of Court, and revising several forms for Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and juvenile court dependency proceedings to comply with statutory changes in Assembly Bill 3176 (Waldron; Stats. 2018, ch. 833) as well as changes to governing federal regulations and guidelines. The proposal also addresses technical amendments and corrections, and responds to several appellate court decisions regarding ICWA rules and forms.

Indian Child Welfare Act: Waiver of Certain Pro Hac Vice Requirements for Attorneys Representing Tribes in Indian Child Welfare Act cases (PDF, 89 KB)
Item Number: SPR18-39

The Tribal Court–State Court Forum recommends amending California Rules of Court, rule 9.40, governing out-of-state counsel appearing pro hac vice. The amendment would exempt from two of the requirements of rule 9.40 attorneys representing an Indian tribe in a child custody proceeding governed by the Indian Child Welfare Act (25 U.S.C. §§ 1903–1963; ICWA). Under ICWA, Indian parents and custodians are entitled to appointed counsel, and Indian tribes and custodians are entitled to intervene in state court child custody proceedings governed by ICWA. The California ICWA Compliance Task Force suggested that certain pro hac vice requirements should be waived for out-of-state attorneys in cases governed by the Indian Child Welfare Act to improve tribal representation in ICWA cases in California courts.

Family Law: Transfers of Title IV-D Child Support Cases Between State and Tribal Court (PDF, 189 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-18

Indian Child Welfare Act: Amend Rule 5.552 to Allow Indian Child’s Tribe Access to Court Records Consistent with Welfare and Institutions Code Section 827 (PDF, 224 KB)
Item Number: SPR17-16

Family and Juvenile Law: Transfers of Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) proceedings to Tribal Court (PDF, 694 KB)
Item Number: SPR15-27

Juvenile Law: Ensuring Tribal Receipt of Appellate Records (PDF, 152 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-12

Tribal Court Protective Orders: Registration and Enforcement (PDF, 124 KB)
Item Number: SPR11-53

Proposed Legislation for Recognition and Enforcement of Tribal Court Civil Judgments (Code of Civ. Proc. §§ 1730 –1739) (PDF, 343 KB)
Item Number: LEG11-03

Proposed Legislation for Recognition and Enforcement of Tribal Court Civil Judgments (PDF, 115 KB)
Item Number: LEG11-04

Juvenile Law: Psychotropic Medications (PDF, 160 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-18

Family Law: New Rule for Title IV-D Case Transfers to Tribal Court (PDF, 112 KB)
Item Number: SPR13-17

Proposed Legislation: Tribal Access to Confidential Juvenile Court Files (PDF, 80 KB)
Item Number: LEG13-03