Interdisciplinary Education on Permanency and the Courts, RFP# CFCC-201501-JR

The Judicial Council seeks the services of an entity with expertise in interdisciplinary education on improving permanency for families and children in the foster care system. The contractor will be expected to develop and pilot curricula in the first year, and provide four trainings in the second year, each lasting approximately 12 hours over two days, for a minimum of 125 up to 175 participants at each training. The contractor’s responsibility and proposed costs shall include all aspects of the training including providing venues and faculty, marketing the training and providing registration, coordinating the training on-site, providing credit to participants, and evaluating efforts. The curriculum and training plan will be devised by contractor in consultation with Judicial Council Center for Families, Children & the Courts education staff. The funding available for this project is between $160,000.00 and $190,000.00, which includes all expenses, including travel, venue, material, faculty, and other expenses associated with deliverables. The work is expected to begin May 15, 2015 and end by June 2015 in the first year (“Year 1”), with an option renewal to begin in July 2015 and end in June 2016 in the second year (“Year 2”).

Questions should be directed to by April 6, 2015.

Proposals must be received by no later than 3:00 pm Pacific Time, April 17, 2015.

Hard copy proposals must be delivered to:
Judicial Council of California
Attn: Nadine McFadden - RFP# CFCC-201501-JR
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102

Further details regarding the solicitation are set forth in the RFP and related documents provided, below:

RFP (Revised April 10, 2015)

Addendum 1

Attachment 1 Administrative Rules Governing RFPs (IT Goods and Services)

Attachment 2 Judicial Council Standard Terms and Conditions (Revised April 10, 2015)

Attachment 3 Proposer’s Acceptance of Contract Terms and Conditions

Attachment 4 General Certifications

Attachment 5 Darfur Contracting Act Certification

Attachment 6 Payee Data Record Form

Attachment 7 Cost Proposal Breakdown Form

Questions and Answers

Notice of Intent to Award